Feedback: Hunters

If I could fix one problem on Hunter it would be this. I HATE having to summon a pet for two seconds just for Bloodlust. :unamused:

Please Blizzard, this is a very easy W.

Yeah, I feel like theme and visuals are just as important as gameplay for these hero trees, and Dark Ranger, which should have a very strong visual theme, is actually one of the weakest in the game. Very disappointing… :melting_face:


PVP - nerf damage 10%, reduce “Don’t look back” healing by 60%, absolutely broken at the moment.

I think one of the hero trees for MM should replace Steady Shot with a new ability. Let’s say, Black Arrow replaces steady shot and generates focus on each tick of damage.

Steady Shot feels pretty terrible to use (low damage, bad animation) which makes it perfect for a flavour based replacement.


Could be wrong but I’m leaning towards just a class/spec tree rework. Lowering talent point required for nodes and maybe replacing a few talents (Sentinel Owl) with more useful/interesting talents. If you are hoping for Hunter being more thematically/visually fun to play you might end up disappointed. Would love to have to eat crow though.


I think Marks needs to be totally reworked, including hero talents.


well blue post we are waiting for you and of course we are also waiting for the rework.


All of us are hoping for reworks, and to dream big, a thematic change to sentinel hero system (yea i know it wont happen).

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bro 60% nerf? we alredy getting demolish by monks , palas , demon hunters etc with that . if we nerf we gonna be even more useless. what we need is more defense not nerfef. damage part I agree tho.

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Good luck hunters, may everyone be jealous of you tomorrow.


Okay Blizzard, hit us. Let’s see what you’ve got! You’ve had first period of beta, all of alpha and probably quite some time pre-alpha to work on Hunters. So far we’ve seen three minute changes and nothing for the better.

Come on, dig deep and pull something out. You’ve kept hunters on the edge of starvation for expansions now. Time to step up. A few half-hearted band-aid changes won’t do, not this expansion as well. You know the class and specs are in dire need of major changes/reworks. You just can’t not be aware.

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I’m fully expecting to see something like this:

  • Barrage now usable by Survival spec
  • Steel Trap now targetable
  • 10 BM 2 point talent nodes reduced to 1 talent point
  • 8 new BM talents added that simply boost stats
  • Aimed Shot cast time reduced to 2.0s
  • Lone Wolf damage increased to 12%
  • Improved Wildfire Bomb now increases damage 15%
  • 12 Surv 2 point talent nodes reduced to 1 talent point
  • Surv given 8 less talent points to spend

The End.

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No noticeable changes yet with this new build it seems like?

Major talent rework. Beta is up.


doomers blown the heck out

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This aged poorly lmao


That’s quite all right, I’m happy to be wrong if so! :smiley:


It’s ok, I was there a few weeks ago with DK :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Hunter talents have changed massively. The Hero talents seem to be the same. I have only looked at SV since that is what I main on Live. But a lot of changes.

yeah, the class tree is completely rearranged, and BM looked that way too. Reading through Surv right now.

I gotta ask, does ANYONE take Raptor Strike and NOT take Mongoose Bite? Why are these still separate talents? I don’t get it. Especially as neither is baseline.

Not sure why harpoon is still so far down the tree. It’s a shame that lower level hunters have to spend so long playing without it to have to then adapt to having it. It’s in the second talent tier, which puts it at what, minimum of 18 talents spent to get there? It really should have been higher. They moved bombs up, as we are somehow stuck with bombs being the surv theme for better or worse. But apparently movement isn’t relevant.

Maybe its just me, but cobra shot not replacing steady shot anymore feels strange

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