Feedback: Hunters

For the VAST majority of players more complicated is NOT fun. Making the the rotaion harder only benefits a small minority of players you don’t seem to get this idea though your head. Complicated is not more rewarding for most its just frustrating. And again your advocating for the minority player instead of the Majority player which the game should be made for. I’m sorry if you think there should be a complicated rotation for you to master just so you can lord it over everyone and jump up and down saying look how good I am but most people don’t care about that.


I think you’re heavily overestimating how much time it takes to become competent at a spec. You can do it if you sit at a training dummy for half an hour and just practice. Complexity is good because it’s rewarding to master, and no Hunter spec is particularly complex.

Also Blizz, please add a single pet alternative talent to Animal Companion. I don’t want AC.


Complicated is both fun and rewarding (to a certain extent, of course). It feels good to properly execute your rotation/priority system. If you want easy, you spec into the easy options. You can master that version of the spec. It’s that simple. For those that want more, they can spec into something more complicated or involved.

You’re grossly misrepresenting how long it takes to learn a spec. Do you think people on the high end of skill also don’t work and have lives? The majority of them do. They just use their time better.


Dude I’m not saying I CAN’T learn a complicated spec I do play other classes, I just prefer to have a simple rotation so I can focus on the mechanics of the fight. Not everyone wants what you want. And I don’t think people with above average skill levels should be punished with lower damage because they want a simple rotation. Everyone has their preferences I don’t think managing a more complicated rotation should give you more damage either. Doing it well should be reward enough. And again your advocating for the minority player. I’m sure if you did a poll the vast majority of BM hunters would tell you they don’t want a 8-12 button rotation like some other classes have.

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Simplicity can never be as successful as complexity. Otherwise there’s no real point to complexity.

And just because there might be a larger percentage of players wanting a “simple” rotation for BM, that doesn’t mean it should be THE best way to do it.

This is like an argument that Big Macs should be just as healthy and good for you as say, sushi. I mean, Big Macs are easy to buy, make, eat, that should = best for you! Sorry, not a chance.

Again, you’re grossly misrepresenting things. Not a single spec in this game has an 8-12 button rotation. Every spec, on average, is pressing 5-6 different buttons rotationally per minute. That’s almost 50% LESS than what you are claiming.

What are you even counting as a rotational button? Something you press once per minute is not rotational. That’s a cooldown. Rotational buttons are something you press at least 2-3 times a minute.

If you polled BM hunters, they probably wouldn’t even understand the question.

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Dude your arguments make zero sense. And simple can be just as rewarding, it all depends on what happens when you press those buttons. If big flashy stuff happens then that gives you big damage numbers then its fun period.

I am sorry if I worded something weird? But I did not state or imply that? But Sentinel at least has some real interaction with one of your abilities. I personally think it’s bad and lackluster but it’s not as bad as Pack leader. The lesser of two weevils and all that.

Also Kill command getting a new VFX isn’t really a Pack leader thing now is it? It’s just a new VFX to an ability that Pack leader is slightly empowering… I’d hardly call that visuals/flair for the hero talents.

And while we are at the topic of the new VFX for KC I guess it’s a decent visual and I appreciate getting it. But it’s still very weird to me the whole pointing your massive 2h sword mid combat in the face of the target you tell your pet to command. I understand what it’s trying to illustrate but I just wish there was a better VFX. It might be as good as we get, its hard since the animation need to make sense both from ranged and melee but still… one can dream.


All the buttons you press are part of the rotation doesn’t matter if you call them cooldowns or not. Its a button you press to do damage or increase damage its part of your rotation.

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When in a video game has the simple method ever been as successful as the complex method?

I mean, no offense, it sounds like you want to play a phone or tablet based game. Or maybe something on an xbox. In an arcade? I dunno.

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Amongst all the bickering I am once again asking for Lunar Storm to be able to path with mobs and not sit in a fixed location.


I think you need to calm down and actually read what people are replying? You are acting very rude and condescending. I very clearly told you I am as casual as they come and that I still think it’s fine to have both hard and easy specs. And then I continued to present my reasoning and why I think they should not be equal in performance.
And all you reply is how I can’t understand you and use obvious exaggerations (“VAST majority”… “small minority” etc) to try and make your case.
Again, I am pretty damn confident that a lot of casuals still think it’s rewarding to learn and perform a “hard” build/spec. And you just assume people need to play 6-8 hours a day to even learn these builds/specs further undermines your credibility.

Please, you have the right to have a opinion. But if it’s not what many others want/think then of course they will voice their opposition on the development forums feedback thread. This is where feedback is given and argued and I am sorry but it seems that the people here don’t agree with your thinking.

There are LOTS of RPG games that use simple rotations that where very successful. Skyrim, and Dragon Age too name just two. Lots of other games you probabaly haven’t played because your too young like Ultima, Oh also FF doesn’t have overly complex rotations for their games, so what are you talking about? Simple can be successful.

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HAHA, trying to pull the “too young” card like I’m some kid and that’s why I don’t agree with you. Give it a rest grandpa, just because YOU think your way is best doesn’t mean it is.

Go play Diablo if you want 3 buttons to press.

So you can’t come up with an response to my argument so you throw personal attacks? I guess your just a troll

We’ve given you plenty of reasons. You’ve got your head in the ground with your ears closed pretending you are right because you feel you are. And then you try to claim that others that disagree with you must simply be too young because they don’t understand your obvious correctness.

You’ve been trolling this entire feedback thread, as it’s about the beta, not about whether grandpa has to press a fourth button to empty his bag. Stop trolling, and wasting the devs time with nonsense.

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I have not been trolling. I’ve be arguing a valid point. And all you guys can do is say the same thing on repeat and throw personal attacks at me. And your keep missing the points I been making and only arguing that complexity is the only way to go to make the game fun… That is your person opinion and nothing more. I’ve given you examples of games that prove my point and yet you throw even more personal attacks at me. Whos the troll?

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So does Pack Leader? I’m confused here. In fact I’d say pack leader has MORE interaction than sentinel

  • cdr through butchery/wfb loop
  • free spenders
  • pet basics tie in to your main cooldown

I believe it’s a pack leader specific VFX, so yeah

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You’re out here fighting a personal battle on a thread specifically designated for feedback. I have no horse in this race against the people you’ve been conversing with, but it’s not productive in the slightest to respond to people as if this were a chat room, and it certainly doesn’t help incentivize any devs to even potentially take your points into consideration if you’ve conditioned them to skip over anything you type by just trying to prove a point to other players.

Speak your peace, you’re not obligated to respond to anyone here or defend how you want the game to be played.


To echo a few other responses I’ve seen here for BM hunters, maybe adding connections between War Orders/ Aspect of the Beast directly to Multi-shot would be a nice optional choice to bypass Animal companion for those who wish to only run one pet.
I also think the separation of Beast cleave and kill cleave is unnecessary at this point, I can’t think of a time you wouldn’t just run the both of them together, merging them together or making Multi-shot baseline would go a long way to helping our aoe capabilities.
I also think dropping Scent of Blood to a 1 point talent, matching the cost of the other two talents in the same path, would be nice