Feedback: Hunters

Yep, 100%

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The current MB and the last week boring maintenance version occupy the same space in the gameplay loop though, they feel identical? I guess I’m confused where this feedback is coming from

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I’m really disappointed with the lack of changes and lack of communication here. MM has had (I think) literally no real changes since the new tree was put out approaching a month ago. No response on the seemingly universal concerns regarding all three Hero Talent trees, no acknowledgement of any of the MM feedback, and inconsistent at best, hypocritical at worst, design choices in the class tree regarding ‘bloat.’ The initial revamp started out so positively and then complete radio silence at least on the MM and Hero Talent tree fronts.

I don’t expect every piece of feedback to be implemented by any means, but there are some recurring concerns that should at least get a blue post explaining why you’re doing something, or rather in this case not doing anything.

I’m really disheartened at the moment. I love my hunter. I’ve been playing hunter as a main for years, and I’ll still play hunter as a main, but I’m not proud to say that.

Maybe they’re cooking something up for 11.1 huffs copium



I submitted this in game as well on the bug report

for me

I hit this target dummy-- same build as i was using up until this patch, and sentinal would proc all the time.

Now I havnet gotten 1 at all.

My details shows 0 sent damage.

other than that


what a change to flanking strike! the damage is worth the button press now

Im getting 600k to 800k flanking strikes.

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So sad the state of Pack Leader and Dark Ranger…


Continuing the discussion from The War Within Beta Development Notes:

Losing Death Chakram to Implosive trap feels awful, and the justification for Death Chakrams removal is quite poor. This ability not only was fun to play with, it had a pretty sweet animation, and did a lot of single target, or AOE damage. It was such a versatile ability that also supplied focus (primary resource)

The button bloat that hunters are experiencing is not because of this ability. This ability was not even close to being the problem. The root of the problem comes from restructuring the talent tree and forcing hunters to take certain abilities like Animal Companion, before they can acquire their core abilities like multi shot.

Now, don’t get it twisted, I like Animal Companion, and I think it’s a great ability, but not every single person see’s it that way, and some hunters don’t want to have 2 pets, but they’re forced to.

Not only that Blizzard, you gave us steady shot regardless of whether we’re Beast Mastery, or Marksman, and it’s a completely useless ability because it doesn’t generate focus like it used to. UNLESS, the player spec’s and talents for “improved steady shot” in the marksman tree.

Instead, lets say at a base level, steady shot generates 10 focus per cast, and it’s damage is buffed up 10%, since we removed Death Chakram. However, if the player specs for Marksman, then they could acquire “improved steady shot” gives the player 15 focus per cast instead of 10.

In any case. If you’re going to remove an ability like Death Chakram because you’re attempting to remove button bloat, then dissolve that abilities power into something like steady shot, and allow steady shot to generate focus right out of the gate. But don’t just remove an ability like Death Chakram with a terrible, worthless explosive trap, that will see little to no use at all. Its a niche ability that would only be useful in a very specific setting. It “might” see use if someone plays survival. However, I know nothing of the survival talent tree, I think survival is stupid, let me just be upfront with that. Hunter in the only archer/ranger class in the game, we’re not melee, and that was not the intended focus with the class when it was initially transcribed… And before people lose their mind and try to make the excuse “WeLl bAcK durinGG”… AHH bup bup… I’ve played Hunter since 2007, and it was even stupid to have melee abilities back then too, we only ever used melee abilities so we could wing clip someone to gain distance to fire off a concussive shot. Moreover, if a melee class, like warrior, or demon hunter is getting that close to you as a hunter, you’ve got bigger problems, and sorry to say, but you’re squishy as hell as not going to last long in melee range against those classes… So again, melee hunter is stupid

If blizzard wants to have a “melee hunter” spec, then just make a new class entirely and call it “tracker” or something…


Getting closer to release, but I’ll keep trying. Please provide a choice node alternative to Animal Companion that buffs my single pet so we’re not stuck with the 2-pet aesthetic.


