Feedback: Non-Class-Set Item Rewards


Please use this thread for any feedback or bugs related to non-class set item rewards such as trinkets or special items with additional effects. Many of these items can be found on Trinketaur in Stormwind and Orgrimmar.

A few questions you might ask yourself as you try them out include:

  • Is the tooltip’s description of the item’s effects reasonably clear?
  • Is the item’s role clear?
  • Does the item feel powerful and rewarding to use?
  • Are any mechanics particularly clunky or unfun?
  • Do the visual effects match your expectation of the fantasy? Do they distract from the rest of your gameplay?

Feel free to share anything else that comes to mind, and thanks in advance for your feedback!

Looking at things from a caster perspective, and I’ll constantly be editing this to add other items I test.


  • Aberrant Spellforge is largely a carbon copy of Aberrus’s Elementium Pocket Anvil, this time for caster DPS as opposed to Strength/Agility melee DPS. Functionally, it’s the same as Anvil, and I don’t find that a bad thing: Anvil is a very strong trinket on longer fights, and this is much the same. I think this trinket succeeds where Anvil crucially fails: while Anvil is an RPPM trinket that can have both highs and lows, Aberrant Spellforge just buffs your filler spell every 15 seconds which makes it consistent. This will obviously have to be tuned to be strong on fights longer than ~4-5 minutes for it to be desirable, but this trinket, like its Dragonflight counterpart, has a very clear niche that would make it very useful in a progression setting.

  • Spymaster’s Web is largely a similar design to Eternal Palace’s Ashvane’s Razor Coral, also for caster DPS instead of Strength/Agility DPS (BM Hunters could and did use it too), albeit also with some key differences. Ashvane’s Razor Coral was a very unique and extremely powerful trinket that felt very satisfying to use due to its sheer versatility. It could be used on cooldown for a small amount of static Critical Strike rating, it could be used once as a tank and never used again due to the strength of the static damage procs, it could be used alongside other classes’ 2 or 3 minute cooldowns to beef up a strong burst window even further, and it could even be stacked up and saved for the very end of a boss fight (i.e. Arms Warriors getting 100% crit for 20 seconds during their Execute+Avatar window and becoming incredibly powerful), and all of these use cases were valid and led to this trinket feeling satisfying to use. This trinket doesn’t capture all of these nuances, necessarily, but it makes up for this by being extremely consistent by virtue of always granting a stack every ~6 seconds and by virtue of being a permanent buff on the player (which I assume clears at the start of combat against a raid boss) instead of a debuff on the target, therefore making Spymaster’s Web very useful in a Mythic+ setting, where you can intentionally stack it up on trash and use 40 stacks for an enormous burst window on a harder boss or trash pull later in the dungeon. This concept behind trinket as it exists right now is an absolute masterpiece, and while I can’t tell how it feels from a tuning perspective since I haven’t uploaded any Beta logs yet I really, really want this trinket to be excellent for classes with strong cooldowns like Shadow, Arcane, Destruction, etc. or to really shine on a boss with a difficult final phase like Tindral, Fyrakk, N’zoth, Sire Denathrius, Jailer P3, etc. or a boss with a choreographed burst window like Smolderon or Sludgefist. This trinket not being strong would be doing it a disservice; it’s too well-designed to not be good.

  • Mad Queen’s Mandate is an interesting trinket that reimagines the “use trinket, do big damage” concept by making it very Execute-centric and granting CDR if one snipes kills with it. I tend to like these more Execute-centric trinkets quite a lot since they tend to be very underrepresented in the game’s wider trinket pool, and this one does a good job distinguishing itself from the aforementioned Spymaster’s Web and Aberrant Spellforge. I’ll test this more extensively once Beta servers are back online, though, since I haven’t been able to get as much time to test it as I was originally hoping.

  • Field Operative’s Transmitter is an incredibly frustrating trinket to use in its current state, to the point where it’s genuinely hard to provide good feedback about this trinket. Among this trinket’s many frustrating factors is that its proc rate doesn’t reflect what its tooltip states it should be: the equip effect states that one’s spells and abilities should have a very high chance to grant a stack, but I spent quite literally four minutes nonstop hitting a training dummy waiting for it to give me a stack or two. The biggest fundamental problem with this trinket, however, is that the game’s UI just cannot provide the information required to activate this trinket’s proc: once I finally got this trinket to proc (which, again, took forever) I had to physically mouse over some random buff tooltip, and only then was I able to figure out that I needed to jump three times to obtain my Intellect buff. The next time I tried it out I had two stacks going into combat, it still took me three minutes to smack a training dummy around, and it didn’t give me a buff but rather spawned some teleporter-looking thing on the ground that I stood in for multiple seconds to provide me with a buff. This trinket borderline requires a WeakAura to make tracking what it’s trying to make you do feasible for most players, it doesn’t proc often enough, and the Intellect buff just isn’t worth the sheer amount of time (and the relatively annoying but brief chore one needs to do to activate the said buff) needed to activate it. This one needs to go back to the drawing board.


  • Signet of the Priory is a basic on-use trinket on paper, but it’s made more interesting by virtue of offering other players who use this trinket a portion of your highest secondary stat as well. I like the way this shakes up the formula of standard on-use stat buff trinkets by combining aspects of Ominous Chromatic Essence/Whispering Incarnate Icon being raid buff trinkets, but I do have concerns that this trinket could procure some weird results when multiple players are using it (i.e. if enough Mastery users run Signet that their on-use effects push an Outlaw Rogue’s Mastery to its highest stat and the Outlaw Rogue uses it and just gets a ton of its undesirable Mastery stat, that would feel bad), but I anticipate that there will be failsafes implemented to prevent this level of Signet stacking to where it can basically turn into an entire second or third on-use trinket. This might already be in place, but I haven’t been able to group up with a large number of players running it so I’m not entirely sure if it is or not.

