Feedback: Paladins

For testing purposes, which talent are you referring to?

I see you didn’t read the whole sentence.

No, you probably didn’t. Certainly not Ret, at least, from how you’re talking about things.

Which brings me back to what I said last post:

Or at least for your sake I hope this is the case. This is the best case scenario for you.

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The problem with virtue in higher keys is it always requires more group organization and communication. One mistake and you need to burn the CD and mana, which might throw off any CD preplanning you might have had. Hpal has almost no agency over its CDs because its throughput is almost entirely linked to them. Use them too early and you’re in for a really bad/punishing time. One CC or interrupt mistake by the group and you’re immediately playing from behind.

I do think they need to just remove beacons as they are and add their throughput to glimmer/holy shock. This adds more DPS potential and player skill expression.

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Some actual Lightsmith Feedback.

I’m not exactly sure the percentage of Divine Inspiration, but it may be beneficial if it had either a higher chance of spawning an armament or a move obvious visual that an armament procced.

It is very difficult to tell if this talent is doing anything unless you are looking at your buff bar.

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I see you do not understand what melee means.

I played both ret and DK’s for years. Pally since vanilla, dk’s since wrath.

Also, you’d do well not to simply assume. As there is a saying for that.

At any case let us keep on topic other then insulting each other. This is a feed-back thread, where people give feed-bsck on a class they enjoy.

Which is why I questioned your presence in the first place. Your posts read like a Warlock player who is mad that they can’t just turret for wins anymore.

As I said, I hope this isn’t true because, best case scenario, you’re as I described above. If this is true, worst case scenario is at play which… well, let’s just say you shouldn’t be giving feedback. People who do not (or are incapable of) playing competitively should have no weight put into their statements on what people do or do not need to be competitive.


Why is there still a choice node for Blessed Hammer and Hammer of the Righteous? Blessed Hammer is functionally better in every way. I don’t think many people actually like it. Can you combine them? It could function like a prot warriors revenge. It’s a slash/cone in front and usable without a target.

This guy doesn’t like AC - what do you do in the summer time? :smirk:

I like this! That would be really cool

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Yes. The easy solution would be do some major tuning. But this mess was caused by the 10.1.5 rework (the worst rework in all of DF) and the 10+ consecutive nerfs that follow without any real positive tuning afterwards.

The class right now has:

  • No identity or clear direction going forward
  • a lot of useless/undertuned nodes in spec tree that contradicts its possible playstyles
  • Unimpactful buttons and 7+ CDs. Most of them weak.
  • a broken resource system
  • Mana and DPS issues
  • Insane Button Bloat problems
  • disparity between both Herald And lighsmith tuning
  • infusions being an awful passive right now with overtuned HLs and no much interaction with melee other than Greater Judgment.

It’s broken and has been for 6+ months now without meaningful changes.
Also, did we really needed the Blessing of Sacrifice nerf? Crazy to think now its the worst external in the game.


< insert many choice nodes here that are useless >
But actually though - I’m not a fan of Blessed Hammer, or either to be honest

I would love this. Or I was thinking something similar to the original Divine Storm without the projectile. An AOE ability for easier aggro

can we not? this isnt feedback anymore this is just back and fort hbanter, can we please not bury feedback with stuff like this? this goes for everyone btw, just post what you think the class needs for prot holy and ret then leave it at that, answer questions if you want but do make it turn into a full blown discussion. theres other threads f or that


There were a couple fun things out of shadow lands, and ashen hallow was one of them. But most of the powers we are stuck with are just tedious to have and play around. “Oh, I have blessing of summer, oh I need to dump this and get blessing of winter faster so I don’t go oom… okay, umm now I need to use a CD to get the most benefit from autumn.”

Why do we even have to think about this night fae power. Its like adding work to a game for no “fun” value.


I agree, which is why i stopped responding to him.

Also singling me out on this is not ok.

If you have nothing constructive to add please do not reply.

I am a disabled player with multiple disabilities- blind in one eye, cerebral palsy in one hand that affects how fast I can move around, etc. I’d rather not be constantly dying. Really affects my enjoyment of the game.

Also, this is on ONE or TWO mobs, I’m not pulling crazy numbers.

When designing new things for Hpal why is Blizzard’s go to move RNG based effects?

How much did WoG heal?


  1. Consecration +20%
  2. Dusk +30% or +60%
  3. Afterimage? +30%
  4. Glistening Radiance - +25% chance to proc Glimmers.
  5. Divine Purpose proc? +15%

+125% + ~17% (from Glimmers depending on Glimmer set up).

To put that into perspective. A single WoG cast could heal for 140k or it could heal for 330k and depending on crits closer to 500k - 600k.


  1. All of the above.
  2. Have a Lightsmith Weapon in wings? +20%. Weapons replicate your spenders.
  3. Have Rite of Adjuration proc (~+15-20%).
  4. +32% from the Tier set based on how many Holy Shocks before hand.

They’ve added a further ~30%+ amp on top of the already +125%. It has to stop.

This is just WoG too, Holy Shock is heading in this direction with things like Blessing of An’she, Sun Sear and Second Sunrise + Power of the Silver hand (but no one really takes that).

Healing with RNG procs and secondary effects that are largely out of your control where more than double the base healing amount is on the table is terrible. Deterministic ones like Consecration, Wings, the tier set etc are fine, however they need to stop and reverse or minimize the effects of these purely RNG procs.

Hpal is in need of gameplay driven depth. Think Druid HoT layering, or Evoker echos and set ups. Fire breath = Living Flame cleave (Leaping flames). Verdant embrace = +100% on next Living Flame. If you start putting these things together, you can chain up some really impactful healing based on what you as the player did. It’s complex but rewarding.

I don’t think Hpal need to be overly complicated, however, how much healing you do being based so much on RNG is terrible healer design.


At this point, I think Holy Paladins are in the same boat as Shamans.

We’ve given Blizzard enough feedback 10 times over (in this thread alone) for them to know exactly what needs fixing, it’s just a matter of them actually acknowledging us and putting it into action lol.


why is hybrid self healing so low? it seems like a juiced up wog is about 10%hp. meanwhile warr has tons of baked in healing, and if it isnt enough, they have a 30% heal. most hybrids’ self heals on beta seem to be around 10%, which is too low

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My thoughts on this is because we can spam them? But if that is the case, why not make a talent to put a cd on self healing for one single strong cast while the rest is too weak to matter.

Kinda like how empyrean legacy’s cool-down work, put a debuff on the paladin skill on self heal for a set time.

They haven’t done a tuning pass on damage/healing yet
I don’t mind if healing is low relative to health pools, as long as it is consistent across the game

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I feel as though nobody is reading this. There are so many well thought out replies here, and yet 11 days in… no sign that any of this is being taken into consideration.