Feign Death + Trap Bug

Here is my take on this whole mess. Its not actually the spell batching directly, its the way it was implemented. That’s to say they some how forgot about ordering. I had a theory prior to the blue post saying FD was fixed that they had messed up the order of things with batching in general.

I figured this was the case of a lot of bugs because of the way spell interrupts are working right now. I dont remember having such issues with kicking/pummel/charge/shield slam etc stopping spells. Right now you better get that spell in the first 1/2 second or everything goes off and your spell interrupt goes on cool-down but they still cast. Lets look at an example of charge and trap.

  1. Hunter traps
  2. Warrior charges over trap
  3. Trap goes off
  4. Warrior hamstrings

Now assume that all of these things happen in the same batch. Some of these things make other things impossible ie. if a warrior is trapped he cannot hamstring. So #4 cannot happen. But if they have the order of this messed up on the server it can cause all kinds of weird interactions ie. hamstring while hes trapped. The order is executing like this:

  1. Hunter traps
  2. Warrior charges over trap
  3. Warrior hamstrings
  4. Trap goes off

This can happen with lots of other skills to. With kick for instance. If you have a spell cast in the last 400ms of the cast and you kick it the server will see a batch with kick and the spell casting. What order does it execute the commands? It should say “Well the rogue kicked the spell and thus kick interrupted the cast” but what seems to be happening is that its random, sometimes it works and sometimes it does not. This to me indicates they messed up the order within the batching system. The fix for this (without removing such long spell batching) is to rework the priority system and fix the order of basically everything. Druids have a ton of bugs with power shifting. I bet its due to ordering too. ie.

Shift to cat
apply aura
apply extra energy

but whats happening is more like:

apply aura <- fails because they are not in cat and thus you end up in cat without
Shift to cat
apply extra energy

TLDR: imo the order of skills being executed is wrong on the server side