Feedback: Shamans

HST was moved to Resto only because the real healing it provided was not ‘utility’, it never saved anyone and amounted for less than a % of total overall healing in a raid setting.

We have Cata Classic to prove that:
classic.warcraftlogs com/reports/4Pw1kgaBcjmYdN9T#fight=27&type=healing

As you can see, the Ele shaman’s HST provided 34k total healing over Omnotron, which has a lot of AoE. This accounted for 0.2% of the group’s healing. Troll racial does more healing than this.

Want to pipe in and also say that many of us really enjoy Primordial Wave and the fast-paced, setup-based, short-cooldown playstyle it provides for Enhancement Shaman. The Season 3 (and Season 4) set bonus that put our Primordial Wave on effectively a 20 second cooldown for frequent funnel opportunities during raid and a big haste buff on every pack in M+ has been one of the most fun tier sets I’ve ever played with. Losing it will be a shame.


pls respond, how is this thing still invisible after like 10 yrs? pls update visuals or remove from game ty


Can you please reword your question? I don’t understand what you want me to argue.

Are you saying that totems are more useful than I’m saying or less useful?

Are you saying old totems didn’t provide good utility and the new ones do much better / comparable so their removal didn’t matter?

Both, actually. That old totems didn’t actually provide noticeable utility (such as HST for Ele/Enh providing less than a % of total overall healing) and that the new ones provide much stronger effects than the old versions.


you should be able to just make a macro like
/cast [@player] Surging Totem
and it will function the same as before

I’d say the talent tree is too limiting to activate multiple utility spells.

1 Like


  • Elemental

    • All damage increased by 30%

Lest go shaman

It’s amusing how they call it a ‘hotfix’ in ‘beta’ for something that hasn’t even been patched yet due to poor public opinion. Honestly, I think Blizzard is just playing with numbers to quell public dissent. There are no staff members who properly understand the Shaman’s issues; if there were, we wouldn’t be in this situation. Let’s see what happens next week.

The wow dev that had shamans at the bottom of the list to make changes that were always set to be done before 11.0: “Yup, you sure did.”

It depends which point you’re talking about. Pre-MoP, Shamans were pretty much brought to raids because of the utility of their totems. They gave a lot of bonuses that made things better for the players.

The new ones don’t hold up in my opinion and we have far less of them.


Elemental Shaman Feedback Summary from Extensive Personal and Community Experience

Rotation and Playstyle

Overall, Elemental Shaman has limited DPS situations where it excels, requiring careful selection for each situation. This makes the spec less desirable for late-stage raid bosses that demand adaptability to various scenarios.

All Elemental Shaman builds lack burst DPS.

  • LvB Build: Faces issues with AoE DPS.
  • LB Build: Struggles with cleave DPS and lacks mobility for casting while moving.

Each build promotes spamming a single ability excessively.

Stat requirements vary greatly depending on the situation. If optimized stats are not achievable, performance drops significantly. This necessitates a large amount of gear, reducing situational adaptability compared to other specs.

Using Chain Lightning (CL) in AoE situations generates significantly more Maelstrom (MS) than single-target DPS, causing large discrepancies in DPS based on the number of targets.

Proposed Solutions

  1. Increase LvB Damage: Increase the cast value of Lava Burst (LvB) by boosting its damage and extending its cooldown. Adjust talents that provide LvB to enhance mixed rotations.
  • This makes LvB more valuable than LB in LB builds and reduces the excessive spamming of LvB in LvB builds.
  1. Stronger Spenders with Higher MS Costs:
  • Elemental Shaman naturally gains more MS in AoE situations. Improving Earthquake’s performance by reducing its cast frequency while increasing its potency can help balance AoE rotation.
  • This raises the value of Mastery and addresses the lack of burst DPS. A personal suggestion is to make Elemental Blast (EB) instant cast and increase the MS cost of Earth Shock (ES) and Earthquake (EQ) to 75 or more.
  1. Revise Mastery and CL Mechanics:
  • The mechanics of CL and Mastery cause Elemental Shaman to be sensitive to the number of targets.
  • Removing MS generation and Overload occurrence based on the number of targets and limiting these to the primary target can solve the issue.
  1. Enhance Elemental Summons:
  • Elementals are generally weak and have not been significantly buffed through various patches. Strengthening them to make SFF and Flame Shock interactions more powerful can solve the lack of burst DPS.
  1. Improve LB Build Mobility:
  • LB builds struggle with increasing raid movement requirements. Allowing LB to be cast while moving can help address this issue.

Utility Issues

Shaman utility is often a weaker version of other classes’ abilities, offering no special advantages. Even totem versions are less favorable compared to other classes.