  • Bursting Lightshard seems like it’s a healer trinket, but it’s an extremely cool example of “we want healer trinkets to stand on their own over healers running DPS trinkets” by virtue of being a Smoldering Seedling that does damage while it lives rather than healing. I haven’t used it, but it’s a very cool concept of a “healer DPS” trinket.

  • Ara-Kara Sacbrood is a trinket that I wasn’t expecting much from, but I’ve found myself pleasantly surprised by it. It’s entirely passive, but the proc has extremely good uptime and follows Ironfur/modern Festermight logic where you can have multiple stacks of the buff active at once. Also has nice synergy with Seal of the Poisoned Pact. Overall, this one isn’t super interesting from a gameplay perspective but the idea behind it works very well. I actually quite like this trinket!

EDIT: This spiders themselves are a lot more interesting than I expected; they’re actually a buff once the egg hatches, and you can have multiple of these little guys up at once and as you do damage your abilities launch projectile spiders at the target, and each one applies its own stack of the nature damage DoT in mentioned above. This trinket is genuinely very cool even if it’s not impactful gameplay-wise.

  • Synergistic Brewterializer isn’t a very impactful trinket, and it doesn’t proc terribly often and doesn’t do a ton of damage, but it does have the nice added quirk of proccing a Priest’s Twist of Fate when killed, since it has only ~130 HP or so and as such dies to being hit by any ability. It doesn’t seem to proc Death and Madness, which is fine; Twist of Fate proccing off me hitting this barrel is still reasonably cool and the damage might get quite high once this starts reaching higher ilvls.


  • Seal of the Poisoned Pact is a very interesting item concept that will inevitably be best-in-slot for any class that likes Crit>Mastery, especially with how heavily the ring is weighted towards Crit, because it has a cantrip effect tied to it. Depending on its RPPM I can see it being much, much stronger for specific classes (users of specific Strength/Agility trinkets from the raid, Havoc Demon Hunters in particular, Elemental Shamans, Windwalker Monks, and all Rogue specs) due to how frequently they do Nature damage, but I still think the ring addresses this decently well since its damage proc can still occur without doing Nature damage; it just procs more if you do. This addresses a major issue I have with Seal of Filial Duty where if you couldn’t do any sort of Fire damage the ring was just worthless for you and it overly dictated your gearing choices to the point where its became problematic going into Aberrus and it required a mid-season nerf. Overall, though, still a neat concept.

  • Sureki Zealot’s Insignia is already something I’d be using on a Shadow Priest just due to the sheer volume of Haste on it. This neck seems extremely powerful currently; refunding mana in any amount can be nice with how much it’ll add up over the course of an encounter, and granting both the user and the person healing the user a small chunk of versatility just adds to the strength of this neck. I think it’s a very cool concept and I think it’s decently well-executed, but the proc needs to be tuned carefully. I think this neck as it exists is fine, though, because the other necks from the raid have extremely different stats (Vers>Mastery and Crit>Haste) which gives this one room to stand out without eclipsing those other options. Perhaps the Crit>Haste one could be a Crit>Mastery or a Mastery>Crit one to even further differentiate it from the competition, but this is minor.

  • Wings of Shattered Sorrow boasts a nice enough concept. The conditions for the Avoidance proc seems a bit odd, since usually you’d have wanted the Avoidance for the instance of damage that would proc the cloak in the first place, but it still offers a decent survivability gain into sustained AoE damage and the fall damage reduction is a nice QoL addition. I think this Very Rare item is fine in concept since it offers no real offensive benefits but is still desirable enough defensively. I wouldn’t feel like I’m really missing anything by not having it, which is admittedly an issue that the other Very Rare items seem to have.

If there’s an item I haven’t listed here yet, I just haven’t tested it whatsoever. Again, I’ll be sure to add other trinkets and items I test, including for other specs/classes, soon.

At 597 the Lightspawn has 3,184,000 health and loses 1,114,602 health every 2 seconds so you get 3 ticks of damage without healing it. Classes that are good at single target spot-healing will get more use out of this trinket.

Sigil of Algari Concordance I tested this as a healer so I can’t speak to what it will do for DPS or tank classes. The trinket summons an NPC that casts two spells on the player and disappears after 15 seconds. The first is a buff that increases your primary stat for 15 seconds. The second is a stacking HoT that lasts 15 seconds, heals every 5 seconds, and a new stack refreshes the duration. In one test I got 5 stacks, in another I got 4. I don’t know what causes the NPC to apply a new stack. I also got the primary stat buff at random intervals. If the player does something specific that causes the NPC to cast each of the skills, the trinket could be interesting as we could play around those skills. If its random, then the trinket just has some extra flavor.

Going to go through the apparent Tank-focused trinkets (I haven’t had a chance to test the Strength only trinkets, so those will be absent from this list). Tuning is obviously not even close to complete, so I’m going to focus on mechanics and potential impacts of tuning rather than current values. In all cases I am erring my analysis to be most favorable towards the use of the trinket. The assumption present in all of these is that the trinket is tuned with the goal of being desirable at the same or higher difficulty than it is acquired from.

