Feedback: Hunters

They are being weirdly silent on Trueshot. My guess is that they want to get the rotational bugs fixed out “to see how Trueshot really works” before they take in the feedback. :woman_shrugging:t3:

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I hope they sincerely consider baking in feathered frenzy and tensile bowstring, then halving the duration and base cooldown of trueshot. It actually makes a lot more sense as a button if you were able to use it in the same ballpark as colossus smash or bestial wrath.

Conversely, you’re going to have to radically uptune the already bursty damage and add even more stuff to trueshot such that you’re making up for the amount of dead time you have between trueshot after you put all of your charges on cd. The button can be less strong if its primary purpose is keeping you casting the stuff you’re supposed to be casting with more frequent but smaller intermittent spikes. Also theoretically fits into every volley.

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I feel it’s incredibly minor to let MM pets retain their family abilities. It’s a key part of how a lot of the tanky pets work for example. Only in PvP could it be an issue to apply Mortal Strike on two targets, but that’s something warrior can already do with ease.

Regarding the pet spec passives. I don’t believe those should be allowed to double dip. Having double tenacity for example is a ton of extra HP, 3% DR, and regaining access to fortitude of the bear.

I hope they can find a way to disable the pet spec passives for MM otherwise I don’t believe Improved Spotter’s Mark is better than getting another 5% HP.

Beyond the pet stuff.

2 stacks of Streamline feels almost disruptive in Trueshot. Aimed Shot casts so fast I’ve actually done it accidentally sometimes.

Lock and Load is too random. It needs to be some sort of RPPM set up vs 8% off any auto attack. The swingy nature of it is too much.

It feels unnatural to let focus overcap as much as we are because an unbuffed arcane shot is so much weaker than just spamming steady shot for Aimed Shot CDR.

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why isn’t more being done to our rotation. we got almost an entire new talent tree yet the spec still feels like very little has changed since BFA.

why does trick shots still have 3+ targets? it is very annoying in dungeons when mobs are slightly out of range and it won’t activate. not very smooth

why does trueshot have 6 pts and still feel like a bad CD? wouldn’t it be a good time to try something new? maybe streamline makes aimed shot instant during it? anything

RNG everywhere seems almost opposite of a “smooth and iconic” sharpshooter. Lock and Load could have finally been built into the spec instead of the RNG copy paste from old SV. you could make rapid fire grant LnL, or consuming a certain # of precise shots. instead we got abunch of strange auto shot talents seemingly to balance a tier set.


BM personal return

  • The mono dps of the Dark ranger aoe build is really catastrophic. My warrior with 30 ilvl less does as much mono as my 636 hunter. And the mono build not even better

  • There are far too many talent points to put in Dire beast 6 points for all the features.

  • Dire command and Dire beast should be a choice node

  • Because of wasted talent points in 2-point nodes or too many points in Dire beast (6), it’s difficult to access new talents like Thundering hooves or Poisoned barbs.

  • The damage nerf of Stomp and the almost impossibility to take Thundering hooves make this new talent almost useless. with 2000% we could perhaps discuss it.

  • You also need 3 points with the dark ranger spec to access Call of the wild, and one more to access Bloody frenzy.

  • Poisoned barbs changes are for a pack leader talent (Envenomed fangs). Why not put this feature directly in the pack leader tree? and instead make barbed shot apply to multiple targets with a 30% chance in the specialization tree. This would synergize with Master handler, for example!

  • As we’ve been saying for months/years, 3 points for multi is absurd! Put Multi-shot baseline and mix Beast cleave and Kill cleave

  • If you want mix Withering fire with Call of the wild, Please make Black arrow to auto shot like currently on Live

Like our rotation, the talent tree is bloated too
For me, the specialization tree and hero talents are a mess, and need some work.
There are a lot of good ideas lost in the labyrinth of a poorly done talent tree.

