[FEEDBACK] Shadowlands Covenant Switching

I like this one, it just needs to be made known in the beginning. It still irks me that I lost my FoS for purging the Ruby Sanctum on my DK during Legion because others were not aware of it.

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Really good point. Hopefully they communicate that kind of stuff - or at the very least hopefully WoWHead communicates it to us.

No worries - I hadn’t had much sleep, and was wondering what I was missing. :stuck_out_tongue:

And yes, it does seem like a lot of people are on the same page - not liking players being punished only to have Acti-Blizz reap all the benefits.

I like the idea of meaningful choices - but there are a lot of other ways to go about making this happen than imposing a punitive measure on people that are just trying to play the game as best as possible.

I’d much rather see punitive measures taken against players that partake in negative actions in the game rather than actions that objectively help the game.

And I’m fine with that too - but here’s what I don’t want the answer to be: “Murgatroyd, your loyalty bonus will be aesthetic fluff that has no gameplay value” because that has absolutely no value to me.

So, assume I don’t hop factions and you do (for discussion’s sake): How do I get something that has an actual gameplay value for being loyal, which you don’t, without the perception being that you were punished?

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What do you mean by “complaint”?

There are 3 questions and one objective fact being made.

That’s a great question and I like some of these ideas that were presented:

If you absolutely hate RNG - the extra option from the cache helps taper that.

If you enjoy challenging content and use consumables - getting potions/flasks/runes would be huge.

I also think there could be benefits that were vaguely introduced in BfA - the Nazmir guy that you can mount and use from the western flight path is an example.

Or the rewards from the research we did - where you get an additional x% movement bonus after landing from the a flight path. This could be restricted to your covenants zone - or expanded to all zones.

I’m not a big fan of aesthetics either - but would definitely prefer a system that rewards players rather than a company.

These other options all accomplish that in ways that actually impact game-play rather than just "fluff’.

Curious - would any of these be applicable to how you play the game? If not - what would be applicable to your style of play?

What would be your title of choice?

I’ve always wondered why any game would restrict their customers’ ability to play the content created - especially when there’s so much of it, and even more so when being knowledgeable in various areas influences better player skill.

On one hand I’m for the choice being meaningful via the lock. On the other hand… I’m going to be very very VERY annoyed when I make my choice and then the next tier they decide that my choice is just too represented and nerf it… Making me then have to swap convenants for the next tier… only for them to do it AGAIN the next tier.

You want to make these choices meaningful? Fine. Don’t you dare make me swap repeatedly due to your numbers errors.

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That’s a good point. One of the suggestions was to make the “loyalty” timeframe sync up with the tiers/seasons.

This way players could earn their rewards and still be able to switch if they end up making balance changes.

I’m in the same boat - I don’t care much for the RP aesthetic xmogs. I want something meaningful.

The ideas brought out in this thread are pretty decent and make sense from a gameplay point of view. I like the idea of giving our mounts abilities; upgrading visual aspects of them are pretty meh when you account for how many other mounts exist.


Of the ideas already shared in this thread - do any of them gave value to you in your gameplay?

They hit on loot and consumables aside from the transmog and mounts.

You lost your title?

Thought you might appreciate this new video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nRuCFf4hJ8

Have you seen/heard of any new ideas?

Agreed completely - especially when tanks get hit the hardest. DPS players can still use their abilities in PvP to a decent extent; but tanks change specs and the defensive abilities for raids don’t transfer over as well for BG’s and Arenas.

This is such a sad move on Blizzard’s part.

And the outrage was resparked today…