  • Mad Queen’s Mandate - Conceptually this is a fine trinket and aligns very well with the stated goals for tank trinkets, but the cast time feels very awkward. This trinket is certainly not the worst offender in that regard at only a 1 second cast, but currently you cannot block/dodge/parry during the cast which leads to some awkwardness for what on the surface is a tank-oriented trinket. The trinket cast is also not usable while moving, which is extremely uncomfortable to use as a melee or tank, even with only a 1 second cast time. The cooldown refund also appears to only trigger if the trinket is the actual killing blow, which is going to be extremely hard to trigger in group content. The heal is also slightly awkward as it’s not clear if the heal is intended to be significant from a tank perspective. If it is, I worry that the trinket becomes extremely oppressive in pvp. Tanks currently hover around double the HP of a dps player depending on specs and most tank self heals will cover at least 30% of the tank’s HP in a single cast and commonly 50%+. Tuning the trinket to be equivalent to common tank self healing places it at or near the level of Lay on Hands for a dps/healer. Tuning it much below that point, however, makes the trinket’s defensive benefits largely ignorable for a tank and relegates it to “just another dps trinket.”

  • Ceaseless Swarmgland - Conceptually this is one of the better trinkets. The trinket is largely uncontrolled, which makes the defensive impact low as a result. Defensive requirements tend to be extremely focused in time, so an uncontrolled defensive trinket will tend to be lower value inherently. Even if the trinket uptime is high enough to be reliable, there is still the issue of magnitude. A highly available defensive trinket needs to be tuned much lower by design, so it will be less impactful in those focused windows than a controllable but intermittent trinket like Rageheart. Conversely, a low availability defensive trinket can be tuned much higher but cannot reliably be available during those focused windows. Swarmgland is also triggered from damage taken, which has in the past caused frequent problems related to proc rate. These kinds of trinkets tend to live or die based on the list of proc-eligible damage events. A trinket which includes only white hits, for example, will be almost useless for a Brewmaster in a raid setting due to excessively high dodge rates even if the trinket is otherwise perfectly designed for the spec.

  • Refracting Aggression Module - This trinket is… interesting. I can’t say that it feels good to use or play around, but it’s interesting at least. Having a large defensive linked to taunt is fine on paper, but in practice has way too many issues to ever get reasonable value. In most situations, the proc will trigger at times when you’re not really threatened because taunts are often forced at very different times than defensives are needed. The best use case for this is in dungeons where you can (often) trigger it right on pull to smooth out the early portion of a pull, but this cadence is extremely precarious. Because you can’t choose to taunt without triggering the trinket if the trinket is available, it takes only 1 misstep or otherwise forced taunt to desync the trinket from that “on pull” cadence. In raids the trinket places tanks in an awkward situation. Most tank swaps require a taunt but also happen after a large tankbuster which you would want the cooldown for. This means the trinket naturally procs directly opposite to the normal cooldown timing. Even for situations where this is not the case, the trinket functionally can’t be used outside of a tank swap when in a raid situation due to taunt DR. On many fights you can spiral into a taunt immunity with only 1 or 2 taunts out of turn, which this trinket actively encourages. Many (especially newer) players are also not even aware of the existence of taunt DR, as it’s not explained in-game or in most community resources. This makes the trinket often a net negative to trigger, despite the defensive benefit.

  • Foul Behemoth’s Chelicera - This trinket feels kinda lost. The overhealing->max health conversion is interesting, but it has similar tuning problems to Mad Queen’s Mandate mentioned earlier. The tuning concerns here, however, extend to high level M+ as well as PvP. The max health conversion creates an awkward tension which doesn’t allow the healing component to ever shine to a significant degree. If we tune the healing to a very conservative 1% of a tank’s HP per trigger - an amount that is functionally unnoticeable as a tank in regular play - then using it at a period of no damage intake gives on the order of 13-18% increased max HP for the remainder of an encounter. The HP increase from this is an amount comparable to middling strength defensive CDs, but persisting for the remainder of an encounter and stacking further on each use. This also places an awkward burden on the trinket for dps in m+. The trinket provides significant damage, but the max HP granted is even more oppressive in the case of off-roles. If we use the same 1% of tank HP per trigger, then for most dps this is a 26-30% HP increase for the remainder of an encounter. DPS and healers can also much more easily ensure full overhealing of the trinket as their damage intake is significantly lower and much more intermittent. Altogether the trinket is left in a situation where the heal cannot be tuned to be significant in the context of a tank’s reasonable damage intake without being oppressive in its abuse cases.

  • Tome of Light’s Devotion - I’m going to gloss over this trinket very briefly because on beta it’s currently behaving in very confusing ways that imply it’s not behaving as intended. The concept of a slow shift between offensive and defensive “stance” is a compelling one on paper, but unfortunately right now the defensive stance is just too niche to be desirable in most situations. The armor granted would need to be extremely high, likely higher than is reasonable, and the magic damage shield is of niche usefulness for obvious reasons. This means the trinket largely becomes a minigame of activating it every time you shift to the “Inner Resilience” stance whenever possible to maximize the damage stance.

  • Cinderbrew Stein - I’m going to be pretty hard on this one. I don’t think this trinket succeeds in any of its apparent goals as it stands right now. This trinket is in a uniquely awkward spot of being almost purely support focused, while also attempting to provide defensive value to the wearer. From a tank perspective just by nature of the trigger conditions, the vast majority of the procs will go towards healers which (no offense to my healer friends, I love y’all) is inherently much less valuable in most group content than providing the buff to a dps. In this state the trinket is functionally useless on arrival. There’s not currently a situation in which it is worth sacrificing a trinket slot for an inconsistent buff on a tank+random healer. The trinket could possibly be worth using if the buff were applied to the entire party when triggered, but even then it’s uses are fairly tenuous given the low values that would be required for appropriate balance and the cost of a full trinket slot.

