Feedback: Hunters

I’m guessing this is a bug but going to point it out just in case it isn’t.

Wailing Arrow replaces Aimed Shot when it procs, currently however Wailing Arrow does not respect any talents or procs that effect Aimed Shot.

Lock & Load
50% cast time reduction from Trueshot
I’ll Have to test but given Wailing Arrow doesn’t work with those it also probably fails to benefit from talents that increase Aim Shot damage.

The Readiness talent is very odd. Trueshot immediately gives you Wailing Arrow, which doesn’t benefit from the reduced AS cast time so that immediately feels awkward. Then Wailing Arrow resets the CD and charges of Rapid Fire and Aimed Shot. Something just feels counter intuitive about this.

Maybe instead of immediately granting Wailing Arrow when you use Trueshot it could just reduce the amount of wind arrows required to grant Wailing Arrow while Trueshot is active? From 20 to 10 or something like that. That and fixing Wailing Arrow to benefit from AS talents and procs.

My pets disappear for no reason. My crossbow swings when I use shots like I am clubbing someone over the head.

The hero talents aren’t heroic. And BM exotic pets are still nothing special.

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Same, I would far rather have only a single pet out and any time. Feels much more thematic to me than being constantly overwhelmed by beasts with which I have no companionship (looking at you Dire Beast.)


That would depend entirely one which tree you’re talking about.

The Class tree? I don’t hate it, but it definitely has room for improvement, which I think the new tree does very well.

BM & MM? No I don’t like them. The AOE kit costs way too many points and we’re forced into taking things that should be baseline to make the spec work properly.

As for Survival, I haven’t played that since Shadowlands Season 4 so I won’t comment.

Why should people that play the game 6-8 hours a day be rewarded for mastering a harder spec when the majority of players don’t have that kind of time to play the game? You’d be punishing the majority of the players with lower damage because they don’t have the time to put into the game. Your argument makes no sense some of us have families and jobs to deal with, we don’t have time to sit at a training dummy and practice a complicated rotation. The game shouldn’t punish you because you have other life goals then playing a video game. Why would blizzard make the game harder for the majority of the player base just to satisfy some kids that want to use a video game to make themselves feel big. Again everyone missed this so I will repeat myself, you don’t have to make things complicated to make them fun. You can have a simple rotation that feels fun isn’t that the whole point?

This is getting embarrassing dude. Just accept that you’re a below average player and stop making excuses as to why.

Any spec of any class can do up to 25’s in m+. Its pushing farther then that where these higher skill specs are desired and needed. Not trying to sound harsh or anything but if you aren’t going to push title in m+ or mythic raid(which are large time devotions and im going to assume you dont do), the spec doesn’t matter, just play what you find fun even if it isn’t the optimal highest dps version of your class.

I’ve been thinking more, all I really wanted from Double Tap was to do big AOE burst damage in dungeons. I think the rapid-fire change to barrage enables that.

How about you look me up on the armory and see how many mythic and heroic raids i’ve completed before you start throwing insults.

When they were current? 1 this expansion and 0 for the rest. And your FoS basically confirm that.

Completing mythic/heroic raids when they’re not actually current content and easy to steamroll is not the same as completing the raid when it’s current.


Dude everything on the armory is when they where current. Yes I didn’t do much this xpac because i had 5 family members die on me and had to take time away from the game. How about you show a little respect.

P.S. The armory ONLY shows stuff that was done when it was current.


So, I had a week to test the new Hunter talents via the FAAFO method (Kid tested, mother approved). Here are my thoughts on the changes from a filthy (Only the Dirtiest!) Survival Hunter main perspective.

Overall, these changes make me moist, but in a good way. I stand by what I said about most of the changes in my previous post.

After playing and watching other play (teehee). I have concluded that Coordinated Assault needs a full rework or better yet a replacement. The Talent itself hasn’t been good for all of Dragon Flight, what makes it fun to press now is the supporting Talents at the end of the tree. I stated this in my previous post, but since CA is still TRASH (yes, I had to capitalize that) I think it’s time for it to go and be replaced by something else.

As for that something else, I think that SV Hunter needs something to give it an identity. I thought about the whole Rexarr theme that a lot of other people like, but it seems like that is not the path the developers took with it. Therefore, for the sake of continuity I think a new CD should be something Arcane or along the lines of channeling wild gods or something. This is my personal take, and I am justifying it because I mostly want Sentinel to work thematically with SV Hunter. Like give us something like “The Hunt” but with your pet. Or take from the one of the MoP dungeons and let us literally channel a wild god with our pet and give us a cool overlay like the fight with the jade serpent. I just want the whole arcane theme to work with survival hunters as a class identity can also have it change the nature of bombs and Killshot for some cool effects. We can buff Spearhead for players who want to go for a more Hunter identity (Also, why isn’t spearhead toggling hero talents?) It’s hard to test SH when it doesn’t interact with my HT’s.

Secondly, I do like that we go some new mastery, but like many other SV hunters. Its ehhhh, I would honestly let it slide if the pet AI wasn’t the way that it was. We will lose out on those bonuses in some scenarios. I think it’s just another opportunity to put some wild magic/Ardenwieldy/arcane stuff into the SV kit. I personally would like something along the lines of Mastery increases the bond between you and your companion and you attacks do bonus magic damage. That way you got the companionship of the hunter and their pet and it’s mixed with some wild magic goodness.

Some last notes, the explosive shot changes are PEAK. Thank you. I stand by my notes on pack leader still. I think there is something there, but it just needs to be brought to life. Also, when I said magic damage or whatever, I mean it in a way that would make sense. Like if we had to add a damage type it would be nature damage or something. But hey, again I am not a dev and I just want cool things for my favorite spec, so if I made a suggestion that is problematic let me know!

I hope this position change with Wild Call and Hunter’s Prey is just the first of many. This is a pretty big loss from last week. It now costs us an extra talent point going for the Hunter’s Prey+Venom’s Bite combo since we’re now forced to take Wild Call to path towards Bestial Wrath. We really don’t have enough talent points to be wasting them on things we don’t want just because we need to path through them to get to good talents.


Killer Cobra is useless please remove it. still cannot spec into both AOE and ST. Why be locked into it when mage and warlock are not?


The Flanking Strike + Grenade Juggler + Bombardier changes look to solve so many initial concerns :smiley:

I still really thinking Raptor Strike (or Kill Command) should be baseline. If Kill Command is baselined RS can be moved to the first node. I just think it’s going to be very confusing for new players if they choose Survival (a mdps spec) and don’t get any melee abilities till at least level 13


Can we get clarification if the Hero Talents are going to receive further design changes? I dont have much further feedback to give on them post-talent tree refreshes that wasn’t already given before. You seemed to indicate we should be expecting hero talent changes but neither beta build has included any so far for hunters


Looks like fantastic updates to survival in the latest round of changes. Excited to test out how its feels. Thank you for listening to all the feedback!


For MM, please consider making Crack Shot and Improved Steady Shot baseline. Thank you.


Continuing the discussion from The War Within Beta Development Notes:

Why? That is an objectively bad move that creates pathing issues for single-target builds.
Will Call is dropped as soon as the Pack Leader Hero Talent Furious Assault is taken (as it provides the same level of Barbed Shot reset) but now you’re forced to take Wild Call when avoiding the multi-shot centre-line.

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