still broken… it doesnt always fail, but when it does, it feels really bad. Feels like you get hit with lag, but i’m on a consistent 45ms connection to blizz servers.
Someone needs to make an addon that tracks the server pulses so we know when we can use it and it will work
Someone who knows how to make addons, i’ll pay you for it! lol
They say its not the server ticks doing it. but it is. The client is a modded legion client. So that means the server is processing the classic mod AFTER it has processed the legion data. In legion, you dont have to be out of combat for traps to work. so they modded on top of that, to keep your traps locked out in combat. That extra processing doesnt come free and it’s the delay we are facing.
Remeber, all the differences for legion arent hard coded in there. It’s just layered on top.
So instead of:
{server pulse}
Vanilla Server: i see you used feign death and it worked, so I agree you are out of combat and can use traps
{server pulse}
{server pulse}
Server: I see you used feign and you think it worked, but i need to run a script with classic-mod.
Classic mod: Traps are locked in combat.
{Server pulse}
Server: he’s out of combat
Classic mod: check his pet
Server: his pet is passive
Classic mod: ok, traps are good to use
{server pulse}
Server: Ok player, you can use traps now.
Player: I’m dead…
{server pulse}
You died because all the other combat going on is running on native legion code, while this script is screwing up the timing.
The server isnt waiting for these classic scripts, It’s busy playing legion.
To me, this is a failed experiment. No amount of reorganizing operations is going to fix it.
The only thing we can do is find a way to see the server ticks, so we can use the ability RIGHT AFTER the server beat. then you have an entire pulse cycle to let the script process. Thats why sometimes it works fine.
But their reference client? There isnt a fully functioning reference client. In order fo that to happen, they would have to SIMULATE the vanilla client and server. They can add lag and all kinds of stuff to simulated servers. But the devs know it’s not a real reference client. They are misleading us. they are adding 400ms lag to their simulated servers. This makes their simulation act like our current client does, so they stick with it.
Why stick with it if they know its wrong? Corporate Standard Operating Procedure.
They probably have a writeup where it’s worded just right, that there will be NO CHANGES from the SIMULATION without massive amounts of review from the top dogs who are busy with Shadowlands.
Anyway, modders, please find a way to show the server pulses in an addon like weapon swing timer. As soon as we get that, we can go back to trapping like vanilla with just a bit more difficulty.