Feedback: Farseer Shaman

I am writing this as a raider that has gotten CE on every patch I played and Hall of Fame for 10.0, please don’t make resto a hot trash class that can’t join progression of a raid at the start of an expansion. Buffing the class 5 straight times after Hall of Fame fills up and taking a snapshot of the class near a patch’s end to see it competes with a resto druid does not make it okay.

-Redesign mastery, because wtf is mastery even for when all the damage profile is just 30-second bursts all the time and when wellspring is just non-existent; sure is great to get full use of my mastery for 2 spells before a disc priest finishes his ramp. Our mastery actually don’t interact with any talents or spells, at all.

-Get rid of the 5% mana pool boost. Is that 2 chain heals taking a node’s space??? That’s also taking into a minor regen into account from the larger mana pool. Make the node so that you’ll get increased healing when you’re low on mana or something. Please designer, design something other than our mana pool because you might as well just take out the node if we don’t end the fight on <5% mana. I’d rather take a defensive node rather than 5% mana because lets be honest, there are no defensive nodes in the tree right now.

-Make the ancestors interact with link, because why even have link as a signature spell when its 3 minutes, and can be easily replaced with Aura Mastery. Or frankly, 1 minute personals… For example, every ancestor that expires reduces the cd on link by 5 seconds, or something… If you think reduced cd on link is going to break your bosses, then make it Acendance, healing tide, or I’ll even take Ancestral Guidance

-Redesign the last node completely… You’re going for this “frequent RNG ancestor” thing and you make the ultimate node a 1 minute cd for 1 ancestor? When you’re getting 4 spirits per minute from unleashed life anyways, not even counting the riptide RNG. How is 1 spirit every 1 minute satisfying? And the 10% increased healing every 1 minute is what, increases the HPS by maybe 1.5%? If we’re forced into primordial wave, unleash life, and reduced cd on riptide, it may be worthwhile next expansion, but you might as well just give me a flat “increase healing done by 2%” because I’d sure appreciate the extra GCD.

As an individual, I don’t care about the theme. I don’t care about the playstyle. I don’t care about if its flashy or “signature”. I just want to be viable in a progression setting before yall nerf the raid. Shaman mastery design is so outdated from the current fight profile that in itself is an issue, now you’re buffing our mana pool by 5% because we get 2 more chain heals in a 8 minute fight?

There are so much fun stuff you can do with this class and I freakin love resto shamans, don’t make me reroll for the third expansion in a row because “we just don’t need a resto shaman”.

PS. I don’t care about M+ either. I’d also be fine with putting down 5 healing stream totems when I run Totemic and top the charts while banging my head on my keyboard. At least I’d get a raid spot while being delusional about why I love this class.


And we want more shaman races while y’all are at it. Let us see the totems for other races before y’all throw them at us.


As a Resto Shaman who focuses almost exclusively on M+, I strongly disagree with it being okay. No resto shaman uses UL in m+, and the defensives are super weak for a class with already super weak defensives.


It definitely should work with Undulation & Unleash Life.

I hate how trees are built around a single specific ability that isn’t just given to us at the class core: Primordial Wave. You are assuming every elemental shaman is going to talent into Primordial Wave. This is the core issue with these talent trees, the dev team thinks as a whole that all players pick the same crap talents.


Pasting my idea for a Farseer hero tree. This basically takes the current summoning ancestors theme and turns them from pets that cast spells into rotating buffs. Why would our ancestors mimic our spell casts? They should be granting us wisdom, enhancing our abilities.


Rotating buffs makes for crappy gameplay imo. You end up having to cycle through to get the one you want in a given situation and it turns into a mess. Monk does it with Shaohao’s Lesson and it’s a pita.

Is that just because they aren’t balanced well? My only experience with a system like this is original roll the bones, and the main reason that system sucked was just because the buffs weren’t balanced well and also they were random.

I think there is a way to utilize rotating buffs that makes for smart gameplay using the right spells at the right time. It might be more work to pull off than what blizzard wants to do.

Here’s a suggestion from a top elemental shaman…

“Whenever you healing surge you gain 10% dr for 10 seconds” - work that in somewhere maybe?

Maybe add a Healing Stream totem onto it too? When we drop healing stream, 10% dr…i dunno. Something fun and effective.


