Feedback: Mythic+ Testing January 7th - January 14th

The War Within Season 2 dungeon testing begins on PTR today. The test period starts on Tuesday January 7th at 10:00 PDT (13:00 EDT, 20:00 CEST), and ends Tuesday January 14th at 10:00 PDT (13:00 EDT, 20:00 CEST). Please note that the test period may be adjusted in the event of technical difficulties.

This week testing is focused on the new 11.1 dungeon Operation: Floodgate.

During the test period you’ll be able to acquire and customize Mythic Keystones by talking to the Keystone Vendor in Stormwind or Orgrimmar, and the nearby Dungeon Teleports NPC will assist you with transportation.

We look forward to hearing your feedback!

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Asthetically, this is an extremely cool dungeon, imo extremely cool zone, mob, and ability visuals.

Dungeon feels pretty fun overall. So far had two tanks that refused to not MDI pull so hard to judge any individual packs. Only thing I noticed was that I was dying in the water to an ability that read as a proximity bomb, but found the bombs extremely hard to see in the water because of their coloring.

I do have some feedback on the Demolition Duo boss:

It’s too much. Like, no dungeon boss needs this many overlapping mechanics. We don’t need to be baiting a charge while also watching for beams to dodge while also thinking about running a circle to bombs to get rid of them at the same time.


Hard to give feedback on more then feels atm with ascendant randomly buffing bosses by 50% and reducing their damage taken to nothing when ascedant orbs are cced but i completed it on a +2, healing it.

First zone shredders need fewer axes, a longer more visual wind up for where they’re going to land, to tick slower, have fewer go off, or to just do less damage. These mobs are just a straight unfun reactionary check that combos horribly with any slow or root the other trash cast, punish having more the one melee since theyll either kill eachother with their blades or zone off whole areas, and the 2 pack before demolition duo caused noticeable frame drops with both of them spawning blades in sync.

The blood corrupter dwarf mobs seem overtuned with their warp blood channel, this might just have been because of the xalatath bug doubling its damage or maybe gear scalling having us so low but i had to pop buffed convoke, treants and the new bottle service trinkets to heal through their absorbs on a 2.

Area hazards like the electrified water and killable scafolding are a nice touch.

The bomb crabs melee a little to hard in my opinion, i got 2-shot running next to one from pinch.

swampface trash seems okay, pulled 4 at a time and their channel was healable with a small cooldown.

I love bubbles, even if he oneshot our tank on landing.

First boss: went so quick im not sure what she really does besides summon adds, the new swirl graphic is nice and clear though so thats an upgrade.

Duo had the xalatath go off at 50% wiping us first pull, second we waited out the affix and it went pretty smooth. The fixate charge mechanic is fun enough. The arena is a little small for all the bombs, lines and the dot needing to be spread from melee if there isnt a bomb for it to pop and the tank hit needing a safety corner.
The healer dispel was alright, if its intended when the fight last longer at higher difficulties that you might not be able to get all the bombs with just charge the infinite duration is fine.

Swampface feels like he’s made to break pugs with the grip/stack and dodge mechanics. Make it mark your partner clearer before the grip goes off. He seems super doable in VC but in a pug i kept getting gripped by my partner while trying to cast heals because they wanted to stand farther and farther from the mechanics. Other mechanics are visually clear and fine, the circling barrage targets make the arena feel a little small when it looks like you should have the whole waterfall area to fight him in; they make it never worth moving him from his spawn corner.

Geezle wiped us first time to a combo of the xalatath buff going off when he turbo-charged making the group take a ton of damage and then the sparks stunning some people before they could recover. Second time we got him since the bugged buff happened in a down period while we already had orbs we were running from.
From testing and reading the journal it looks like you’re suppose to take the spark orbs and have them follow you over the water to despawn but leave a electified zone.
In testing the orb would hop over the water and just keep chasing, so either we needed to stand in the water (which stuns for shorter but means youre in the puddle taking damage) to make sure it landed in the puddle, you get caught right away and take a longer stun but only 1 instance of damage or just run forever which is what our tank did while we took turns eating the long stun.