  • Swarmlord’s Authority - I have absolutely saved the best for last here. This trinket does an excellent job sidestepping the pitfalls of Ceaseless Swarmgland and Tome of Light’s Devotion by allowing a small amount of control over the magnitude and timing of an otherwise passive effect. The main concern is dps abusing this trinket in m+ yet again, but the passive nature makes that less likely for similar reasons that an uncontrolled defensive trinket is less valuable for a tank. DPS damage taken is even more heavily focused temporally, so the problem is amplified to this trinket’s benefit. It’s an excellent trinket in the context of the stated design goals for tank trinkets moving forward. Please more of this!

As always, much of what is here is dependent on tuning. I don’t have a way to divine the future, so unfortunately I can only speculate on final values and when possible I’ve attempted to provide justification for expected values. Unfortunately, in this context, many of the current tank-oriented trinkets are pretty disappointing. Swarmlord’s Authority feels like the only one really delivering on the stated design goals in the other thread ( In particular, the trinkets that have the most potential value for tanks are also the ones most abusable by off-roles in either pvp or m+ scenarios. The easiest answer is obviously just locking the trinkets to the tank role or providing significant modifiers for off roles on the defensive effects, but both of those feel pretty bad from a player perspective. I can’t really say what the right call here is.

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Thanks for the feedback so far! We’re not going to be able to respond to every point, but there are a few things I’d like to address now on the raid trinket side.

Regarding tuning generally, many trinket effects were impacted by subsequent scaling changes, and their current beta values are likely misleading. Most will be fixed in the next beta build and should be relatively close to the final numbers.

This trinket is intended to stack up roughly once per minute while avoiding some of the variance inherent in very low RPPM effects (think Neltharion’s Call to Suffering)., so your experience here sounds like a potential bug with its proc triggers. We’re okay with a bit of occasional mystery as long as its reasonably learnable (with something like Inscrutable Quantum Device’s ??? tooltip at the extreme end), but we can look into ways of making the trigger effect requirements clearer in the moment.

This is intended as a DPS trinket with a minor bonus heal. This will be changed to be castable while moving in a future build.

This trinket will be entirely or partially restricted to tank specializations in a future build given the relative strength of its max health effect for other roles as you point out. The next build will also see its tooltip reflect that the health increase is converted to an absorb shield immediately leaving combat; it is not intended that players should be able to easily stack additional max health across the entirety of a M+ run. All PvE trinket effects are also significantly reduced in PvP (50%+). Your critiques are appreciated, and we’re keeping a close eye on this one.


Please adjust the tooltip then. I’m not sure what the threshold for very low/low/default/high/very high is but this isn’t consistent for other proc effects in the game.

As a Neltharion’s Call to Suffering enjoyer, I can attest it is a very low proc rate. It is also 1 rppm.

Unless I’m misinterpreting this and what you are stating is that it generates 10 stacks roughly once a minute which would make it 10 rppm.

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This just adds an additional hurdle of requiring tank loot specs and trading the trinket at the end of a dungeon to DPS specs, while not fundamentally solving the issue at all. This would massively benefit DPS specs with tank specs (Havoc, Windwalker, Arms/Fury, Ret, Feral, Frost/Unholy) compared to the rest of DPS specs, who would be able to acquire this effect significantly easier, and uniquely at a higher ilvl via Great Vault.

The specs that drop the trinket are not the core fundamental problem, the max health increase is. It would also be a problem as an absorb. It’s a problem because of the infinite scaling nature of Mythic Plus and the healing/damage spikey-ness of late tier bosses in Mythic Raids.

Correct, the “snippet” stacks should accumulate at 10 RPPM.

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By restricted I mean made non-functional as we’ve done in the past (e.g., Gift of Ursine Vengeance). The required loot spec for the trinket is already limited to tanks.



I strongly agree with this sentiment.

I like a lot of the trinket design we’ve seen in the last several expansions, with some all-time greats like Ashvane’s Razor Coral, Reactive Defense Matrix, Soul Igniter, Resonant Reservoir, Cache of Acquired Treasures, Soulletting Ruby, the absolutely wonderful Manic Grieftorch, Dragonfire Bomb Dispenser, Elementium Pocket Anvil, Controlled Current Technique, the revamped Tome of Unstable Power/Umbrelskul’s Fractured Heart, etc. all being some highlights, but I think proc+ICD and RPPM trinkets (Hasted or otherwise) need some extra clarity, or at least an toggle to switch between the current simplified tooltips (very low, low, chance, high chance, very high chance) and the more detailed tooltips that showcase actual values.

I bring this idea up based on Shot’s reply here for two reasons that I believe are somewhat intertwined:

The first reason is that I vaguely remember a much older expansion (it might’ve been Cataclysm or it might’ve been MoP, but I haven’t logged into Cata Classic at all so my memory is very foggy) that allowed players to switch between simple spell and ability tooltips that were phrased as described above and the more detailed tooltips that showcased the actual damage those spells and abilities did.

The second reason is that we’ve previously seen trinkets that contained this level of detail within their tooltips, specifically in MoP and WoD, but then this just seemed to disappear altogether in Legion onwards. MoP and WoD also had their fair share of iconic, memorable trinkets and while few if any players would specifically cite their ICDs/RPPM rates as reasons why they were iconic I appreciated the concrete numbers quite a bit, though mostly in hindsight.