Elemental needs less RNG, not more. Enhancement already has proc-juggling gameplay and does it far better. Elemental should be moving away from that, and toward a more stable and planned rotation where they’re not spending more GCDs reacting to procs than executing well on a satisfying flow.


Super agree. The first talent of the Farseer hero tree should give you Primordial Wave or Unleash Life for free or give you a second charge of it if you already have the talent picked.

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Very underwhelming, just hope the ancestors look cool

I’m not saying it’s great but it seems playable. The amount of work to truly fix what the community is asking for requires a complete talent rework. I dont see Blizz doing this. I hope I’m wrong but historically they never do anything big for shamans.

It seems like they roll out the talents they do each expac then fix resto by tuning the numbers. In a perfect world they listen to the community and do a bit of a bigger update for the class. They both could really use it but ele needs it more then resto.

Im not a fan of UL either. Pretty much an extra keybind.

As long as they tie the tree down to Primordial Wave without making it baseline, the spec will be pigeon holed.

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I mean I agree wholeheartedly. Both Ele and Resto - have great spells, and a great base in place - when we have the freedom to spec how we want (it’s the pigeon-holing that makes us feel off). It’s so weird to say but we almost don’t need a rework - we just need freedom again…and then obviously tuning. For example, there’s no reason Maelstrom should be ignored (this is largely a byproduct of the current tier set anyway) - but just saying - it feels weird for Maelstrom to be a figment of our imagination when doing our rotation (as one example)…or using EQ as just a means to launch more instant meatballs. It’s just wrong how our current implementation is.

Primordial Wave just doesnt feel fun to push. As ele, i might feel forced to main another class. Shamans have lonnggggg been overlooked/forgotten about as a whole, but this feels bad.

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I liked chain harvest way better than primordial wave


Just had a bad thought…

Any time that Ele gets the ability to fire off a ton of Lava Bursts in a short window, Lava Burst ends up getting nerfed.

These spirits are forcing a Lava Burst stacking build, similar to what ele has now, assuming it works, are they really going to let Lava Burst hit hard if you can get 4 of them from a single cast?

Same. As a Resto main, I would much prefer to have Chain Harvest over Primordial Wave.


I’ve been playing Elemental Shaman as my main character since BfA, before that I played Balance druid from Vanilla to Cataclysm, and then Legion. I do mid-high M+ dungeons, +20-24, and only do Heroic level raids to get AotC. My criticism and opinions are primarily from an Elemental shaman that does PvE grouped content perspective under the current state of WoW in Dragonflight 10.2.6, and presuming Amirdrassil tier set bonus will not carry over into The War Within.

First I’d like to say that I’m hopeful and intrigued by the Farseer tree, I’m curious to see how our Ancestors interact with our talents and what gameplay we can expect and have a tentative ‘wait and see’ disposition when it comes to spec gameplay changes and additions.

At its base the Fareer tree wants Elemental shamans to cast Primordial wave and Ancestral Swiftness (Sometimes Lava burst) as often as possible to summon an Ancestor and then leverage that 6 second (Sometimes 8 second) window to have them copy as many of our powerful spells as possible.

General observations

  • Out of 11 nodes in the Farseer tree only 6 of them interact or enhance the main theme of the tree; summoning Ancestors. This appears to be extremely low when most trees have 8-10 nodes that interact or enhance the main spell/proc of their respective trees. Keeper of the Grove is in a similar position to Farseer.

  • The nodes that do interact/enhance Ancestors are boring and add little interest to an already bare minimum proc. The only clear thing is that they are low in gameplay interaction, and/or frustratingly based in RNG.

  • The window for skill expression, though while (mostly) planned, appears to be very small; after casting our instant spells to summon an Ancestor, we have to wait for the GCD to end, which means in reality we have ~4.5-5 seconds (Sometimes ~6.5-7 seconds), limiting us to 3 (4-5) spells at most. This means that a mismanagement, simply having to deal with a mechanic would be inordinately punishing as so much output would be loaded into those small windows.

  • The obvious choice for desired spells to be copied are the ones that have the highest numbers. Unfortunately right now Elemental MS spenders are very weak relative to our MS builders, this would lead to a very underwhelming pay off for playing around our Ancestor summons.