Overall it looks like the bosses are fun and the trash will be enjoyable after the first zone.


So far the changes for Fury (both in slayer and thane) suck.
The changes for shaman, are either broken, or willfully stupid.
The changes for DH are somewhere between grievously undertuned, and terrible.

Do better. (Don’t nerf the best melee dps into the ground, then nerf 2 underperforming melees and tell me its candy)

Disappointingly, Ascendence is broken for Shamans, so I am yet to journey into the dungeon, and haven’t really been able to test my tier set.

One thing I’m surprised about is that there doesn’t seem to be a visual or audio indicator that I’ve gotten a jackpot. This really seems like a missed opportunity, and could have brought a lot of clarity to the tier set

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Please add 0.5 seconds to Shreddation cast as well as an indicator on the ground at the beginning of the cast so you can see where other players have spawned theirs before the cast completes.


I love the dungeon as a whole. I agree with most of what everyone’s saying, though, there’s still a bit of improvement needed on scaling and visibility, but I will enjoy running this dungeon in M+, and I think this was the most fun I had all expac.

Tankbusters are cast too quickly. 1.5 to 2.0s cast is needed, unless you’re reneging on the whole “addons aren’t required” business.

Loaderbots: Way too much damage with Wind up, and can only be stunned to stop cast – so they cast it almost immediately after. The amount of times they’ve done the windup and deleted the melee is way too high, especially if you have a mistweaver monk.

Shreddinators: The mechanic is overall fine, but it should have a more distinct windup audio/visual queue to let you know its coming. Damage might be a bit overtuned as well.

Bloodwarper: Blood Bolt is overtuned and cast way too often. Right now it hits for about 9m on my Brewmaster which is almost 80% of his health bar. The surge cast also does way too much damage with the heal absorb. Definitely need to lower one or the other in regards to tuning.

Goblin Electricians: Their Lightning Bolt cast does way too much damage and the cast time is too short, coupled with there not being a cooldown on it means they just sit and chain cast bolts at the group. Another season where interrupts become mandatory and Prot Paladin becomes a necessity, rather than a nice-to have

Mechadrone Sniper: Too much damage on snipe, and basically untankable.

Demolitionists: I like these, but the circles can be a bit too large and the time to get out of them is a bit low. Consider increasing the time it takes for the bombs to land, and reducing the overall size of the AOE.


Big M.O.M.M.A: The adds need to not go flying so far away and then cast their overload. This has lead to wipes where the enemy went to the middle of nowhere, began casting, and nobody could get close to interrupt. The pushback is also extremely egregions, making it very difficult to interrupt once the cast goes off. Way too punishing.

Additionally, the adds spawn too far apart, making it difficult for the tank to pick them up, especially brewmaster with their limited radius of Keg Smash. Please consider changing their spawn to be closer to the boss so that the tanks can pick them up. Their spawn coincides with a tankbuster that has too short of a windup and does magic damage.

Quickfuse and Bront: Seems adequately tuned, the mechanics are great. The one thing I would say is that the health seems to be far too low on the goblin, as she dies way faster than the other boss. Overall, it reminds me of the Machinists in Stonevault but ends way too quickly. My groups were able to kill this boss before the second set of bombs.

If anything, the DoT does a bit too much damage, causing you to want to dispel it immediately instead of using it to knock bombs up. Since you can pre-position the boss right before bombs so that charges hit them all, its a bit of misleading mechanic.

Swampface: Again, the tankbuster comes too quickly. The puddles also don’t tell you where the waves will come from so it makes it difficult to avoid. Consider giving it the Queen Ansurek treatment where the direction of the waves is telegraphed. I like the tether mechanic

Geezle Gigazap: The knockback needs to be reduced. Tanks are getting knocked off the platform after clearing their spark.

Overall, a decent dungeon but definitely one to avoid if theres no changes to tuning.


This will definitely be a boss that bricks keys for pugs. I am already not looking forward to it.