To cite a few examples that are still presented in-game in this manner:

  • Fabled Feather of Ji-Kun and its stacking primary stat counterparts (Renataki’s Soul Charm and Wushoolay’s Final Choice) all specifically state (Approximately 1.21 procs per minute) on their tooltips.
  • Thok’s Tail Tip and its stat amplification counterparts (Purified Bindings of Immerseus and Prismatic Prison of Pride) all specifically state (15% chance, 115 second cooldown) on their tooltips. The cooldown reduction trinkets like Evil Eye of Galakras and Assurance of Consequence are similar, although their (15% chance, X second cooldown) differ.
  • Hellfire Citadel’s trinkets like Unblinking Gaze of Sethe (Approximately 5.93 procs per minute), Discordant Chorus (Approximately 7.12 procs per minute), Prophecy of Fear (Approximately 1.50 procs per minute), and the iconic Soul Capacitor (Approximately 1.00 procs per minute) all follow suit.

I don’t think trinkets should necessarily be this outwardly complex, but having the option to see these RPPM rates or proc chances/ICDs in-game would be nice as well.

With that in mind, though:

This clarity is greatly appreciated, and I thank you very much for it. I think at a rate of ~9-10 RPPM (on the stacking buff, obviously) this trinket will feel considerably more consistent than it did in my testing, with high uptime on a rather large Intellect buff that lines up relatively nicely with the common 1/2/3 minute cooldowns we see among many casters (Dark Ascension and occasionally Combustion, Power Infusion and Void Eruption, and CA/Incarnation respectively). I’m never opposed to tracking a trinket with an addon as a small optimization, but this trinket as it exists now can be very difficult to keep track of even when doing something as straightforward as smacking a Training Dummy around for a few minutes and I’m very glad to see that you’re willing to experiment with ways to make this trinket’s trigger effects more accessible and user-friendly.

I think it’s good that the team is doing something systemic to try and address this happening, but I think it’s time to look at changes to the root cause of why this is happening, which (AFAIK) is M+ becoming a survival check noticeably before it becomes a DPS check.


Testing the trinkets as a healer in dungeons so far

Bursting lightshard is a great new idea for a healer trinket but TBH i think would be better if it worked even more like seedling. Currently if i put all my heart and heal kit into keeping it alive i average 1 extra damage tick over ignoring it entirely; its also trading 365k damage for nearly 1mil healing every 2 seconds. Instead buff up its total health a little but have it convert healing done to it into damage vs the flat number it does now. This way i can’t just drop and ignore it but the less bursty healers can still get some decent use out of it. Also the tooltip doesnt have the damage it does increase with item level, the one i got from the vendor at 597 shows the same damage as the 580 heroic drop one.
Cirral Concoctory is a weird one because i’ve used it in every dungeon multiple times and still have no idea what it does. I can’t tell the proc rate, what its doing, who its doing it to or really anything at a glance since it doesnt show up on raid frames or have much of a spell affect and that feels like bad trinket design to me.
IQD i could at least use on myself after i looted it to see a few of the options, this one i cant. It only procs on other people and seems like it wont trigger on overhealing for me to test on random strangers at the target dummies. The only reason i think its working at all is cause i manged to catch a glimpse of its icon in a dungeon, i still didn’t have time to see what the buff did. I dont like Trinkets that require i go to wowhead to know what they do before using them.

High speakers Accretion I’m not sure if this is intended to be a healer trinket but its listed as one currently on the vendor. Could be miss-interpretation but the for each enemy struck reads to me like all the mobs hit as the trinket was pulsing, not just what was alive when it times out. I can see it being useful even if it is just the final pulse since mobs will live longer in harder content but currently im struggling to get more then 1 stack with how fast things die in heroic even with our gear scaled down.

Mereldar’s Toll completely passable support on use trinket, vers is a nice damage and DR buff to give out and the damage it does to the target is decent.

scrapsinger’s Symphony has the same problems others of its type have; It can proc on full health targets who arent taking damage, it can proc on the ranged standing to far for the damage to hit anything, it can proc on anyone not the tank; which is the real problem. The tank is the only one taking consistent enough damage to guarantee triggering the damage but there’s no way to force that.
Other than that the absorb portion is okay, its a pretty small shield on current health pools but with a decent proc rate it could be an okay passive health buffer.

Not trinkets but things i tested:
Fateweaved needle/mallet REALLY likes tethering to pets, i dont know why but i feel like everytime i see the beam its tethered to a warlocks felguard or a hunter pet, please exclude them from the allied tether portion.

Sureki Zealot’s Insignia I’m a fan of bonus mana in all forms and this neck also has decent statline, in raids it seems like it could get a little out of hand depending on how many people have them, in dungeons where youre capping out at 4 it seems reasonable. As a healer in 5 mans it doesnt really do anything for me wearing it unless theres like shadowpriest with VE or a druid using natures vigil, but thats fine.

This is from the perspective of DPS DK, and the trinkets available to them.

Raid Trinkets

Mad Queens Mandate
Feels like a callback to An’shuul, but shadow-flavored. Big damage with a cast time, though this one comes with some CDR if you kill an enemy with it and a heal, which does throw an interesting twist into the tried and true formula. Tuning on it right now feels off though, with it doing significantly less damage than competing trinkets, which may be a result of some of its budget going to the heal and CDR effect. Hard to say for sure, but might need a second look tuning-wise.

