So, at the top of it all, I think the new Marksman concepts make a better Hero Spec than a rebuild of the spec. It certainly is a strong theme, and some interesting mechanics - but overall having the choice of having a pet that can tank when desired versus more individual throughput is more important.
Its a great vision, and one that I think has a place in redefining where Marksman goes from here, but one I think better fits as an addon to the spec than trying to rebuild it from the ground up.
This next step for Marksmanship is, ideally, the first of many. We are interested in continuing to flesh out Marksmanship’s Eagle as a true pet and partner for you on your journeys with unique interactions, effects, and even appearances in the future, but we don’t have specifics to share yet.
Sooo… what… glyphs? This is an awfully big ask for the payoff being some promised future benefit. Take it from somebody that bought OW2 seasons thinking I was building towards some glorious PVE future: Give details now, or else there will be no buy in.
There would need to be an awful lot of customization options to make it anywhere near the RP trade-off as an actual pet.
Also, if the rumors of unlocked pet specs is true, you would literally be taking away a choice of pets the moment you unlock a restriction that has served as a stumbling block to Hunter customization for several expansions. At least give us MM a moment to enjoy our pets before you take them away and tell us its for our own good.
Suggestion to Make Pet Families Matter:
Now, what I would like to see, for both MM and Pack Leader, is an enhancement that allows us to assign our own pets within specific families via our Stable to respond to the summons.
So, for example MM gets a Stable Slot we can fill for our companion that can only be filled via a Bird of Prey/Bat/Carrion Bird/Moth/Sporebat/Wasp/etc. (for example) to serve as our flying companion.
Surv/BM get the three slots for Pack Master that allows them to assign their Bruiser as, say, a Bear/Basilisk/Beetle/Blood Beast/Carapid/Crab/Etc. Similarly, they can assign a big flyer such as a Chimaera/Dragonhawk/Feathermane/Ray as their sniper. Finally, their third slot could be used for charging beasts like Courser, Gruffhorn, Boars, Oxen, or even Mammoth for the overrun/charge mechanic.
That would allow us to use and tame our own pets, make pet families matter, give us customization for these new abilities, and make these concepts more player focused and friendly.