Feedback: Epic Battlegrounds

Alterac Valley

  • Marshals, Warmasters and Generals need some buffs - it is now common occurrence to kill bosses with towers up, making games end faster and making defense pointless.
    Suggested fix: increase aura given by surviving marshals/warmasters to 100% health/damage each, increase marshal/warmaster health by 50% and increase health and damage of generals by 20%

Thanks for making Ivus and Lok harder to kite. They work much better now. :slight_smile:


  • Towers feel squishy - could health be increased? As the map is so large and there are now less players in the instance than originally, by the time you rez up the tower is already destroyed.
  • Catapult Flame Breath damage could do with a reduction or given a small cooldown, it’s a bit intense at how quickly this spammable AE can deal damage.

Isle of Conquest

  • Health of vehicles seems a bit inconsequential as players have geared up. Can vehicles be given the scaling tech similar to creatures? If not, I think it would be worth increasing all vehicle health by 30%
  • Generals feeling squishy - can we up damage/health?
  • Generals should regenerate health when they are no longer in combat, similar to the behaviour of Ashran bosses. It’s not fun to wipe a team only for the boss to stay there at 20% health until healed up.
  • Still would like generals to be immune to pet taunts - seeing them kill a pet only to be taunted by another or the rezzed pet again, when the team should start taking damage is discouraging for defense

General feedback

  • Isle of Conquest and occasionally Wintergrasp seem to be much shorter on average than Alterac Valley. Wintergrasp seems fine, but Isle of Conquest is over in 15 minutes without fail - it’s very inconsistent with the rest of the maps.
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