Field Operative’s Transmitter
Okay, this ones a bit of a curveball, seems like a throwback to the original (but scrapped) design of Whispering Shard of Power.
The Good:

  • The directions are generally pretty visually clear
  • It mixes things up, and makes you contemplate if its worth doing the thing for the buff.
  • What you have to do is incredibly simple
  • Duration is long enough to where you can often wait it out if things are dangerous

The Bad:

  • Sometimes the directions it gives pushes you into undesirable areas, might spawn or move into a swirlie on a boss, which may bait people into bad positions. Mostly a skill issue.
  • Some of the effects are a bit visually small, most notably the small electric orb, could very easily get lost in the noise in a busy encounter.
  • The Jump instruction is something people will need to learn the visual of, it’s not immediately clear what you need to do unlike the others. Just get 3 crystals above your head. Might be worth trying to make a more clear visual indicator for this one?

Overall, I quite like this trinket and its concepts. Really throws me back to Eternal Palace doing Azshara with all her weird directions. Similar to that fight though, I imagine people will optimize the fun out of this one with Weak Auras. Power on this one seems generally fine, albeit doesn’t seem super great for burst specs, and more in line with sustain specs.

Ovinax’s Mercurial Egg
Generally a passive trinket, it’s got a quirk in changing what it gives when you move (or don’t move), but, still feels a bit bland. Wish it did just a bit more. Pausing the effect with its on-use effect does give players the ability to do the opposite of what they are encouraged to do with this trinket depending on if they prioritize Primary or Secondary stats, which does give it a lot of flexibility to not punish specializations like Windwalker or Outlaw who generally don’t scale particularly well with secondary stats. Overall, seems solidly tuned for what it is already, but might be a tad too powerful for sustain specs.

Sikran’s Endless Arsenal
Pretty run-of-the-mill arsenal trinket, seems we get one of these every expansion now. This one does throw a bit of a curveball into things with the buffs each gives, being more utility-focused rather than damage-focused is quite nice. This does give the damage effects a lot of room to breathe damage-wise, and none of them feel particularly weak to use. Overall, this trinket I’d say is just about right tuning-wise.

Skyterror’s Corrosive Organ
Use trinket with a proc effect after use, pretty run-of-the-mill, but does its job. Tuning seems fine, but there’s not a whole lot to say about this trinket.

Dungeon Trinkets

Skarmorak Shard
From an Unholy perspective, this trinket is a godsend. 1.5-minute cooldown, Mastery buff, extra benefits when enemies die?! It’s just a match made in heaven to be a near-perfect trinket for us. The downside of this is it is a season 1 trinket, which might very well leave us high and dry again in Season 2 and onwards due to the sheer overabundance of 2-minute trinkets, and lack of 1.5 and 3-minute trinkets. So many specializations get a wide variety of choices, while Unholy is often left with just 1 trinket per season that works well enough for it. With its new 1.5-minute damage profile, this will limit the pool further.

This trinket is currently tuned quite well for Unholy, not overbearing like Puzzle Box, but, strong enough to be an obvious go-to.

Sigil of Algari Concordance
This is the trinket I’ve spent the most time testing, due to all the weirdness associated with it.

So, first things first, the pets summoned by this scale with Unholy’s pet damage modifiers, may lead to a skew in its potential and may be overbearingly strong if not tuned to account for this, or the interactions removed. I personally do believe letting it scale with pet damage modifiers is desirable though, as these interactions are quite rare it results in a nice little change of pace where a trinket that may not see much use, suddenly is just really good for some specializations.

Next up, onto the weirdness, since this trinket uses a periodic effect to trigger the pet casts, its pets don’t currently scale with haste at all. Not sure if this is intentional, but, figured I’d point it out anyway. The next weird bit is the “signature” ability each of the summons casts seems to be a bit random, sometime within the first 3 ticks of the periodic effect. Not that this is really a downside, just a bit of a weird quirk with the trinket that makes it even more unpredictable when combined with its incredibly low proc rate of 0.5rppm.

I do quite like that Silvervein will change what is cast based on the number of targets present, switching from Lightning Bolt to Bolt Rain in AoE, which gives this some nice flavor and is never useless in any scenario.

Overall, I do like this trinket, it adds a nice bit of immersion into The War Within’s environment and links into the Earthen Dwarves quite well, while providing some interesting abilities and use cases. It being as random as it is does bring it down a bit, as proc timing will lead to pretty massive swings in damage with the current tuning. Might be worth exploring increasing its proc rate, and reducing its damage to reduce its variance.

Oppressive Orator’s Larynx
This trinket taunts me. Every time it’s ready to use, I can’t seem to get more than 3-4 stacks. As soon as I use it, the stacks go to 5+. Quite frankly though, that’s a good thing. Fits the theme of the trinket incredibly well, and very well might have been bias on my part watching the stacks more frequently off cooldown than when it was ready to use. Overall, I quite like this, though I do wish it was a bit clearer on the tooltip that each stack of the buff is a 25% increase to the use damage, right now it doesn’t explain very well that current stacks increase the damage of the use effect per stack which may mislead people.

Tuning on this seems generally fine all things considered.

Ara-Kara Sacbrood
I’m going to nerd out a bit to whoever designed this. Whoever you are, you are a legend. No one is going to ever see the names of some of these spells, but you still took the time to name them in quirky and fun ways. It may have only been 5 seconds out of your day, but it went miles in making me smile when digging into how this thing really works.

Anyways, now that I’m done nerding out, a stacking primary stat proc trinket, with a damage component on it is an interesting twist on the norm. Waiting 1 minute until your first Spiderlings are ready to Spiderfling to enact their Spidersting though might be a tad much. This does lead to this trinket being a bit more of a ramping trinket the later you get into the fight, as you then have enough Spiderlings to pretty consistently fling. It’s a bit reminiscent of Elementium Pocket Anvil in that regard. Though, id love this trinket to not be thrown to the wayside as niche, because it was clearly designed with a lot of love, and a designer who was just having fun. Might be worth looking at its ramp time and adjusting.

