Feedback: Farseer Shaman

Do our ancestors spread flameshock?
Are ancestors targetable?
Can they pull aggro when passing a pack?
Can I have more ancestors than flameshocks?

Anyways, I am once again asking for the removal of flameshocks cd.


I really hope this means a restoration rework is on the way. Don’t get my wrong, thankfully Blizzard saw fit to change the way two current talents work, rather than add two new spells to our already massive amount of buttons. However, I’m not a fan of either NS nor UL. With this hero talent tree I’d be forced to use both

But like
pwave is already one of your main ways to spread flame shock?

I am not a current shaman but i am not a huge fan of pets. I use to play a ton of shamans but idk about turning ele into a caster pet spec

Now monk and shaman have pet specs. I honestly am surprised i thought most people dont like managing pets

Idea for a talent.

While channeling stormkeeper, each active ancestor channels energy into the player, increasing damage of the following lightning spells.

Could look cool af and gives a reason to track active ancestors for huge dam.

thx for coming to my ted talk. :slight_smile:

I don’t even the last time I speced into Unleash Life so I went to see where it is in the tree and it all made sense. Its a choice node with Undulation. I primarily play M+ so Farseer might just automatically be out for me on that alone. I think I’m the only Resto Shaman in the world that loves Riptide, so more of that is fine. But the bottom talent is super weak. Better Nature’s Swiftness? Ok, I guess?

My primary concern is forced Unleash Life. I understand you want the Ancestor to proc off an activated ability, but pick something baseline please? I don’t want to be locked out of this tree for picking Undulation and I think you guys don’t want Farseer to be the ‘raid spec’ and Totemic to be the ‘M+ spec’.


From a resto perspective, I like the ancestors and riptides, but I strongly dislike being tied to Unleash Life and Nature’s Swiftness. The coolness factor is also really dependent on the models of the ancestors.


Maybe the ancestors will get into groups because this does nothing for ele. The only positive thing I can say is its not revolving around earthquake.

Feedback you shall have.

Regarding Theme: Ancestors? Really? It kind of fits with Resto when thinking of healers, but when you think of a Shaman in a general sense you generally think Elements. Instead of bring Ancestors, you’d have been better off having a short-duration elemental. Maybe you can tweak this so that Ancestors are the clone for Resto while Elemental gets elementals. And this assumes that temporary pets is a good direction in the first place. Personally, I’d rather not see Ele drift in the direction of Demo/BM.

On Function: You’re basically giving us more Multistrike. Doubling down on Ele’s mastery. In my opinion, the slot machine is growing tired. It’s fine as a Mastery, but it doesn’t have to be our identity. If you really wanted to bolster that mechanic for Ele, swap Mountains Will Fall up in place of Electrified Shocks and adjust Icefury to rest above it. Then Mastery would be a good stat for more builds. Instead of multistrike, how about you address a core weakness of the two specs Farseer is tied to. Enhance brings Windfury. The other two specs don’t bring any unique buff or utility unless you want to count Spirit Link for Resto. This could’ve been an opportunity to address a shortcoming.

Now, for some input on specific individual nodes.

  • In its current state, the defensive talent node is perhaps the weakest you’ve revealed on two of the specs that are perceived as the weakest defensively.
  • Maelstrom Supremacy is anything but. It’s a tuning knob that could just as easily be applied to the spec without wasting a talent point.
  • Primordial Capacity already exists as Swelling Maelstrom. Are you planning to reveal an overhaul that makes an otherwise duplicate talent desirable?
  • Elemental Reverb gets us, potentially, up to 3 charges for Lava Burst. Another talent point wasted toward capacity that should be baseline. One baseline charge of Lava Burst is a joke. Two is often sufficient, ignoring the design of the current tier set. And even with that tier design, it’s only a concern when we’re able to spread Flame Shocks to a handful of targets. That ability is rate limited and dependent on talents like Liquid Magma Totem. Unless you plan to bake that tier design in somehow, the three-charge capacity is questionably beneficial at best. Echo of the Elements is a much more important node, given that it’s the stepping stone to reach deeper in the spec tree. The 5% damage buff to Lava Burst is an afterthought that can be addressed via tuning.

As a whole, I think Wowhead’s twitter post is a nice overview:

The Elemental-Restoration shaman “Farseer” tree still doesn’t seem to add much to these spec’s limited utility. Worst case, they’ll be able to see far (from the bench).


