Feild of ferocity Redux isn't working either

Huntermaster Amma isn’t working either.
can’t speak with Gurgthok to get him to come down.


Came to report the same thing.

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still broken checked for 2 days now

Reporting the same thing in Frostmourne US
Unable to start the encounter

Same issue, Aggramar

Same it’s not working on Scarlet Crusade either. I’ve tried relogging / zoning & nothing works

Same here, cant speak to Gurgthok

things I’ve tried to get this to trigger:

Trying to start on an alt that is ON one of the original quests
war mode on/off
changing shards
log out/in

No change, cannot even start on the alt that is on the primary quest to try and do the original work around anymore.

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Same here on Dalaran server, the WQ for field of Ferocity have been bugged this whole week.

Can confirm. Still not working. Looked up the customer support under the problem and it says in game that it was fixed, but I can say it most certainly isn’t lol. Hopefully they fix it. Collected quest and can’t talk to Gurgthock to start it. It was working a few weeks ago, but not anymore.

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Hasn’t been working all day. Tried it on several shards (custom group finder) and no go. NPC doesn’t talk or have the option to spawn the mob.