Feedback on Feral druid 4 piece bonus

A small change that I think would make the feral druid 4 piece bonus better is rather than getting the aoe bleed damage when berserk ends, it should be when you cast berserk. This way you can get full uptime on bleeds and it can be used as a burst CD in aoe situations which would help feral a lot.


As much as I want to agree with you, that will certainly cause some issues. Instantly pumping a 700% attack power bleed on an enemy is almost guaranteed to yank aggro off the tank if they dont use cooldowns. Also this would significantly upset the balance in pvp because theres almost no counter play to the instant damage.

I would propose a 350% bleed at the beginning and another 350% bleed at the end.

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Yeah, “That’d be insane in PvP” was kind of my thought too if it was on cast. Splitting it seems reasonable to me.

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I agree with the PVP part, but the bleed is over 10 seconds. I don’t think it’s going to insta-yank threat.

At least not any worse than Jotun already does, and probably less.

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I mean beserk is a 20 second duration that people will know means HEAVY damage once it ends. they’ll have weak auras tracking when beserk is up, and when its down, they’ll know to pop a major defensive as its ending.

700% attack power seems like itll crush people through major defensives though. especially if they go necro for adaptive swarm and all the damage modifiers.

I’m not a math-y person, what kind of damage value can we expect from a 700% AP bleed? like compared to… Feral Frenzy? what are we actually looking at?

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One strategy I can see people doing is berserking right as the arena gates open and staying in stealth until your berserk is almost up. Open with a few seconds left for insane burst.

I’m also curious if you can do a /cancelaura macro to force-trigger the 4-piece?

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AP is just equal to agility.
So multiply your agility by 7.

that would be nuts.

OH serious? okay so ~1600 agility X 7 = :frowning: hmm thats not such a big number… probably akin to Feral Frenzy tbh… but FF does insane damage when you start adding in the Tiger’s Fury, Adaptive Swarm, On-Use Trinket…

to be fair, it’s meant to be a small bandaid on our AOE, and the complaint that Berserk is utter garbage as an AOE CD.

And 14000 (I’m guestimating future agility) to 5 targets is a 7000 dps gain for upwards of 10 seconds, multiplied by other modifiers.

That’s noticeable, but breaks PVP less than people are worried about, especially due to the choice of it happening at the end (and probably being avoidable through distance.)

Although if you managed to get it off in the middle of an RBG scrum it might be kinda scary.

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Also add 6* Weapon DPS to your AP, so 42* weapon DPS to the DoT.

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okay thats pretty significant.

i dont think the bleed will be enough to see ferals in rbgs. but like a full set of bleeds rip, rake, moonfire, feral frenzy + adaptive swarm already will drop targets in PVP. every 45 seconds its getting to the point where once those bleeds are up you can just about sit there in bear form /dancing. Especially brutal against rogues.

adding another significant bleed on top of that already good damage is going to be fun. if you time the end of beserk with an adaptive swarm + feral frenzy its going to kill through some significant defensive cooldowns. I look forward to it.

If it works I’m literally just going to cancelaura my berserk on a go for that dot wish it was at the start of berserk or there was an entire other pvp setbonus

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if the tier bonus stack with the Frenzyband legendary will be awesome use + CS

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would also love to see this added to the frontend of berserk… it popping 20s after using berserk limits it’s actual usefulness, especially in add cleave scenarios… adds could very well be dead or close to dead by the time it goes off contributing nothing to the group. Giving us control of when the damage is actually applied would be very very nice. As for the PvP concerns I honestly hope blizzard will find a means to balance PvE and PvP things separately, constantly being punished for content I have little interest in feels bad.

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Honestly, they should just not allow PVE tier bonuses to work in PVP, and then if they want, go back to having PVP tier sets. (That don’t work in PVE)

That solves the problem of PVP balance, and allows the 4 set (if they keep it) to go off at the start.

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no thank you.

I mean, they’ve already said this isn’t happening.

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They can easily just add a PvP multiplier to the effect, though. It seems like the type of effect where that would make total sense and be easily justified anyway.

It’s definitely poor form to encourage every feral druid to have a /cancelaura macro set up for their major CD, in case they ever mistime it to AoE at the end in PvE or just to be able to pop it if it can ever hit multiple targets in PvP.

What they’ve said is or isn’t happening doesn’t change what should happen.
