Feign death IS NOT working in arena

Been trying to up my rating in solo shuffle. One recurrent theme/issue is that when I FD, shammy pets do not drop aggro. It’s crap and needs to be fixed. They shouldn’t have more damn pets than a BM hunter does…

Hope you’re having fun!


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Do you have a clip of this happening? I have not experienced this issue.

This I don’t understand at all.

No, I don’t have a clip and it’s not a one time thing either.

Elemental pets, wolves, all sorts of crap.

thats cool, you still FD off all my dots that i spent 40 seconds ramping up, just to take no damage.

dont complain about pets not dropping aggro when you FD and lose all dots and get a shield for a couple seconds.

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Some people try to feign death as they’re still moving and have the effect automatically cancel which usually doesn’t break targetting from pets and the like. It drops combat but doesnt drop the pet’s targetting and then they camo and wonder why they just instantly got attacked out.

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My pets got a keen eye for bs. Just like watching a soccer player dive.