Testing for Mug’Zee, Heads of Security (Mythic) begins today at 13:00 PT (16:00 ET, 22:00 CET).
Please use this thread for feedback and bug reports regarding this encounter or related issues. Noting the nature of your group (Mythic guild premade, PUG, etc.) is helpful, as are any logs. Thank you to everyone who has come out to help test!
Recent changes are good (less fixating mines for example).
The “icy/sliding” movement feels really sluggish/frustrating/bad to me, I think the Sennarth implementation was slightly better. It almost physically feels bad trying to control my character with this effect, it does not feel as if it’s skill but just praying the effect is functioning well enough when I shove off in a direction (and very little ability to impact or change once I’m sliding).
Personally I don’t find this kind of friction fun or intuitive, would love to see it changed in some way!