Feedback: One-Armed Bandit (Mythic)

Testing for One-Armed Bandit (Mythic) begins today at 12:00 PT (15:00 ET, 21:00 CET).

Please use this thread for feedback and bug reports regarding this encounter or related issues. Noting the nature of your group (Mythic guild premade, PUG, etc.) is helpful, as are any logs. Thank you to everyone who has come out to help test!

making it so people with the fire debuff are de-prio’d for the lightning debuff would be nice

Coins are still landing inside electric puddles. This is a throughline for the whole raid. Mandatory mechanics are able to spawn inside existing, non avoidable damage puddles on the ground. (See soaks in Mythic 1st boss landing inside oil slicks, The soak on dinosaur side of cauldron of carnage can go inside existing fire puddles, etc. )

The issue with everything you’re saying is that those abilities are all baited by player positioning.

With regards to One-Armed Bandit, he aims pay-lines at players AND puddles are dropped by players. Both are controllable.

Scrapbomb in Cauldron of Carnage is dropped on a random player’s position when he starts his cast.

Oil slicks are dropped by players, and also by tank buster. All of which are controllable. I understand this time, you are justified that the oil canisters may land in oil slicks, the damage from the slicks don’t hurt enough to warrant someone complaining instead of doing the mechanics.

i received damage from pay-line without being anywhere close to the impact

the coin that is sent back by players could use some charge-up time (maybe like a coin spinning on starting position for a bit before it launches itself) + line