Feedback: Mop Remix

With the PTR being active we have access to many new additions to the game with the upcoming event slated for 10.2.7.

Thank you Blizzard, for adding as much as you have. Giving players the sheer volume of mounts, pets, toys. Multitudes of content compact into one event.

The ability to farm Bronze to attain as many of those pesky toys and achievement criteria are most welcome.

I dont know how quickly Bronze can be amassed as of yet. It looks promising.
I hope the masses are as excited about these additions as me.


From the way it looked when my spousal unit was playing it, you can amass the bronze stuff pretty quickly. He was jazzed about the gems upgrading and what not (some of which seemed pretty cool). It looks awesome and I might even give it a shot when it launches. It seems genuinely good.

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Was going to make my own post but will throw my feedback in here!

So spent the weekend playing the Panda remix PTR, got one char to 70 and another to 30ish. First off, absolutely love this content. Here’s a few thoughts and opinions I’ve had over the weekend while grinding this out!

Obviously levelling is a bit scuffed atm, with everyone spamming LFR for xp, and I’m sure it’s on BLizz radar already, but one thing I will say about the other content is I would love to see a bit more tailored towards questing to make it feel a bit more rewarding. Currently there’s the caches for completeing zones (not sure how much bronze they give) but this could easily be extended to caches per each of the story lines needed for each zones meta achievement. Make the bronze reward for completing these something meaningful for the time spent doing them. There is always going to be a “best bronze farm method”, but making the other content within a % of similar reward for time spent, and some big rewards for finishing storylines/meta achievements would definitely encourage people to try other content.

Gear scaling is very wonky, as is damage taken, especially at the higher levels. Hopefully this will be easy enough to iron out, but questing almost feels impossible at some points, especially when you are gaining levels faster than you can get gear upgraded to keep up with the incoming damage. Gear upgrading is also annoying with it costing bronze, and also dropping gear with random tertiary stats instead of secondary stats feels weird especially when levelling, I understand maybe end game min maxing it might be nice but during levelling it just feels bad.

BRONZE - MAKE BRONZE AN ACCOUNT WIDE CURRENCY. Please do not make this mistake again. Make it account bound. Let me have fun playing alts, PLEASE.

Maybe Have a secondary currency for upgrading gear rather than bronze? At the moment I can’t see myself wanting to invest at all in upgrading my gear because I want to farm all the collectibles, so spending bronze on gear upgrades just feels inherintly bad. Maybe have a secondary currency usable for upgrading gear that you get alongside bronze? Especially if you want people to upgrade gear and really get into and enjoy the end game content.Or having gear drops be “usable” on current gear to upgrade them like heirloom upgrades work? You could also add in a way to use gems to “reforge” your gears stats to a stat you prefer, making it a lot less annoying swapping around gear all the time with how fast the levelling can be.

There’s definitely a lot of room for experimentation too with this which is fantastic. Maybe we could see some diversity in tinkers, seeing some role specific ones for tanks/healers/dps, or even class specific ones to enhance or change some class abilities? As mentioned in a previous post I’m a bit disappoointed that challenge modes and other content aren’t included in this, but could definitely see a way they could be included in the future if you added “tinkerless” hard modes for dungeons, and for raids, with normalised gear. Something challenging that could let people aquire special rewards again like cmode rewards.

I really hope there’s more end game testing coming up for this mode so we can get specific balance testing for each raid, some raid weekends like you do for upcoming raids!


a few more thoughts. It would be a really nice QoL change if bronze was picked up automatically like the currency in torghast. It gets very tedious picking it up all the time.

I’d like to see gear upgrade discounts after you upgrade one piece in that slot like on live. i.e. if i upgrade a staff to max, i shouldnt have to pay anything close to the same amount to upgrade another staff if i get an epic one or one with another stat.


Have spent some time on the Remix. I must say overall the experience was a lot of fun. The Raiding on the other hand was a big let-down - I understand some of the stuff needs to iron out In terms of scaling and balance, but from the feeling I got it feels very trivial even when tuning happens.

A lot of the boss mechanics and encounter design didn’t felt that it matters at all, even in heroic mode. So my question here: Are heroic raids aimed to meet the normal heroic standard like in modern or are they more aimed towards LFR in Difficult to be more accessible?

For someone that enjoys some difficult, this mode in its current state doesn’t offer any long term enjoyment if the hardest content in it is a total push over - so I hope this changes.

I agree with most of what Promega says - some tertiary also feels very bad - getting something with leech is worthless even if your current gear is only rare and the new leech item is epic. It creates a very complicated and not clear gear progression.


How will the use of items from retail transition over to Remix?

:Draught of the Ten Lands - (Battle for Azeroth experience potion)
:Reputation tokens for Mists of Pandaria factions. (I have a bank full of them).
:Heirloom Flightpath toys- (currently giving experience and Bronze, I believe)

There are many items more that I know I am not considering here.