Tankbusters are cast too quickly. 1.5 to 2.0s cast is needed, unless you’re reneging on the whole “addons aren’t required” business.
Loaderbots: Way too much damage with Wind up, and can only be stunned to stop cast – so they cast it almost immediately after. The amount of times they’ve done the windup and deleted the melee is way too high, especially if you have a mistweaver monk.
Shreddinators: The mechanic is overall fine, but it should have a more distinct windup audio/visual queue to let you know its coming. Damage might be a bit overtuned as well.
Bloodwarper: Blood Bolt is overtuned and cast way too often. Right now it hits for about 9m on my Brewmaster which is almost 80% of his health bar. The surge cast also does way too much damage with the heal absorb. Definitely need to lower one or the other in regards to tuning.
Goblin Mechanics: Their Lightning Bolt cast does way too much damage and the cast time is too short, coupled with there not being a cooldown on it means they just sit and chain cast bolts at the group. Another season where interrupts become mandatory and Prot Paladin becomes a necessity, rather than a nice-to have
Mechadrone Sniper: Too much damage on snipe, and basically untankable.
Demolitionists: I like these, but the circles can be a bit too large and the time to get out of them is a bit low. Consider increasing the time it takes for the bombs to land, and reducing the overall size of the AOE.
Big M.O.M.M.A: The adds need to not go flying so far away and then cast their overload. This has lead to wipes where the enemy went to the middle of nowhere, began casting, and nobody could get close to interrupt. The pushback is also extremely egregions, making it very difficult to interrupt once the cast goes off. Way too punishing.
Additionally, the adds spawn too far apart, making it difficult for the tank to pick them up, especially brewmaster with their limited radius of Keg Smash. Please consider changing their spawn to be closer to the boss so that the tanks can pick them up. Their spawn coincides with a tankbuster that has too short of a windup and does magic damage.
Quickfuse and Bront: Seems adequately tuned, the mechanics are great. The one thing I would say is that the health seems to be far too low on the goblin, as she dies way faster than the other boss. Overall, it reminds me of the Machinists in Stonevault but ends way too quickly. My groups were able to kill this boss before the second set of bombs.
Swampface: Again, the tankbuster comes too quickly. The puddles also don’t tell you where the waves will come from so it makes it difficult to avoid. Consider giving it the Queen Ansurek treatment where the direction of the waves is telegraphed. I like the tether mechanic
Geezle Gigazap: The knockback needs to be reduced. Tanks are getting knocked off the platform after clearing their spark.
Overall, a decent dungeon but definitely one to avoid if theres no changes to tuning.