Feedback: Rated Battleground Blitz

are solo q rbgs going to be cross faction like blitz im hopeing so for ques sake

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Hello Devs! This isn’t necessarily something from Blitz on WW beta, but from live I have a feeling carries over to rated Blitz atm. The issue is backfilling and not even the backfilling itself but how the UI bugs out.

Backfilling has been a thing for Blitz since the start but I never backfilled a game myself and sometimes you can’t even tell your team has been backfilled. I backfilled my first game a few days ago on live and here is what happened to me. When I backfilled the game has JUST started. From what I gathered backfilling ONLY happens during the 2 minute prep time and 10 to 15 seconds after the gate opens. Maybe less than 10 honestly. Hard to tell.

  • When I entered game had already started so I couldn’t change my talents. Need something that allows a player that backfilled a game when the gates already opened to change talents even if it’s only for 10 to 15 seconds. Especially in a rated setting.
  • For the entire game I had issues targeting my team AND enemy players. The UI AND my addon (battleground enemies) did not show who had the flag (it was a WSG).
  • I did not show up on the raid/party unit frames OR battleground enemies for people to see me. In fact there was one person who wasn’t targetable/wasn’t even in the BG anymore which was the person that left I would assume.
  • When the battleground ended, the scoreboard popped and I had no way of leaving the BG so I have to wait out the 2 minute timer. The leave button on the bottom of the scoreboard was grayed out for me. There is a screenshot in a tweet I made yesterday. ALSO if you look at the screenshot I am not even on the scoreboard even though I played in 99% of the match.

I would post a screenshot but despite seeing others do it, and I could have sworn I use to be able to it won’t let me even using the hyperlink function. I would be REALLY nice if I could post some visuals. Check my Twitter, my handle is just Mhortai. OR if someone can post it that would be great too lol.



I think a good way to address this is have the flag give points when you are holding it with no bases or something. It doesn’t have to be much like 1/3 of what bases give or something. Once your team has a base you no longer get points from the flag or something.

Backfills in Blitz lead to all kinds of bad things happening. Another thing this can potentially cause is one team having three healers in Blitz. I posted about this before, but zero idea if it has even been seen by the people that need to see it, much less actually fixed.

Also, those sweeping trust level changes that were made many months ago make it quite difficult to give appropriate feedback.

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OH forgot about this too.

A small thing, but still would like to see:

I would love if there was a small grace period when ready checking where if a few people miss, it would immediately try to find replacements if possible instead of resetting the ready check again.

Its kind of a meme how many times queues pop before everyone readies up for the game to start.

Additionally shorten the waiting lobbies since everyone is in. Shouldn’t take as long to start the games and set up a basic strategy.

As a long time PVPer I kind of wonder how many hours of my life have wasted in PVP lobbies waiting for the game to start :thinking:


I would still like to see a PvP dungeon journal put in the game to explain how BGs work. ESPECIALLY now since we Blitz were the current battlegrounds (so not including Deephaul Ravine) all function quite differently in Blitz minus maybe Battle for Gilneas. Some even function a little differently (like Eye of the Storm) just going from non rated to regular rated battlegrounds. Would be an awesome addition imo.


Can we get dedicated Raid markers applied to healers when they join? Knowing the position of your healers is super important, and would be helpful.

Additionally, I think you could expand on the concept to give better UI visual cues for healer positioning across all pvp formats (maybe even helpful in some PVE content?). I made a post here that gives some ideas:

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Would love to know this as well, it would make it a lot more palatable to unlock via RBBs. There’s no way to test this since we can’t copy characters with the achievement to the level 80 realm.

Ya no one knows yet because we can’t copy characters. I would actually like to know this as well. I ASSUME it does because rated BGB unlocks the BG titles like RBGs do.

Speaking of that…this really needs to happen.

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