To address this:

  1. Remove Redundant Totems:
  • Examples include Earthbind Totem, Earthgrab Totem, Poison Cleansing Totem, and Tranquil Air Totem. These contribute to button bloat without significant value.
  1. Enhance Meaningful Totems:
  • Healing Stream Totem: Boost its performance fivefold and increase the cooldown to 1.5 minutes to provide meaningful healing support.
  • Wind Rush Totem: It should perform at least as well as Stampeding Roar.
  • Stone Bulwark Totem: Increase its overall damage reduction, performance, and cooldown to make it a versatile and valuable raid asset. This aligns with the shaman’s fantasy of selfless support.
  1. Improve Personal Survival:
  • While poor personal survival is acceptable, the issue is the lack of compensatory value. Instead of boosting personal survival, enhancing support capabilities aligns better with the shaman’s role.
  • Reducing the cooldown of Reincarnation is a significant solution.

Talent Build Issues

The talent tree contains too many similar talents granting additional LvB and many 2-point talents. Icefury-related talents also contribute to button bloat.

Proposed changes:

  1. Move Icefury to the End of the Talent Tree:
  • Shift Icefury talents to the back and bring forward mastery-related talents. Replace Melting Remnants and Electric Charge with a 20% increase in all elemental damage for a suitable end-of-tree performance boost.
  1. Convert 2/2 Talents to 1/1:
  2. Prune LvB-Providing Talents:
  • Excessive LvB provision promotes LvB spamming. Dragonflight talent tree changes have encouraged this structure. Reverting this can address basic LvB rotation issues and single-target DPS problems.

Raid Synergy Issues

Shamans lack unique raid synergies, with only Enhancement offering any meaningful synergy currently.

Making Windfury Totem a shared ability and adding other useful totems would be beneficial.

Feedback on Far Seer and Stormbringer

Far Seer

  1. Low DPS and Lack of Synergy:
  • The DPS of the ancestors is too low, and there is minimal synergy with the player character. Their duration and the number of summons are too short, making them feel insignificant. There should at least be Maelstrom (MS) generation or talent interactions tied to them.
  1. Insufficient AoE Value:
  • The Chain Lightning (CL) cast by the ancestors is merely a weaker version and does not provide meaningful AoE value.
  1. Overall Lack of Power:
  • The talents tied to Far Seer are generally underpowered.


  1. Weak Damage from Tempest:
  • The damage from Tempest is too low. Tempest is supposed to be the main source of sST DPS for this talent, but its weak damage makes it ineffective. The buff it provides is stronger than the skill itself.
  • This issue causes the Lightning Bolt (LB) build, which focuses on AoE, to lose its balance between AoE and ST DPS due to this heroic talent. To fix this, the damage should be increased by at least 200%.
  1. Build’s Mobility Issues:
  • The build is too weak in terms of mobility, making it unviable for 2024’s encounter designs. Tempest should be instant-cast, and there should be additional mobility-related abilities.
  • I strongly believe that casting LB should allow movement.

The issues outlined have been raised numerous times and summarize community feedback. Regardless of the specific solutions, I hope these problems will see significant resolution soon.


Random but the earthquake animation needs another change yet again. Either show the entire animation on the ground for all players because currently its like a second and disappears but stays active for the player or kinda go back to the old animation but updated. If we continue to see Rain of Fire and Blizzard, why not Earthquake?

Also make it scale with haste again.


I saw the blue post yesterday and wanted to thank Blizzard and Kaivax for it.

I’m impatient for next week (but in same time, a little afraid for what it will be).

I was discussing with a resto about the totemic and his biggest fear was the random place where the totem will cast the Healing Rain. We were imagining to make the totem prioritize the tank or melee dps, but what came on the patch notes is good too.

About Elemental, I already gave my impressions and suggestions, and some gave very interesting and better ones too.
As a Lightnings enjoyer, I hope the Stormbringer heroic tree will bring more spells and visuals.


Well, that kinda depends on when pre-mop.
In vanilla - wrath, you used tremor totem, disease/poison cleansing, and windfury/Wrath totem, and became a bloodlust bot.

In Cata, shamans were taken a lot less outside of tremor utility since hunters and mages got bloodlust equivalents. Plus a lot of those older totems that people did use were replaced between Wrath and Cata.

The main reason I hate Ice Fury is that it doesn’t do anything itself. It just buffs other spells that I have to put on my bars. It would be a lot better if Ice Fury replaced Frost Shock.


No thanks, I enjoy the minigame of weaving Frost Shocks into my rotation. And I like having lots of buttons, so I don’t mind Icefury as an enabler for this.


Another small point of quality of life feedback for Enhancement Shaman: Please take a look at increasing the flame shock spread radius, especially from large mobs that seem to have small hitboxes. It’s sometimes impossible to spread flame shock with Lava Lash to nearby mobs, so increasing the spread radius would be a useful QOL improvement. A good example of this was Neltharion’s Lair first pull - flame shock could not spread from the huge mob to any of the small ones.


Cool ! I need the class in good shape before I make my earthen shaman :slight_smile:

On the cosmetic side, please update Ascendance’s visual. The current version has always been antithetical to what a shaman is supposed to be. Just bring back the glyph visuals from WoD. Windstrike looks lame, please bring back the Stormblast animation.

Please provide the option to disable the visuals of the three elemental shields.