Translated with DeepL (free version)


I agree with you I think by trying to implement pets back they ended up creating another issue with them double dipping on utility and making the systm more complicated. In a way they decided to remove pets, redesigned the spec around it but cave in to bring them back without finding the best engeneering solution so in the end not only the talent tree is bloated with multiple talents essencially buffing the same thing like explosive shot, or boring talents like obsidian arrow head as well as not fully implemented two target cleve into trick shots, which still requires the same multi shot spree every time, the very bad state of true shot needing 6 points to be good, bulls eye back to being a 2 point node for no reason and now the pet which - because of the double dipping - might make some feel its mandatory for PvP for exemple. I think they need to eather stick to petless or work fast on the pet addition while making sure they focus on fixing the tree. What I fear is that because of the war over the pet they wont end up having enough time to actually polish the rework and we will end up with good ideas but poor implementations… I am worried. MM is more than just a pet or no pet and our entire talent tree needs love


Honestly I think time wasn`t the issue but going back on their direction for the spec being petless created a time set back that could be used to work on the remaining problems and now by going back they created another problem to fix which then will reduce their availability to work on the other things like how slow the spec feels, bad talents like auto shot buffers, boring tier set with again auto shot gimmicks, while True Shot feels terrible for exemple

10000% agreed.
Also they worked on the animations but honestly they are all barelly noticeable. It was expecting more of a reworked animation than just the wind effect? Especially when we see how cool the new animation for DKs Glacial Advance is. Furthermore, the new animation for BMs barbed shot is SUBPAR it looks like a poor auto shot from a lvl 1 weapon in Vanilla. Please make something visually interesting for an important ability like Barbed Shot. How about an arrow with barbs in it? Blizzard you have great artists I am positive you can do better.

I’m still sick, and did not get a good night’s sleep. Please show me a little grace and don’t assume that I’m intentionally being mean, ok?

I honestly believe that one of the biggest reasons this mess even happened is because the Blizzard devs don’t seem to understand the basic premise (foundation) of the Hunter class.

They thought, “Oh, we can make MM an anti-Hunter spec!” (Removal of pets.) Some of us warned them that, no, pets are an incredibly important and vital part of the Hunter’s defensive toolkit — including MM. But we got shouted down by players who didn’t understand our point (deliberately or ignorantly)… players who mainly played group content where they had tanks and healers.

We tried to warn that this has happened twice before now (attempt, and subsequent failure, to remove pets from MM). It’s not just a matter of RPG (although it absolutely is one of the issues, and just as important, too).

It was a matter of a failure to understand that the entire Hunter class was designed, from ground up, to depend on pets for defense — including MM.

EDIT: Look, I disagree mightily with the deletion of ranged SV for melee SV, but a big reason that it “worked out” is that originally, the Hunter class had melee attacks (for defense and crowd control, to help Hunters get back in range). The framework was already existing.

The pet matter is entirely different. Again, I point to the fact that Hunters — including MM — are designed from Day One to depend on pets for survival/defense. The players who run MM without pets? They’re intentionally gimping themselves — but it’s their choice. They choose to play with a smaller toolkit, either to push themselves (which is a thing I always applaud), or because they just… don’t want a pet (which I find strange, but one does what one will). It still doesn’t change the fact that pets are a key part of our defensives.

There’s a thread over on the Hunter forum about animations. You might wanna check out the conversation there. I’ll do my best to give a TL;DR —

There’s players asking for “flashier” animations to the Hunter attacks, and I pointed out that one of the main things which drew me to the Hunter class in 2005 and has kept me here since then, is the lack of excessively flashy animations.

I really… don’t… like flashy effects on my own toons. lol. I really don’t like it. :sweat_smile: So, I hope that Blizzard doesn’t go over the top. But, if they did? Then I hope they’ll release glyphs to reduce all the annoying “flashiness” so I can reduce vital clutter on my character.

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The eagle pet that provides lust should be a baseline hunter talent so lust isn’t tied to specific pets for all specs. Hunter is the only lust class that is punished for the ability to lust. Up until the eagle MM lust was a dps loss. BM you’re forced to either swap pets so you can lust and still be able to run the pet you want. In my case i prefer spirit beasts for the extra 5% hp and Fortitude of the Bear so i can either lose a Def CD to lust or constantly swap pets. What value is being added to the game by not having primal rage as a baseline hunter talent?