Void Pactstone
Hard to gauge its tuning currently, as its haste buff currently doesn’t work. (Missing the haste stat in its misc_value data). Deals a respectable amount of damage, and works kinda like a reverse Grieftorch with it requiring you to die to trigger its big explosion. I like the design overall but worry it might encourage some to sacrifice themselves for damage checks. On the other side of the coin, enough people wearing this on a near-kill attempt of a hard boss might be the difference between a kill and a wipe.

Remnant of Darkness
Really interesting take on a stacking stat trinket. While it’s incredibly simple, just attack to stack buff, at max stacks it throws a wrench into the mix by transforming you into a void-touched being, doing some AoE damage, and even keeping the stat buff until the transformation expires. All while you’re still able to do everything you usually do!

While I do really like the design, tuning on it right now seems incredibly low, and should probably be looked into.

Overclocked Gear-A-Rang Launcher
Pretty interesting concept here as well, on proc effect to deal some fire damage, with a CDR effect on the use whenever it procs. It being a targeted ground effect does make it a bit hard to try to use though, combined with the speed of the projectile it triggers. Though all of that is in theme with the trinket, it is meant to be a fast-paced, uncontrollable machine after all, but in terms of UX, could use a bit more polish.

Tuning-wise, seemed a bit lackluster in my testing, but, DK doesn’t generally love pure damage trinkets, so my perspective might be a tad skewed on it. Worth double checking anyways.

Ravenous Honey Buzzer
I f*kin love this thing. It’s so derpy and fun and doesn’t even take itself seriously in its tooltip. My only wish for this trinket is that we could turn while riding the bee. Although I do understand that might be a little overpowered giving anyone who can use this such a fast movement speed effect, in the name of just dumb fun, that’s my only wish for it.

Tuning-wise, this is another one that felt a bit lackluster, but, same as above, my perspective might be a tad skewed due to DK’s general trinket preferences.

Final Words
Trinkets this time, at least for Melee, all seem to be generally quite good and fun trinkets to use, with some decent thought put into every one of them. There’s a few that could probably use a bit more attention, a bit more polish, but, none of the concepts are bad at all, which is a great thing to see. The entire rewards team this time is absolutely killing it, keep up the good work guys.

  • Do the visual effects match your expectation of the fantasy? Do they distract from the rest of your gameplay?

Warriors still feel lackluster. Whenever I hit something it feels the same since Legion. I don’t feel powerful whenever I use Mortal strike it looks like an attack from a SW guard from WC3. Thunderclap looks boring still. Man when I thunderclap I wanna see the ground shake and hear a loud thunder noise! Like BOOM BOOM CLAP. I want Mortal strike to feel like i’m inflicting a MORTAL Wound! Execute should be a hard spin and a cut to the head! To feel it’s power as a legit Excute!

and then We Will Rock You by Queen starts playing

Hello and Good Day,

I appreciate the recent changes that separate trinkets based on roles. However, I find value in the simplicity of stat sticks. They eliminate the need to incorporate an on-use trinket into our already complex rotations. This simplicity allows us to focus more on the encounters, without adding further complexity to our strategies. In essence, it reduces the ‘homework’ aspect of our rotation planning.

Adding more auras/buffs to time around the rotation can sometimes detract from the fun of the game. While it would be enjoyable to simply press a button and win, the reality is that we have to worry about our parse and time it perfectly. Otherwise, we risk being labeled as casual and not trying hard enough.

I enjoyed the interaction Neltharion’s Call to Dominance had with my Lightning build - Enhance Shaman. It was fun, but the need to min-max added a bit of annoyance. If you want to play alts, I feel something needs to be done to lower the overall cognitive load somewhere in the game. I don’t want to have to stress about Trinkets and when to use them with my rotation. I would rather have a more simplified yet weighty experience where the challenge comes from the content itself.

Best regards,


Hello I’m Evi, I play a couple games at a relatively competitive level and care a lot, here’s some stuff i find in beta while I run around. Will likely update as I move along.

To Preface, my overall time spent on beta thus far has been spent on Oracle Holy Priest. My background is CE Raider track with recent Hall of Fame addition, I have historically done max M+ key level for the reward without going much further (No season title pushing for me). I feel as though where my biases lay is important and the scope/frame I’m viewing the game from is not quite what some others may experience.


Cirral Concoctory - This Trinket is interesting since it follows the highly debated theme of external power sources for DPS. I am on the side of it being a fun and enjoyable thing inside of the game but I do see the struggles some have with it. This trinket plays on that theme but the transparency for this specific trinket is in a terrible state. There are 4-6 buffs, the party members must be in combat for the proc to occur. This makes testing the trinket a bit difficult because you need to party up with people at training dummies or hop into some dungeons and watch peoples buffs like a hawk. Overall in my experience this trinkets proc rate is extremely low. The effects also seem to be bugged. One of the buffs is for an Intellect boost, it was consistently happening to targets that do not use intellect. I assume this is just supposed to be main stat or secondary stat. I wish to see the values maybe come down a little and the proc rate be greatly increased. Otherwise this trinket in it’s current state is likely dead on arrival.

Viscous Coagulant - As a Holy Priest, I love this trinket. This trinket fits a great niche that I don’t think many other healer trinkets if any at all have historically. The idea of its strength deriving from reducing the penalty of overhealing by a small fraction is phenomenal. I do think the tuning for the heal could come up just a tiny bit, especially if the on use effect was removed. The alternative could be just make the on use a little bit stronger for 5 man content because I do think that is the only place this trinket falls a little behind. In the same breath I do want to say everything obviously cannot be balanced for all forms of content at once. I love the idea of this trinket for a lot of healers in a raid environment. Great job.

