Feedback: Hunters

Killer Cobra is useless please remove it. still cannot spec into both AOE and ST. Why be locked into it when mage and warlock are not?


The Flanking Strike + Grenade Juggler + Bombardier changes look to solve so many initial concerns :smiley:

I still really thinking Raptor Strike (or Kill Command) should be baseline. If Kill Command is baselined RS can be moved to the first node. I just think it’s going to be very confusing for new players if they choose Survival (a mdps spec) and don’t get any melee abilities till at least level 13


Can we get clarification if the Hero Talents are going to receive further design changes? I dont have much further feedback to give on them post-talent tree refreshes that wasn’t already given before. You seemed to indicate we should be expecting hero talent changes but neither beta build has included any so far for hunters


Looks like fantastic updates to survival in the latest round of changes. Excited to test out how its feels. Thank you for listening to all the feedback!


For MM, please consider making Crack Shot and Improved Steady Shot baseline. Thank you.


Continuing the discussion from The War Within Beta Development Notes:

Why? That is an objectively bad move that creates pathing issues for single-target builds.
Will Call is dropped as soon as the Pack Leader Hero Talent Furious Assault is taken (as it provides the same level of Barbed Shot reset) but now you’re forced to take Wild Call when avoiding the multi-shot centre-line.

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I was looking at MMO champion’s data mining…

Is DireBeast really going to be a focus builder again?? Oh my gosh I hope so.

:sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:



Curious to see if dire beast procs will give 20 focus as well…since it gives 5% haste

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sure hope so!

That horn sound for the wolf summon is obnoxious. Why not a short howl or just a shorter hunting horn sound?


Marksmanship Trickshots mechanic is outdated and does not flow well while in our Trueshot cooldown window.

If Trickshots is to stay, then Multishot and Trickshots should be baseline.

By making these talents baseline, you are able to fill their talent slots with our 10.2/10.2.5 Tier Set mechanic “Rapid Fire rains a Volley at the target’s location for 2 sec.” This allows MM Hunters to have a smooth AoE rotation inside of Trueshot and allows Marksmanship to have something resembling 2-target cleave.


Of all the places to suddenly get precious about mitigation creep, this was a bad one.

SotF being on a 60 second charge is much more appropriate for current gameplay than a 90 second CD.

As a general guideline (imo), if the class’s mitigation isn’t fit to cover Mana Bomb timing on Vexamus in Algeth’ar Academy then it’s not fit for purpose in the current game.

Those go out roughly every 20-28 seconds, which is a very standard rate for threatening abilities in PVE nowadays. You can probably lean on the healer to cover every second or third at standard max’d weekly vault levels, but that’s still leaving us covering a minimum of 1 damage event every 40-50 seconds.

Especially when you’re the one class that can’t rely on having Fortitude of the Bear because you may need to swap it out for a lust pet… and you have to break DPS to pre-turtle a “maybe i will get it maybe i won’t” as another of your defensives.


I agree with the horn sound, it does get kind of annoying after a while. I hope others can’t hear it. I suppose if it’s a real issue there are mods that might be able to turn it off for us or replace it with some other sound.

However after some testing I found that Fenryr and Hati don’t respond to the Play Dead command.

I have a feeling most dire beasts don’t either but that could be an issue in some scenarios.

I am still stoked that dire beast gives focus. But can’t tell yet if the random summons do too.

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Thanks for fixing Posthaste. Glad that was just an error. Not sure having Trailblazer be so low on the tree is a good idea. It really should be one of the beginning options. How about swapping it out with Scarebeast?

Um what are the new visuals for Huntmaster’s call?

Oh. That visual. No. No, that’s not gunna work. It looks silly. The hunter doesn’t blow the horn. They just hold it in the same hand as their bow?? Why bother?

Sad to see no news on Hero talents :frowning:


I would also like to have trailblazer. Its a really good quality of life/useful point but I’m having trouble justifying taking it in its new placement.

Honestly, would it be OP to just merge it with pathfinding? 4% movement isn’t the most compelling talent by itself.

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Pack Leader is still in a pretty bad state for testing (borderline non-functional) but the recent round of Survival adjustments are greatly appreciated and definitely help with focus feeling cosmetic, and we even got the bonus ask for Aspect of the Eagle returning to baseline.
Two point nodes gating capstones is still a sore point, and our mastery… Outright isn’t working at the moment?
Anyways just posting a bit of feedback, changes make the spec play and feel so much better in every scenario. Thank you guys so much for listening to the feedback!


Don’t know if it is a bug or if anyone has already pointed this, but the visual effect of the shield from the “Don’t Look Back” talent in the Sentinel hero spec seems to have been downgraded from what is was in alpha. Before it had a cool blueish arcane shield effect that was really fitting to the theme, now it is just a kinda outdated generic shield effect.


I think you keep this Talent for Survival Only because survival is:

  • Least effective against casters already.
  • Least and hardest to play in PvP
  • And without this talent the third PvP talent slot is useless against caster cleaves. (BM and MM have other they can put in the third slot that add value in that scenario)

It was pointed out that I was wrong so removing that part to avoid confusion.

Wildfire Bombs still seems to not be benefitting from Tip of the Spear when you only have one stack.

Doesn’t seem like Kill Shot is working with TotS still (anyone confirm?)
Would prefer that Butchery not consume TotS stacks. Seems like bad value, I could be dead wrong though.