I’m late to the party and can’t read all the previous messages so sorry if I am repeating other people’s suggestions or if the issues I put forth had already been addressed.

Here are my feedback and suggestions for hunter.

Hunter pets:

I feel that pet specialization is an obsolete concept.
And right now hunter is the only lust-bringing class that has to sacrifice defensives to bring lust (by bringing a Ferocity pet instead of a Tenacity one).

With Marksmanship now having a choice node of Tenacious/Cunning, I believe that the choice node should be moved to the class tree (consolidate some existing oft-taken talents to make room for it) and pet specialization be removed.

Further, make Primal Rage (the lust ability) baseline for the Hunter and not tied to the pet.

The choice of which pet to have out should be purely cosmetic, the same way transmog works.

Beast Mastery:

Right now BM is suffering from a couple of issues.

  • Too many costly talents leave very little room for different builds, and it’s very hard to take Call of the Wild due to not having enough talent points for it in many basic builds (CotW requires 4 points after all)
  • The rotation can get overly busy, with maintaining Frenzy and using Barbed Shot whenever it is at 2 charges, as well as activating Bestial Wrath, making sure not to overcap Kill Command and maintaining Beast Cleave. Further complicated by using Explosive shot on cooldown. All of this is made worse when playing Dark Ranger due to needing to quickly use Black Arrow whenever getting a Deathblow proc or when the enemy is above 80% health (where you want to quickly fire as many Black Arrows as possible before it drops below).
  • Explosive shot does not thematically fit Beast Mastery hunter.
  • Some underperforming talents.
  • Due to needing to cast Multi-Shot every 6 seconds there’s very little room or Focus to cast Cobra Shot in AoE situations.

Thus I suggest the following changes:

  • Remove Explosive Shot for BM, and replace it in the class tree (for BM only) with Dire Beast. Turn Dire Frenzy back into a 1 talent point node (for full value) and replace Blackrock Munitions with it.

  • Make Training Expert baseline (its the talent that buffs the damage of all your pets by 5%)

  • Make Multi-Shot baseline.

  • Buff Wild Call from 20% chance to 33%. Wild Call already requires the auto-shot to critically hit, so a low proc chance on top of it makes it too weak a talent.

  • Increase the base duration of Beast Cleave from 6 seconds to 10 seconds.

  • Laceration is a woefully underpowered talent. In a several minute practice against 5 training dummies it only did 0.7% of my total damage despite having an uptime of ~96%. It seems like the DoT doesn’t stack in any way and everytime the pet critically strikes again the previous DoT is overwritten.


  • Please remove the Unbreakable Bond talent and rework Improved Spotter’s Mark to still allow having a pet but only granting its bonus when a pet isn’t out.
    This should allow MM hunters to have a pet out to tank for them when needed, but still be a DPS loss to do so.

  • Volley right now grants Trickshots for its duration. However I find that pretty unuseful.
    Because we get Precise Shots after every Aimed Shot and Rapid Fire, and because we want to consume that Precise Shots buff in order to get Streamline, we will still be using Multi-Shot in the rotation anyway, even when Volley is on. The only time Volley would be of use is when approaching a new pack of mobs without trickshot or precise shots available and for the first cast of Rapid Fire/Aimed Shot. At the same time the damage of Volley is pretty low.
    I therefore suggest removing the trickshot granting part of Volley and instead increasing Volley’s damage, to make it a strong AoE damage cooldown.

*Lock and Load is too random. Not only does it only proc from our auto-shots, that are less frequent in 11.1 than before, but the low proc chance makes it problematic.
I’ve had several cases during testing where for 3-4 minutes I did not get a single L&L proc whereas I also had a case of getting many in a short duration.
This problem is further compounded by the fact the 11.1 tier set procs of L&L.

  • The Quickdraw talent has the problem of having its power tied to L&L, which as I said is too random. As long as L&L is unreliable, I don’t see much point in taking this talent.

*Bullet Hell seems like a very underpowered talent and could use some buffs.