People with VC will Breeze through it and say that its easy so I doubt that it will get any changes before release.

Agree. Needs to be spread out

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Delete m+ and r+ and make more progressive content. There, testing done.

While feedback is open, another increase to player HP would be highly encouraged.

My biggest issue with Operation Floodgate is the fixed position of the boxes and that you need all of them. It makes routing very static and less open.

I would change it so you only need 3 of 5 boxes to add some flex to routes.

Otherwise, I agree with a lot of the feedback from Riyyah above.

no forces % indicator in M+ testing for days now. cant test many things if you dont know how many trash mobs you are supposed to kill. Cant know if the 32 mins is ok when i cant see my % progress while doing the run.

If you leave and re enter after the key starts, you’ll see the timer and forces count. This happened to me yesterday, and I thought it might have been a weak aura bug. Didn’t bother to try without add-ons.

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:100: Overall, all dungeons need less of this burden on tanks and their healers so I wholeheartedly agree here. Tanks and healers are supposed to facilitate the DPS so that they can execute mobs. There is too much cause & effect in their current states. If we divert too much of our healers’ attention to their tanks, we leave very little for their DPS left. That makes for a very unhealthy M+ experience overall.

:100: I vote to move some of the stop mechanics into interrupt mechanics whenever possible, as those are the only ones that ranged DPS can really viably help with. Not to mention I also am in high favor of giving casters/healers an interrupt toolkit that doesn’t sit behind a 30-45 sec CD.

:100: :100: :100: :100: OMG YES!!! A “pre-visual” is 100% needed before they spawn and their damage tables need to be brought way down.

:100: Again, tanks eating that much damage so quickly is going to drive healers’ focus to ONLY TANKS leaving DPS vulnerable. BEEF UP TANKS if you intend to go live without any tweaks!

:100: Just all kinds of agreement on these points. I also think we’re 100% nerfing melee classes with the mechanics of the last boss here without giving us more caster/healer based interrupts on MUCHHHHH shorter CDs.

@Linky Fix it!

<3 Dani

I tested Holy Priest and Discipline and found Operation Floodgate to be very fun. Dominate mind on Demolitionists was wild! I will be forever trying to convince everyone using the hang glider is the fastest route even if it isn’t.

The routes can be arranged based on group composition strengths and weaknesses in a compelling way. If you don’t have as many AOE stops you can walk around the back there or if you have mind soothe you can sneak around those scary mobs. What seems the most thought out was how several classes can accomplish the same tactic so it should be a more inclusive pick up group experience.

The essence of what makes m+ fun seems to be the guiding principle for the course of the dungeon. Big pulls where we can do lots of damage, highly rewards well executed crowd control, and scary parts where healers have to do what they do best.

However, the punishment for missing kicks or stuns or not moving away from fixates is really deadly so, it does reward good heads-up play. Same with boss mechanics. Missing kicks on MOMMA can turn to a wipe quickly. If you get a dispel and the charge on Demolition Duo you’re toast and if you try to run away from your chained together partner on Swampface you will probably go splat (unless you can hover!)

Before facing down Gigazap you meet Bubbles the real terror of the deep. Please make the bubbles do something cool like remove your dots or have some interaction with the insane damage that goes out. I skip the electricians because that is just too many lightning bolts and that dot is insane. Yeah all the trash down there is just a huge no. Gigazap is cool though!

My new favorite dungeon!

In general i like that the number of casts overall is much more reasonable than in the current season. Its also good that, like in the current season, healers have to heal during trash and bosfights. Do i need to constantly heal the whole dungeon? I think there should be phases in each dungeon where little to no healing is required to give healers a little mental break.

A development that is really concerning though is the increasing combination of high movement high damage overlaps. Healers have no problem with heavy heal checks but it feels very unfair if those situations are always paired with high movement as most healers have to cast to produce the required hps output.


100% agree!!!

I will beg of the development team to either add more time in between mob casts -OR- rework player casts to be more “on the move”.