  • Deeply Rooted Elements has been a frustration for many Elemental shamans since Legion. Its RNG natures can lead to a feeling of negativity when it takes too long to proc, or procs at the wrong time, rather than joy when it procs at the right time. Having personal performance tied to RNG just feels bad for the player; Routine Communication would introduced a second element of RNG to Elemental shaman, a second thing to be frustrated with and take performance further out of the hands of the player.

  • Do Ancestor spells benefit from Elemental shaman mastery; Overload? Do Ancestor spells generate Maelstrom?

Talent choice implications

  • Nature’s swiftness and Primordial wave are mandatory talents for Farseer. NS is a class tree capstone talent, limiting talent choice.

  • Primordial wave is a psuedo-capstone talent with 3 more talent points as a part of a talent package to enhance the base spell. This severely limits talent choice and talent diversity for Elemental shaman.

  • The Elemental shaman tree is already severely segregated between Lightning and Fire builds, this would just exacerbate it.

  • Tying Ancestors to Primordial wave loads more power into Rolling magma. This is already a very power heavy node, even without the Amirdrassil tier set bonuses, and would only make the Primordial wave package oppressive over other capstone choices.

Talent interactions

Do spells cast by our Ancestors interact with Elemental tree talents?

  • Master of the Elements
  • Surge of power
  • Electrified shocks
  • Windspeaker’s Lava Resurgence
  • Magma Chamber
  • Echoes of the Great Sundering
  • Lightning rod
  • Stormkeeper
  • Elemental Equilibrium
  • Flash of lightning
  • Skybreaker’s Fiery Demise

How these talents do or not interact with Ancestors is very unclear and is the crux of how gameplay impactful Farseer tree could be.

Ancestor spells

  • Do Ancestors cast spells on the same target as the player?
  • Will they choose different target for Flame shock? Do their Flame shocks count to our 6 Flame shock cap?
  • Do Ancestors copy utility spells/totems? Dispels? Purge? Lightning lasso?

Ancestor related nodes

  • Call of the Ancestors

The basis of Farseer. No real criticism, as it’s ambiguous as to what the Ancestors actually do and how powerful they are.

I like the theme behind it, but the gameplay impact is not clear and deliberately made vague; ‘the Ancestor will cast a similar spell’.

  • Latent wisdom, choice 1 of 2

Similar to above. 20% of ??? is difficult to judge.

This feels uninspired, as the strength of Ancestors will be adjusted with baseline tuning. A no interaction node.

  • Ancient Fellowship, choice 2 of 2

An uninspired node with a frustratingly low RNG chance given the presumed low frequency of Ancestor summons.

The choice here comes down to tuning and talent interaction potential. This appears to be a unnecessary node as Ancestors will be tuned up or down.

They are both passive choices with no clear indication between ST, AoE, or cleave preferences. What choice is the player making here?

  • Heed my call, choice 1 of 2

Again, hard to judge the strength of a 33% increase in Ancestor duration.

An uninspired node again, as Ancestor strength will be nuetralised in tuning including duration.

  • Routine Communication, choice 2 of 2

I went over this above; the RNG nature of impactful procs can contribute to frustrating gameplay and remove agency of performance from the player.

This feels like a copy/paste of Deeply Rooted Elements and takes a part of Elemental gameplay that Blizzard has worked to minimise just to reintroduce it. Why?

  • Offering from Beyond

There’s a few problems with this node.

  1. Fire/Storm elemental CDR is a design space that already exists within Surge of Power and Skybreaker’s Fiery demise.
  2. FE/SE are currently both among the weakest of any major cooldown of any DPS spec.

Because of the abundance of CDR, hitting a critical amount of FE/SE CDR forces their impact/damage to be tuned lower, which means that any other source of FE/SE CDR is forced to be significantly less impactful and less interesting.

Again I feel like this node was uninspired and a copy/paste from existing Elemental talent tree choices.

A side note, the Restoration bonus for this is useless, borderline insulting, given the baseline intended frequency of Ancestor summons; 3 per minute.

  • Final calling

Another entirely passive and (superficially) non-interactive node. Again, this feel likes a copy/paste of existing Elemental shaman mechanics in the Amirdrassil tier piece bonus.

Targeting issues aside (Why a nearby target?), the most interesting and exciting part of this node lies in how it interacts with our talents (EotGS, WLR, Lightning Rod, Surge of power), if the player character gets an Elemental Blast stat buff, and if it can Overload.