*Bullseye and Eagle’s Accuracy are both good talents but not powerful enough to justify a cost of 2 points each. Reducing them to 1 pointers (while maintaining the full 2 point value) will allow more interesting and fun builds.

  • It may just be me, but Trueshot doesn’t feel like a fun cooldown. At least not without high amount of haste. It feels like Trueshot is over only after 2 Rapid Fires and 2 Aimed Shots. The problem comes from the channel time of RF and the long cast time of AS.
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“Raises hand”

But I was told I could not possibly know or understand this concept because everybody who posts in the forums automatically knows what other posters do for a living. So since they do not have an understanding of this, automatically nobody else can understand the concept of what it actually takes to do what was posted.

As I had stated, it is way more involved than most think to do what is now being asked. Hopefully Blizzards finds a way to get it done, but there is indeed a small window to toss a very large item through.

That said, need to test some SV changes, Pack Leader and give some feedback.

What’s crazy is they already have the perfect system for this built into hunter kits: Aspects!
There was a time, in recent-ish memory even, where Aspects were straight up Auras.
Just give that back for Tenacity, Cunning, and Ferocity instead of Cheetah, etc.

If you have a pet that aura is set to whatever the spec of the pet is, if you have no pet you choose. Simple, fast, already in the spaghetti.


Get rid of Shell Cover. That is just a pathetically bad defensive. 10% for 6 seconds is nothing! Just leave Den Recovery in the tree. The whole theme of the tree is about us and our pets. Shell Cover does nothing for our pets. Den Recovery does. And it’s just a really good talent! Actually worthy of a hero talent tree.


Amem to that! Den Recovery was really good for pet survivability.

Shell Cover is so weak, that for it to feel good you’d need to get rid of the CD and duration (essentially, 10% damage reduction whenever the Hunter is below 40% HP).

So, one of my disks fried up and I sent the CPU to maintenance so I couldn’t test the new build sooner. Some thoughts after a quick play:


  • The bugs with Call Pet in MM show why Blizzard wanted only petless play initially. Any complex system is sure to have issues when you work on its tiniest parts. I’m sure they’ll be ironed out before release, though.
  • I’m surprised Blizzard kept the pet family abilities, though frankly I don’t mind them being kept. Blizzard needs to make sure the spec bonuses are removed, however, as currently it’s allowing double-dipping.
  • Aside from fixing bugs and tuning, I don’t expect Blizzard to change anything from current design. Since this is the first iteration of this new direction, it’s likely that Blizzard will want to gather data and ideas from when it goes live before iterating further on it.

Beast Mastery

  • The new talent Thundering Hooves is way better than its predecessor Explosive Venom, but I have an issue with its design, in that it’s yet another talent that favors having as many pets out as possible, thus further making Solitary Companion playstyle even worse in comparison to Animal Companion. It’s fine for Animal Companion to be better overall, but talents that scale based on number of pets favor it too much.
  • I like that Poisoned Barbs now apply Serpent Sting, but I’d like it more if it was tied to Cobra Shot rather than Barbed Shot. Barbed Shot already causes an AoE effect with Stomp, and since Poisoned Barbs is a proc chance, it would be more satisfying to see it tied to a shot you use more often.
  • I like that Barbed Shot got a new visual, but I wish it were a bit more flashy, personally.

I’d like it if the pet family abilities are kept, yes, but…

What about the Mortal Wounds pets? What should happen to their family ability?

A 15% increase on 3% of your total damage isnt a make or break issue in any content, but that might be a good reason to just make it be always active.

If they keep family abilities, I don’t think they need to do anything about Mortal Wounds. The MM version can’t be applied to NPCs, and the pet version doesn’t really double-dips with it since they just overlap (no stacking). It sure would be convenient for MM to use other pets instead, but the same could be said about slowing or dispelling family abilities that already overlap with other Hunter talents.


My feedback on MM:

  • trueshot feels very weak
  • The rotation feels better
  • Unbreakable bond should be exclusive with the Tenacious/Cunning talent node to avoid weird double stacking of buffs and ability overlap
  • Roar of sacrifice no longer usable while stunned - big loss in PVP
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