IMO this is where it becomes evident that they ran out of time and triage prevented a lot of stuff from getting attention because of the pets. They had to go back and hard code a bunch of stuff with the pets such that they don’t do the things that they just integrated into the spec when the intention was to remove the pet.
That part works now. But core parts of the rest of the spec genuinely just stopped getting changed after a certain point. It’s disappointing. The entire dark ranger hero tree being DOA isn’t just conjecture.
I think they can still tune certain spots of the Dark Ranger talents in order to make it better and competitive. But Withering Fire in particular, I feel it can’t be changed before the next patch. Maybe they add some damage buff to Dark Arrow during Withering Fire just to make a difference against single target, but nothing more complex than that.
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Honestly where do you even start? If there were hunter spell modifiers on any of the talents, you could ramp those up but there aren’t. Crows? Hounds? Shadow surge procs as big as aimed shots? I genuinely don’t even see a place that has knobs that make sense enough.
not sure if it was readding pets or the fact that barely anyone wanted a random eagle forced in the spec
Give fortitude-of-the-bear back to mm hunter The first I find when I test MM in ptr is they delete FOTB. Give hunter lust don’t mean you should remove fortitude-of-the-bear. I don’t know who design 11.1 MM but you remove a lot of good design from 11.0. You may don’t even play MM. So please add fortitude if click Tenacious, and Master’s Call if click Cunning. I need more support to let the designer see it. Help me report bug in the ptr, so they can see it.
We can’t be the only ones who see all the videos, posts, logs, and feedback that showcase MM as hot trash but its cool because “We gave you pets” and nothing else but pure radio silence with 0 chance of hope or positive change.
Hoping and guessing tuning is not done. Really it is never done, but I just don’t know how likely it is to see MM tuned to be competitive soon.
Some tuning will be done over the next two weeks (patch day + season start hotfixes). The real question is what will be done and if it will be enough to make MM competitive.
I agree. The 5% extra health + 3% damage reduction is nowhere as good as Fortitude of the Bear.
I agree, the monent the pet was brought back, they dedicated all their remaining resources for MM development into that and literally stopped working on the rest.
As long as the CLASS tree has Pet centric talents every spec within the class needs to have access to their pet. Period. Full stop.
It might be sub-optimal, but there is absolutely NOTHING stopping a Marksmanship hunter from taking Roar of Sacrifice, Wilderness Medication, or other Pet Focused talents; Only one of those talents has any conditionals for “No active pet”.
In order to divorce the pet entirely from MM they would need to overhaul the Class tree too - which isn’t something I expect they are keen to do given the backlash they have already received to trying to take the pets away for the 3rd time.
That said, the overall MM changes are entirely why I’m not planning to play mine in the upcoming season; At least not as MM. They took an Iconic and stable rotation and made it a weird RNG fiesta that somehow makes it feel less like a hunter and more like a mage.
there is 1 single talent on the whole class tree that requires a pet and nobody takes it in pve. period. full stop.
actually no, they wouldn’t, because roar of sacrifice is the only talent that requires a pet for the "benefit’ and the talent is pure garbage in 99% of all pve settings.
did you know the warrior and paladin tree both have modular talents? because a dual wield talent on the warrior class tree wouldn’t do much for arms or prot so it just changes that. no overhaul required.
i realize this is Yet More Pet Stuff but i’d like if we could change the appearances of the beasts summoned by hero specs. i’ve been running pack leader this whole time because i don’t want any extra beasts–i prefer it being just me and one close companion as SV–but if we have to have extra beasts, it’d be nice to be able to personalize them
I thought they completely gutted that? or is it back again?
Man, I feel like an orphan when it comes to Survival. I liked Pack Leader because it just enhanced the spec without forcing a particular fantasy on it. Cool, my Kill Commands hit harder the more I use them, and the more I use them the more I can Mongoose Bite. Simple, effective. And Den Recovery was a really good defensive.
Now… well, I either need to summon bears and boars and wyverns, which I don’t care about, and have the worst defensive I’ve ever seen (and does nothing for the pet), or I need to shoot lasers from the sky or form a white bubble around me that is pretty good but does nothing for the pet. Neither fantasy appeals to me.
No idea how to gauge it in pve, but pack leader sv is chunking in PvP. 9-10m mongoose bites.
Pack Leader is significantly behind Sentinel for PvE from in game testing and sims.
Several talents contribute sub-1% dps (Envenomed Fangs, No Mercy), one talent is a dps LOSS (Ursine Fury does not provide enough CDR to justify desyncing every Flanking Strike from cooldowns), and the Kill Shot “bleed” package talents that were added are not impactful enough to be worth taking.
Kill Shot is barely worth pressing right now due to Mongoose Bite buffs and Survival does not have enough bleed damage, even as Pack Leader, to justify spending 2/3 talent points for Cull The Herd/Born to Kill/Sic 'Em.
Add on the lackluster defensive node of Shell Cover and it would be a tough sell to play Pack Leader even if it were equal to Sentinel.
Pack Leader needs some more love to even be a viable alternative to Sentinel for Survival.
This. I want nothing to do with additional beasts. Period.
Worst case scenario, if additional summons are forced via pack leader, I want to choose which one of my tamed pets shows up. Let me choose exactly which pets, from my stable, can be used for any animal summoning abilities. No random beasts. No beasts that I did not actively go out and tame.
It’s really a shame that it feels like the only hunter hero spec with cohesive fantasy behind it is Dark Ranger. Sentinel doesn’t seem to know what it wants to be, I would have expected it to go as deeply into Tyrande-flavored fantasy as Dark Ranger goes for Sylvanas. But you just occasionally shoot lasers or give yourself a barely visible absorb shield. No core rotation abilities get swapped out for something cooler. Nothing about it really says “Sentinel” to me.
I’m with you on Pack Leader, I was able to tolerate it before because it was kind of like Templar is for Ret paladin, in terms of the hero spec fantasy not really changing the core spec but doubling down on what it already is. I do think the overall concept of the Rexxar pets is cool. But only insofar as the summons are doing specific things, which to me is cooler than Dire Beast just…launching random animals at the enemy. But they should not be Rexxar’s pets, like you said. They should be ours.
I would love to have Ban’thalos take the place of the wyvern and actually be able to see a bird from my stable behaving like a bird would in combat, circling the battlefield. I know the designers were just limited by the tech we had at the time, but it always kinda bummed me out that bird pets attacked the same way ground pets did. It actually looks worse for the new Somnowl pets because they’re using the same model as the new druid flight form, which is awesome for druids because they can use their legs, but for the hunter pet it means they never fly, lol.
I mean, it technically averages out (in longer fights, the shorter, the worse of a trade off it is), but I do prefer having an extra defensive to hit in an emergency over the damage being dulled out over the entire fight, tbh.
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