Feedback: Holy Priest

First I wanna say I agree with most of the OP’s points above.

  • LACK OF MOBILITY — giving us DH on the move would help a LOT, even if it keeps it’s original cooldown.
  • RENEW BUILDS — I completely agree that building our output around RENEW is a big, big mistake. Holy priests are not traditionally HoT healers, let’s keep that power at the DRUID which needs more uppage on that side of their house.
  • CIRCLE OF HEALING — removing this isn’t helping our situation in M+ and certainly does not help the MOBILITY problem ONE BIT. We need better group healing and this… (below)… doesn’t cut it.

Instead, put CoH back and increase its healing throughput slightly and having it apply a renew. And then REDESIGN Prayer of Healing to be one of our Holy Words, let’s call it “Holy Word: Prayers”. It’s now an instant, working similarly to Holy Word: Serenity, with 2 stacks and applies to every party member within 100 yds. You can regen the stacks by casting Flash Heal.

  • HEAL — this spell is unusable (for me) with the cast times it has and our lack of mobility, even when spec’d into Lightweaver. Flash Heal is better and makes Heal redundant. Remove that and keep CoH as outlined above.
  • SWP — definitely rework this for holy and make HOLY FIRE spread as OP says above; remove its CD.
  • Holy DPS — reduce the cast time of Smite; when it crits, it applies Holy Fire dot as above.
  • ORACLE — completely agree with OP that it’s underwhelming but I wouldn’t sacrifice Archon for it. I’d rework Oracle to synergize more with GROUP HEALING for M+ viability, and keep Archon in synergy with AOE RAID HEALING.

<3 Dani