Feedback: If Evoker ever gets reworked


Just wanted to share my thoughts on what may be improved with evoker (devastation specifically) and what I personally thought the way the class should have been laid out.

When evoker first dropped and I read that it would utilize the magics of each dragonflight I thought “wow Bravo guys that is fantastic”. Then upon reading what each spec was going to utilize as their main schools to me was just counter intuitive and not fully reaching potential.

-devastation. This spec should’ve used the magics of the black and blue dragonflights. That to me just feels like a right fit to the spec name. Flying in cataclysmically devastating foes with black magic like deathwing for aoe and then focusing and pelting down foes with blue school. We could still do a little switcheroo and rename a couple things with Aug and give Dev upheaval and eruption. And the solution for Ebon might I will explain in my Aug section of this post. That’s just how Dev should’ve gone and it’s not too late to change that.

-augmentation. This spec should utilize the schools of red and black. With Ebon Might either being converted to Essence of the Red. Buffing allys increasing intellect and granting unlimited resource for a short time. Mana,rage,etc. You could also keep Ebon might if you really wanted to focus moreover on the support aspect of the spec if that’s what you like. There’s just so much more you can do with the spec this way and it fits so well into the lores of red dragonflight buffing allys. You could make fire breath damage foes and heal allys whilst buffing them moderately. So much potential here.

-preservation. This spec should’ve utilized green and red dragonflights for the fact of greens healing ability and red damage and heal/buff capability.

-bronze. This school should’ve been the magic that bound all the specs together. Through defensives,utility,cc,buffing,shielding, we could get a reincarnation or cheat death, and much more.

Just my couple cents on what we may or should do to overall make this class reach it’s highest potential. And just letting the team know it’s never too late to try.

Thank you for your time,