Feign Death + Trap Bug

Now add to this that scatter trap share DR, so the only way to consistently trap someone is to DR them. I wouldn’t mind scatter trap sharing DR if you could actually trap someone without scatter. As an ex: melee on you, you feign and drop trap but cant get out of combat to drop a trap. Have to scatter to allow for batching to take place.

(PvP only, PvE is a joke)

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hey can we get an update on this? really not fun not being able to cc someone especially in bgs haha

#nochanges except the most core hunter mechanic doesn’t work 60%+ of the time. very nice

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no changes except for a competent dev team


It’s not just hunter, it’s pretty much every class.

Daily “FD is broken but activision doesn’t care” bumpp


I have zero issue with FD+trap so far, i find it very odd so many people are reporting this issue when i’ve never had a problem.

I played hunter back in the day and just leveled another hunter alt to 60 for classic. I even have small video clips recorded showing FD+trap working perfectly fine

We’re not talking about PVE here buddy. Go bak to retail.


I was just in a WSG and feigned death and had to wait 4-5 seconds before i could use a trap with nobody around me and my pet was right beside me! Fix the Crap. I’m about done with this company.


It’s pretty great how blizzard can’t even compete with passionate players who create private servers for free now. But I guess it makes sense since blizzard lacks the passion aspect they used to have.

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The glaring issue is that there should not be said delay. I played hunter in vanilla through bc and wrath and it never worked like it does now. It’s the first time I’ve completely shelved a hunter because of how awfully clunky and unreliable it is. Combat should be dropped right as feign death is pressed thus allowing use of traps, but with that second delay and target not being dropped on use there’s no way to get a feign death freezing trap off as it is now. You’d have to be playing keyboard turning drooling monkeys to get trapped in combat as it is now.

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Is this still broken?? It’s been what, 4 months?!

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Longer. It’s been this way since Beta. That’s more like 7 or 8 months. Maybe longer?

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Well, Blizz is just a small indie company, so we can afford to be patient while they get acclimated to game development. They’re new to this, right?

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still broken… it doesnt always fail, but when it does, it feels really bad. Feels like you get hit with lag, but i’m on a consistent 45ms connection to blizz servers.

Someone needs to make an addon that tracks the server pulses so we know when we can use it and it will work

Someone who knows how to make addons, i’ll pay you for it! lol

They say its not the server ticks doing it. but it is. The client is a modded legion client. So that means the server is processing the classic mod AFTER it has processed the legion data. In legion, you dont have to be out of combat for traps to work. so they modded on top of that, to keep your traps locked out in combat. That extra processing doesnt come free and it’s the delay we are facing.

Remeber, all the differences for legion arent hard coded in there. It’s just layered on top.

So instead of:

{server pulse}
Vanilla Server: i see you used feign death and it worked, so I agree you are out of combat and can use traps
{server pulse}


{server pulse}
Server: I see you used feign and you think it worked, but i need to run a script with classic-mod.
Classic mod: Traps are locked in combat.
{Server pulse}
Server: he’s out of combat
Classic mod: check his pet
Server: his pet is passive
Classic mod: ok, traps are good to use
{server pulse}
Server: Ok player, you can use traps now.
Player: I’m dead…
{server pulse}

You died because all the other combat going on is running on native legion code, while this script is screwing up the timing.

The server isnt waiting for these classic scripts, It’s busy playing legion.

To me, this is a failed experiment. No amount of reorganizing operations is going to fix it.

The only thing we can do is find a way to see the server ticks, so we can use the ability RIGHT AFTER the server beat. then you have an entire pulse cycle to let the script process. Thats why sometimes it works fine.

But their reference client? There isnt a fully functioning reference client. In order fo that to happen, they would have to SIMULATE the vanilla client and server. They can add lag and all kinds of stuff to simulated servers. But the devs know it’s not a real reference client. They are misleading us. they are adding 400ms lag to their simulated servers. This makes their simulation act like our current client does, so they stick with it.

Why stick with it if they know its wrong? Corporate Standard Operating Procedure.

They probably have a writeup where it’s worded just right, that there will be NO CHANGES from the SIMULATION without massive amounts of review from the top dogs who are busy with Shadowlands.

Anyway, modders, please find a way to show the server pulses in an addon like weapon swing timer. As soon as we get that, we can go back to trapping like vanilla with just a bit more difficulty.


It would be nice if they could quit taking the cheap route on everything. Maybe my standards are too high, but I expected blizzard to faithfully recreate vanilla as it was seeing as it was their original creation. Why cheap out using the newest version of the game and trying to patch over that?

It is a recipe for a buggy mess, which it has been, and should have been recreated from the ground up in its own client. Classic is a product of this age, unfinished rushed products that game companies hype up. And they don’t care if they fall flat because they already have your money. It’s tough to enjoy classic the way it is right now, thankfully I am enjoying my warrior because I cannot touch my hunter as it is now.

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Daily “classic WoW was a ploy to keep Activision investors happy and they don’t care about its long term success” thread. FD never getting fixed but i’ll bump anyways : )

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Canceled both subs until this is fixed. Blizzard - you can verify and confirm this. Hopefully this gets more attention for them to resolve game breaking bugs.(class specific)


Bumping this cause it’s still not fixed yet.

I really do not see the point in continuing my subscription when the class I wanted to play is fundamentally broken and you (blizzard) are too incompetent to fix it.



What a mess.

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