Feedback: Farseer Shaman

none of this is going to matter if blizzard offers the same level of support, and stops developing as soon as the expansion goes live, like you know…the last 3 expansions


yep, thats why people stop commenting on a post called ‘FEEDBACK : Farseer Shaman’.
None of our feedback matter lol

But this didnt happen the last 3 expansions?

I’m also very disappointed in the visuals from the ancestors. IMO the ghosts from WoD (such as in shadow moon valley or the intro rooms under the dark portal) look better than these ancestors.

yes it did. It began when they scrapped the entire development of the new resource system at the beginning of Shadowlands after nerfing lavasurge procs into the ground. Go check our the old Tiqqle and Barackoshama videos.
Take a look at the twitter history if you can.
Check out the end of shadow lands where they nerfed Storm Ele into the ground and reduced our aoe by 31% from which it has Never recovered and check blizzards response to it, I’ll put their response in quotes for your to read here

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are you smellin’ what I’m sellin’?

I hate pointing a finger at other classes and saying “not fair” I don’t want other classes to fail so i can succeed but watching the ongoing development of those classes while flagging and failing specs seem to just be accepted is frustrating as hell. It also stinks of corporatization “let’s invest our time in success.” so the most played classes get the most development attention, rather than “Take responsibility for our failure.” I.E. our successful shaman population has fallen off a cliff we need to look into that.


Resto literally received a new update/talent after Dragonflight launched.

That contradicts “no development after expansion goes live”

Unless this is some intentional exaggeration I don’t care about.

I dont want other classes to fail either.

I want someone in charge to look at the success of those reworks, and say “clearly we can do this, let’s invest that time into other reworks needing done as well.”

It’s not just Shaman right now that benefit, it’s every potential one in the future.

“overall game health” level of investment.

This comment is for elemental spec. Can’t comment on resto.

Farseer hero talents… right now just aren’t cool. The idea can be cool, but implementation is so lackluster.

Somebody mentioned this before but so far my two favorite community ideas:

Avatar mode - When an ancestor comes out we get some school of spell massively empowered, visuals etc. Likethe Avatar state for that element or school. My personal favorite.

Ancestor upgrades - basically what we have now but … cooler. The ancestors themselves have a much wider spell diversity and agency. Come frequently, some have different elementals they summon, all their attacks count as ours so they are affected by our abilities/stats/etc …

Akston I’m speaking specifically about Elemental, sorry if that was unclear.

Fair. Sorry.

Please lets stop it with Primordial Wave. The Fire vs. Lightening build stuff is to far as is. Why not add something new that isn’t tied to Primordial Wave? Shaman are masters of the elements. Let’s focus on using those elements in a unique way and add a wind range damage ability maybe?

Um, Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning?

My apologies when I say wind I mean like a blast of wind? Maybe a Tornado or a gust that hits for physical damage. Maybe lets get back to totem buffs?

More than 500 posts later and still nothing to see for shamans. Honestly the Farseer tree is a microcosm of the shaman class as a whole. Incredible potential for flavor and unique gameplay, completely squandered in the most baffling way possible. Boring, uninspired design. Weak effects and unsatisfying mechanics, thoughtlessly plopped out in front of us out of mere obligation then left to attract flies while they work on more favored classes. We deserve better.


They need to get through the 47th rework of boomkin, touch up the ret rework, change warrior and mage playstyles, rework demo, and probably add a 19th warlock pet customization (all with their own blue posts) before so much as breathing in shaman’s direction.

A simple “we are looking at this” or “we are planning to X, Y, Z in regards to A, B, C” for shamans would go a long way, but I doubt that communication is coming. One can only hope the delay in hero talents is evidence of some sort of rework (ele/resto mostly), but again - they fail to communicate any of this.


The simple fact that the ancestors just stand there and do nothing unless you do something just shows a lack of attention to detail on the devs’ part. I’d like to think our ancestors aren’t going to stand there and watch us die in a stun without trying to help. Can they not at least give them basic pet AI like our elementals get?

Losing out on procs because you got CCed or have to move is going to be a frequent “feels bad” moment. Too many “feels bad” moments is what causes “reroll/quit” moments.

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I feel like since the spells cast by the ancestors don’t interact with our passives, mastery, or talents, they may as well just cast a generic spirit spell automatically instead of only when we cast.

“Your spells and abilities have a high chance to summon an Ancestral spirit, who casts spirit bolt at enemies or spirit soothe at injured allies every 2 seconds for six seconds. Chance to summon an ancestor decreases greatly with each additional ancestor summoned”

  • Healing spells summon ancestors who heal, damaging spells summon ancestors who damage.

  • Ancestors spawn within 20 yards of you, and if you connect with them, your damage and healing is increased for X seconds and you restore resources.

  • spirit bolt has X% chance to spread flame Shock to an additional target. Spirit soothe has X% chance to spread riptide to an additional target.

  • After X amount of spirit bolts / spirit soothes cast by your ancestors, your next spell is greatly empowered,

Lava burst becomes Spirit burst, becoming instant, dealing elemental damage, and causing all your active flame shocks to erupt for instant damage.

Earth shock becomes Spirit blast, dealing elemental damage, and causing the target to be hit with two additional earth shocks over the next six seconds automatically.

Earthquake becomes spirit vortex, dealing elemental damage, double damage, with a 33% increased radius and centered on your target.

Healing surge becomes spirit surge, healing for 20% more and applying 100% of its healing as a heal over time effect that lasts 12 seconds.

Riptide becomes Uplift spirit, applying a longer lasting heal over time effect that automatically duplicates into allies that come within range, up to three targets.

Healing Wave becomes Spirit Wave, which heals for 30% more, is instant cast, and after three seconds heals an additional ally within range for half its healing.

Chain heal and chain Lightning become spirit harvest, which causes the spell to jump to allies and enemies, not reduce with each jump, and have a 50% larger jump distance. Maximum 10 targets.


I literally brought this up higher up the threat like 2 weeks ago lol. Avatar form Aang from ATLA meets best version of Thrall.

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RIP shaman you were fun back when developers knew how to build you. Now you are a pathetic and disgusting husk of what was once great. I have no feedback to give because this team is incompetent. You will have a very angry shaman player base with pitchforks and torches come the launch of the war within, and I wont be around to watch it unfold. I will instead be playing other classes that actually get love like pally and mage. Peace out!

From a play perspective: Farseer looks really bad, they don’t take any innate action when combat starts, and 8% chance for a 6 second pet that doesn’t do much is also bad. None of the spells they cast interact with anything from the rest of the shaman kit, they don’t generate maelstrom, and maybe the lava bursts crit off the active flame shock, but their ele blast doesn’t give us stats.

From a class fantasy perspective: There might be something to this but as it is its really really bland, wouldn’t we want different icons of shaman lore showing up and doing signature moves and stuff like that?

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If they would transform Elemetal into an ancestor who cast by itself and benefit from all effect on Elemental it could be cool.