  • Ancestral Swiftness

Keeping within the theme of copy/paste existing talents/mechanics, this is another node that feels uninspired in its implementation. I can understand and completely agree with the intention to limited button bloat (and spells that both do the same thing), but this is a clumsy attempt that just restricts class tree talent choices, and again would not meaningfully impact gameplay as pooling MS is not hard to do for Elemental shaman; you use it on CD, that’s it.

Non-Ancestor nodes

  • Elemental reverb

This is a small quality of life node that is incredibly uninspired as it already exists in our spec tree in the form of Echo of the Elements. Why isn’t this ‘Lava surge now stacks two times’?

5% Lava burst damage will come out in the wash in damage tuning.

  • Primordial capacity

This is a small quality of life node that is incredibly uninspired as it already exists in our spec tree in the form of Echo of the Elements Swelling Maelstrom, only worse.

This feels like a copy/paste of Expansiveness from the Keeper of the Grove tree, but without considering how each spec uses their respective resource; having an extra 25 MS does not allow us to pool to cast an extra spender, except in one scenario; you can now chain Earthquake+Elemental blast, which only really happens when specced into Echo of the Great Sundering. Super niche.

  • Spiritwalker’s momentum

The effect is too small with almost no measurable impact. There are very very few times, maybe once or twice an expansion, when there is an observable advantage gained between a 15 second SWG and a 19 second SWG.

When compared with other utility/movement Hero talent tree nodes this is sorely lacking in creativity and strength. Super niche, you could remove this talent from the tree and PvE Elemental shaman players would not notice.

  • Nature’s Harmony

Elemental (and Restoration) shaman are two of the squishest specs in WoW, lacking active and passive mitigation that other specs/classes have. When compared with other defensive Hero tree nodes this comes up severely short.

Healing for 25% instead of 20% of max health has little to no impact in survivability. This talent node is just bad. Again, you could remove this from the talent tree and players would not notice.

  • Earthen Communion

Earth shield is currently locked behind Chain heal for Elemental shaman, effectively making it a 2 point talent.

This is a very small quality of life node that is incredibly uninspired as it already exists in our spec tree in the form of Echo of the Elements Swelling Maelstrom Surging shields, only worse only imperceptibly marginally better.

The 3 extra charges are borderline irrelevant as we are still forced to spend a GCD refreshing it, often before it drops off. Again, when compared with other defensive Hero tree nodes this comes up severely short.

  • Maelstrom Supremacy

Another uninspired and non-interactive node. I understand that this might be a tuning knob node for balancing, if that is the intention, why not not tune the strength of Ancestor spells, or their uptime rather than things that have zero interaction with the theme/base of the tree?

Ending thoughts

I think that the current iteration of Farseer is… flat and boring, but it’s hard to really judge as a lot of assumed power is behind how it potentially interacts with Elemental talents and the player character. There isn’t much feedback any of us can give about Farseer because really we just don’t know how it actually works.

Many of the nodes in Farseer are clones that already exist for Elemental shaman, are relatively weak to what other Hero talents gives, and/or are just simply passive and uninspired additions. There’s no meat in Farseer, nothing exciting beyond the initial theme which I think is a tragically missed opportunity.

Thank you for your time,


I’m going to set up two scenarios regarding the Farseer tree for the next couple months for elemental specifically, depending on how ancestors interact with our kit:

  • Ancestor’s spells do interact with our talents and mastery
    This is the “fun” option which would mean planning around ancestor usages have a higher skill-ceiling and can thus result in bigger rewards, as we can set up various kinds of burst moments depending on the situation at hand. This is great!
    I do put fun in quotation marks though, because I expect such interactions to be buggy as hell with not only our own kit (which we will spend the greater amount of TWW beta addressing which means all dev time towards elemental in this tree will be bug fixing and not making it better), but also certain other prominent support dragons (read: re-attributing ancestor damage with aug hooks, this is still an issue with many abilities today in season 3).

  • Ancestor’s spells do not interact with our talents and mastery
    This is the boring option in which case I’d much rather any development time towards this tree be spent on reimagining what an ancestor does. People have brought a few comparisons to Grove Guardian trees, which sound really boring to me, and I’d be a bit disappointed if the entire Farseer tree is just more passive damage on Primordial Wave and Nature’s Swiftness usages.

On a last note I’ll echo what most people are saying about the non-ancestor nodes: They’re boring and/or lackluster, please try again.

Thank you