Earthen Communion looks like such a garbage defensive. The best part of Earth Shield is the additional 20% healing and 6% reduced damage from Earthen Harmony. If this talent allowed us to put ES on another party/raid member it’d be worthwhile, otherwise hard pass.

Hydrobubble might be worthwhile if the absorb is decent.

It is really hard to get excited about anything elemental or restoration shaman until we know the direction of the specs since they are a big mess currently.

Honestly, every talent in this tree is not exciting because everything they affect is over used or underpowered.

. Oh wow a talent that reduces cooldowns of elemental summons
oh wait they currently do no damage

. A talent that gives more maelstrom
I currently overcap and just spam lava burst most of the time.

. Another lava burst charge. Hmm I already spam it so what is the point?

. Oh this requires primordial wave. Another 4 talent investment requirement in the spec tree for this to work

I don’t think this is a secret but you need to do a lot of work to make shaman players excited about anything you are working on. Ignoring us the whole of dragonflight an expansion about the elements and incarnates has consequences? Shocking.


U prob can have more than 1 at once. they says ancestor and ancestors so im quite sure u are not limited to only one at the time

I don’t care about my ancestors. I want ELEMENTALS if we’re gonna have a pet like feature. Give me a water elemental for resto so I can pretend to be a Tidesage.


Thinking back to Legion for Shaman and becoming a “Farseer” I remember uniting the elements through an epic quest chain. This doesn’t seem to play into that. I think the ancestors are fine, personally. Speaking from resto - they should do more around the elements or do something more exciting rather than repeat my spells.

I also really dislike the tie into Unleash Life and Nature’s Swiftness. Unleash Life used to be a button I liked to press several expansions ago (but to be fair I haven’t played my shaman until Dragonflight with it being very long since I last healed) - now I feel like it’s just there for the sake of ‘because it always has been’. It has a long CD, and I don’t really feel like it had an impact for pushing it.
Forcing that impact through a hero talent feels band aid-y.

The same goes with Nature’s Swiftness - I feel as though I’ve failed if I need to use that button. Then I have a long CD tied to it which means I can’t rely on it being around, so it becomes this less impactful ability. I almost always choose Nature’s Swiftness last in my toolkit.

I think this can be built upon, but I think the capstone needs a change and the ancients to feel a little more exciting.


I’m hesitant on this. On one hand I enjoy Lava Burst, but on the other: this Season has not been as fun as I hoped.

Being both hard capped on Flame Shock targets and having no reliable way to spread it outside of Surge (2 targets) or Liquid Magma (3 max) is tedious. You set up on a large pull that has 10 targets and something dies before you cast Lava Burst? Hit 5/6 targets and wait for maelstrom to spread FS.

If this is truly the direction Fire talents are going some changes are needed.

  • Uncapping Flame Shock would be a start, but with a CD it’s still tedious to spread.
  • Surge of Power should cause Flame Shock to flare up and spread to all enemies in range or (at the very least) Liquid Magma should be uncapped.
  • Molten Slag from the Tier set has been a nice addition. I would love to see it become baseline or a talent if this is the direction Fire talents are going.

Ancestors sounds interesting, but if it’s just a weaker version of Mirror Image or whatever Monks got in SL then that’s just boring. If they inherited my mastery when casting, maybe it would liven them up. Only because I like the idea of throwing 4 spells in one global on a single target from 80% mastery on me and my Ancestor. Also it’s not clear if you can spawn multiple ancestors at once, some clarity on these talents would go a long way


Going to go against the majority here and say I like Farseer overall thematically. Ancestors and spirits and whatnot are something Blizzard seems to have moved away from, but something that was once reasonably core to Shaman identity. It wins on that.

I also truly love the idea of summoning a spirit akin to the naaru image spell Priests have to help throw out some goodies.

I really dislike it being based on primordial wave.

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Ehhh. As far back as Warcraft 3 the Shaman theme included spirits / ancestors iirc. It was largely moved away from since at least Cata, but the idea of spirits besides elementals was core Shaman identity. Largely based on real life animism.

Even in Wrath, there was at least one quest where a Shaman NPC sends you into a spirit realm to see what’s going on with the Lich King.

My largest issue is the RNG nature of everything.

RNG isnt great for healing.


if you make this proc off of chain lightning and lightning bolt as well as LB, it might be playable in both lightning and fire builds.

Right now I cannot see why you would EVER build lightning with this hero talent set. it’s almost screaming ‘play lava burst or else.’

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Was this tree designed with the current Ele tier in mind? Outside of this current tier being baked into the spec, this hero tree has nearly no interaction.

This has no interaction with AOE.