Feedback: Farseer Shaman

I honestly think Farseer should be scrapped entirely and replaced with something different.

I’ve been a shaman since TBC. I’ve always loved the gameplay fantacy of the Battle-caster healer. Weaving in Flame Shocks and Lava Bursts into my healing rotations was a core feature of the class fantasy. There were two times when this fantasy was realized: BFA where as a Resto you could wear the Elemental Igneous Potential Az-Armor; and in SL season 3 where we had Vesper Totem and Chains of Devastation.

I’m absolutely devastated that our Crossover Hero Talents for Resto+Elemental ended up being a milktoast Riptide spam build!?

Please Devs, I’m begging you, delete Farseer, open an new word doc, type “Master of the Elements” at the top - and go! Our Ele-Resto crossover should buff the talents uniquely shared between those too specs: Lava Surge, Storm Keeper, and Master of the Elements. Use those talents as the build around.