It bothers me so much that you acknowledge Flanking Strike doesn’t work right with the Survival Kit, but aren’t willing to take risks and change it and instead listened to some kneejerk reactions to it changing, while simultaneously re-affirming you don’t believe it fits in the kit.

Would it kill you to give us a choice node to take the newer iteration of Flanking Strike OR the standalone?


One can hope right…?

I personally love Animal Companion, but I’m not ignorant to the fact that it should be a choice node, not a keystone… Not everyone wants to have the 2 pet ascetic, and they certainly do not want to feel useless because they didn’t take Animal Companion.

Multi-Shot also needs to be removed from the talent tree’s and it needs to be moved to a core-learned ability.


Can we pick our pet’s spec again? I hate the pet families I have to pick for the skills I want to commonly use. That was a bad change and did not improve the class.


For a forum and particularly for a class that complains SO much about button bloat I am a bit confused at where all the love from DC is coming from. It didn’t interact with anything on the kit and was something you pressed once every 45 seconds.

last week’s iteration was already getting people killed on beta though + it turned off half of the kit. the current version fits much better with the kit + theme of building / spending tip


Because it did alot of damage, and generated focus …

And it gave you a flat 10% damage increase to all targets hit…

Its really simple… It was on a 45 second cooldown yes, but by the time that 45 seconds was over, you were running into a situation “oh no, I need more focus”…“OH GREAT! Death chakram is up, and I get 10% damage… Follows up with barb shot”

It’s quite simple honestly


I understand what it did, I’m saying it’s button bloat as it was a completely standalone button that didn’t do anything. You just pressed it every 45 seconds without thinking and it occupied a spot on your bars. People that play this class complained all dragonflight + alpha about button bloat.


They did, but death chakram wasnt the problem…

And now it’s replaced with a stupid trap, that does hardly a fraction of what death chakram did, and now we have steady shot, which doesnt generate focus either…

So we lose 1 ability, that was quite strong… For 2 more abilities that do not even do a fraction of what DC did


Implosion Trap is 100% more useful than DC? It’s an AoE stop which is directly what people were asking for all of dragonflight and alpha…and you DON’T even have to talent into it if you don’t see yourself using an AoE stop or displacement.

You have Steady Shot on Dragonflight too. You just don’t use it if you’re BM or SV.


I think BM was the last spec complaining about button bloat. DC felt good for BM. Not a fan of the traps as replacements either.


And AoE stop / Crowd control doesn’t work on bosses… This ability is only useful for trash mobs… Big deal… Or PvP, which PvP in WoW is completely dead, so again, useless…

In Dragonflight, you get steady shot if you spec for marksman…

In “The War Within” steady shot is now a learned ability for BOTH BM and Marksman, that generates no focus, unless you’re marksman, and you spend talent points to get you a “small” focus generation on cast.

So let me understand this correctly… You’re saying, that the whole reason for removing Death Chakram was because of button bloat… But Implosion Trap is more useful because it’s a CC on trash mobs… While ALSO acquiring steady shop as a learned ability??

… Lets do some math…

We lose Death Chakram… Regardless of everything else, gives a flat 10% damage increase, which also works on bosses.

Then gain 2 abilities… neither generate focus… and one of these doesn’t work on bosses, with the exception of the small amount of dmg it does…

^^^ How does that logic make sense for removing button bloat??? We removed one ability and gained TWO, then made the talent tree’s more expensive.



Steady Shot gives Focus for Marskmanship though? I think you’re really confused. That’s how MM generates their resource.

Yes, there is more to the game than bosses.

??? Are you trolling me right now? You know you don’t put Steady Shot on your bars as BM or SV right?

You lost Steel Trap. If you think Imp Trap is useless, spend the talent elsewhere. DC was a boring ability that didn’t interact with anything in the kit

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Yeah no, BM was fine… BM in Dragonflight is great

It’s in a really bad spot in The War Within though.

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i have no opinion on chakram specifically (never used it myself), but implosion trap is largely for mythic+, one of big endgame pillars. need to prevent or delay multiple mobs from casting or reaching something? AoE stop.

if it’s not useful to you, you can opt not to take it. same thing for steady shot–if it’s not useful, leave it off your bars