Spymaster’s Web - Intellect Coral but better? Sign me up. Most healers and caster dps can use this and use it VERY well. Unfortunately I don’t think holy priest will be one of the best user’s but I’m so happy to see this trinket come to life. I think it has healthy skill expression and synergizes with a lot of potential users. Very well done.

Gruesome Syringe

UPDATE: Trinket was clarified on, still seems to have a potential cap of 3ish stacks. Happy overall after the first raid test, this trinket feels great to play with!

  • Probably going to be a guaranteed equipped trinket for many healers. Update: After the 6/13/24 Raid test I can safely say I love the idea of this trinket. This thing pumps and is super enjoyable to play with.

Ovinax’s Mercurial Egg - This trinket is something I really liked the wording of when initially viewing, however, with practice this trinket became a bit of a nightmare. I think the idea of wanting to balance stacks with moving and staying stationary is a great idea, it’s just in practice, the zero base stat value this trinket has, makes it too weak. You add this extra layer of complexity most trinkets don’t typically add with weaving micro movement into your gameplay, all to be rewarded with VERY lackluster stat gain. I think it just needs a little love.

Signet of the Priory - This trinket is very reminiscent of the legendary ring from Warlords of Draenor. I personally loved that legendary as it made you feel like being a part of a bigger group and team truly empowered you. The theme of this trinket is beautiful and since it’s not in the season 1 rotation it will likely not be used unless there is high cheese potential for normal/heroic raid very early on. I wish the secondary stat gain was adjusted based on group size to be flexible for 5/10/20 man content because once you hit 30 people using this trinket at the same time this thing becomes a monster. Overall I still love the theme, it feels great.

More trinket healer testing in dungeons

Viscous Coaglam
I love the idea of this trinket, a passive solution to overhealing by partially storing it but i think its extremely undertuned. Based on the wording (and backed up by it not working at all in solo play) this trinket doesn’t work on raid groups , only your party (like windfury totem), meaning the maximum amount of people you’ll ever have storing healing is 5, making the maximum shield 334k with the base champion quality one; thats only ~7% of a non-tanks health in equivalent gear. If the trinket is 5 man locked then i think the stored amount needs to be doubled at least, increasing its small party value and letting the absorb be at least 15% of a dps or healers health with a fully powered on use.
If it does work in raids, the wording should be changed away from specifying party and it should probably get a bit of that new group sizing tech you gave disc atonement and some of the major healing cooldowns, where the stored total amount can be up to doubled based on the number of valid targets.

sigil of algari Concordance
Flast stat trinket that summons a little buddy on what feels like an okay proc rate. I’m gonna guess its intentional that i only ever got the heal pulse and some mainstat in heal spec, while I’ve seen it do damage for other people. It does lower the open world value a bit but the mainstat being good for everything makes up for that.

signet of priory
Group synergy trinkets are nice but it shouldnt be a 2 minute cooldown. It’s reinforcing the god comp meta we had in DF with a trinket that synergizes even better with a group of 2 minute specs vs the low perma-passive stat buffs of previous season’s group trinkets. Lower the total given stat and it moved to a 1 minute cooldown so it can line up with pretty much all the major cooldown variants. Besides that its a fine trinket for personal use and another for the group supporting list.

harvester’s edict
Listed as a healer trinket, might not be. The bloodworker spawns pretty far out and moves pretty fast making it difficult to get the mastery bonus.
The first half of the wording doesnt specify hostile spells and abilities but either it doesnt work on heals or it doesnt work without a hostile target selected , making its proc rate super low while healing.
The damage it does is the same in resto and balance spec so i’m guessing it is intended to be a valid healer trinket but it probably needs some adjustments to work off of heal spells and just select a random nearby enemy in combat not our target, or give the bloodworkers a heal variant so it can go explode on our dps and heal them when we target them with our friendly spells.

Multiple charges may overlap” is intended to signal that each stack has its own duration as opposed to refreshing all stacks for the full duration. The visible duration is only for the most recent application of the buff. We haven’t used this kind of mechanic on a lot of trinkets and most classes don’t use it either, so it might be new for some players. Ironfur is another example.

This function puts a natural cap on the total stacks you can have at any given moment based on the proc rate and duration, so it’s very unlikely to go above three given the particular setup here. Old stacks are consumed to heal if an ally drops below the health threshold, or the stack expires and is converted to the INT buff. The tooltip wording has been updated slightly in the next build to better reflect this.

This might not be the correct place for this feedback, but seemed the most relevant place anyways.

Going through all the jewelry available in Season 1, noticed there’s a pretty severe lack of haste focused rings. For reference sake, here’s a map of all the S1 items (in their current forms)

Mast > Haste
Writhing Ringworm

Mast > Vers

Mast > Crit
Band of the Roving Scalawag/Seal of the City Watch
Umbriss Band

Haste > Mast

Haste > Vers
Stitchflesh’s Misplaced Signet

Haste > Crit

Vers > Mast
High Nerubian Signet

Vers > Haste
Experiment 08752’s Band

Vers > Crit
Ritual Commander’s Ring

Crit > Mast
Seal of the Poisoned Pact

Crit > Haste
Devout Zealot’s Ringworm
Band of the Ancient Dreadger

Crit = Haste
Abaondoned Dark Iron Ring
Ring of Dun Algaz
Circle of Bone

Crit > Vers
Key to the Unseeming