Hello again mr. dev person,
Thank you for addressing the Alliance glaives exploit. Here are some other issues I would like you to work on going into 2019 (in my opinion):
ISSUE #1 - bringing back Ashran as a Q-able 40 man epic battleground
I would definitely like to see this, I had lots of fun in Ashran back during WoD. I don’t care how you do it or what new “win conditions” you add to it (such as X amount of kills, resources, reinforcements, etc), just polish it up a bit/scale everything up to lvl 120 stats and throw it into the mix imo.
The more bgs there are to pick from, the better.
ISSUE #2 - bring back the “block a bg” option
With more and more epic battlegrounds maps being added in the future, I can see a time where there are possibly 5-6 epic battlegrounds on the list. It would be nice if we could “block” 1 bg when we queue while still being eligible for the “bonus battlegrounds” rewards (such as conquest points, goodies bag, etc). For example, I just don’t enjoy Isle of Conquest very much and would probably “block” it (if I had the option) - it has too much PVE for my tastes and rarely lasts longer than 15 minutes.
The return of this “block a bg” feature is even more needed in the little 10/15 man bgs in my opinion, where I seem to “always” get the bg maps I don’t like such as Seething Shore and Battle for Gilneas… but that’s a topic for another time since this thread is about epic bgs/40-mans.
ISSUE #3 - revert the “bosses no longer reset to full health” hotfix change
^ This is a bad change in my opinion, it should be reverted. While I generally dislike Isle of Conquest, a lot of the “excitement factor” came from the fact that either team could “turn it around” at pretty much any point in the match - and the boss reset mechanic was a HUGE part of that.
Nothing is as exhilarating as “barely” saving your team’s boss when he was at like 2-3% health, wiping the enemy team, and then going on to win the match in an “epic” comeback. But now? After this hotfix change? Whichever team is ahead STAYS ahead and a comeback or recovery is pretty much impossible.
Also, I think you guys need to stop with the “hand holding” mechanics in general (which this hotfix change reeks of). Rather than more nerfs or “hand holding” to help out/prop up BAD players, I think the individual players should simply get better themselves. For example, huntards could simply learn to turn off their pet taunts so that the IOC boss doesn’t run out of the room and reset to full.
ISSUE #4 - buff the Alterac Valley bosses to make them more impactful
This is long overdue, especially as the average player’s iLvL/damage output continues to creep up with each new patch. In their current state, both the AV bosses’ health pools seem a little on the low side in my opinion.
Ice Lord seems to have 4.5-5.3 million health the few times I’ve seen him recently. As for Ivus he seems to have between 5.8-6.2 million health from what I’ve seen recently. Even 5 man dungeon bosses in Mythic+ dungeons sometimes have more health than these supposed “raid” bosses… and Mythic+ is 5 man content. I’m sorry, but 4.5-6.2 million health is just not that much in a 40 man setting.
Also, their damage seems kinda low (relatively), and they just don’t seem to hit very hard. I think this needs to change and their damage should actually “match” their large imposing appearance.
Maybe double their health pools and give them say, +30% damage? Just some random numbers off the top of my head. These bosses take a lot of work and team coordination to get out in the first place, so I wouldn’t even mind if they were made a little OP - it might even add to the excitement and “hype” surrounding them.
ISSUE #5 - Alliance players not queuing up for epic bgs
This is an ongoing/annoying issue, I often see the same Alliance players in match after match. This, along with the rather long Horde queue time for epic bgs, tells me that there just aren’t that many Alliance players queuing up for epic battlegrounds. Even most of the Alliance regulars/posters on this forum are not queuing up for epic bgs, I rarely see anyone from these forums in an epic bg.
Is there any way you can “make” these Alliance players queue up for epic bgs?? One idea I’ve floated before is to simply give Ally players a “bribe bag” similar to the one that tanks get for queuing random dungeons. Maybe you can throw 100-200 gold and a few extra marks of honor in this “bribe bag” to entice more Ally players to sign up for epic bgs.
I know people will say “so just queue merc then”, but to be honest I don’t even like mercing - I do it more out of frustration with the long Horde queue times than because I want to. I prefer playing in Horde bgs, but sometimes when the wait time creeps up to 22-25+ minutes I just give up and go talk to the merc mode NPC for some relief.
The 30% Warmode bonus for Ally seems to have succeeded in enticing more Ally to turn on Warmode on the PVE side of things, I imagine you guys could come up with a similar way to “bribe” Ally players into queuing up for epic bgs so my queue times can go down.
ISSUE #6 - getting dropped into losing/already-in-progress bgs
This is much more of an issue on the Alliance side (cough AV cough), but once in a blue moon it happens on the Horde side too. Either way, I hate being added to losing bgs.
Can anything be done about this?? Maybe tweak the matchmaking system to give preference to “fresh” games? I’m not sure what solutions could address this ongoing issue, but one idea I’ve floated on here is giving back-fillers/new people a “grace period” of 30-60 seconds (that starts ticking upon zoning in) during which they can leave the bg without incurring the deserter penalty. I would argue that back-fillers/new people are innocent and had nothing to do with the loss, so they should not be penalized for leaving someone else’s mess.
I’m pretty sure I speak for most players when I say that we all want/prefer a “fresh” battlegrounds match, I’ve never heard of a player that wanted to get dropped into a losing bg.
Anyways, that’s all I had for now. I’m looking forward to messing around in Wintergrasp when that comes out