Feedback: Druids

I’m honestly just confused why Improved Rejuvenation is even a node in the class tree. No spec other than resto will pretty much ever press Rejuvenation. So why do we need an improved version? Other specs will only pick Rejuvenation to get access Remove Corruption as it is right now. Hell as Resto you’d probably only pick Improved Rejuvenation if you’re going abundance build anyway.


Yeah, seeing them remove all the stuff for Shaman, really highlights how crap all the baseline stuff in the Druid class tree is. All the basic builders and spenders, and core abilities. Awful. I really hope they have been working on this in the background and there is a big reveal soon, because it’s looking pretty dire for Druid.


Adding my voice to this. The Druid tree needs a full rework, but changing these two talents to one pointers will at least make us functional in TWW.

Realistically we only have a couple weeks until prepatch. If we want a Druid tree rework that we have any real chance of giving feedback on it needs to happen imminently.


Because it is easier to nerf the base spell, give us a talent point to bring it back to what it was baseline and then pretend they did something for us. (See Bear Form health)

It is like taking jewelry from your mom to give to her for her birthday so you can say you got her something.


And even the “buffed” Rejuv is completely worthless for non-resto druids, it heals for so little you actually take more damage in the 2 globals out of moonkin form or bear form armor than rejuv will heal up.

It’s outrageous how a heal over time that takes 12+ seconds to kick in is healing for less than 8% HP for non-resto druids.

Druid healing spells for non-resto are horrendously tuned.

Compare to a paladin. Why have these spells if they will be dead spells?

I run cataclysm timewalking and a regrowth is healing 25-30% of my health, far more reasonable. It’s a stationary, interruptible cast with an opportunity cost of a cast time compared to casting an offensive spell.

Meanwhile DK’s and rogues and warriors and DH’s are passively healing up huge chunks of damage because their heals are % HP based, unlike ours, and they’re not subject to dispels, cast interrupts, and are instant.

If heals are not going to be part of the druid utility kit, then remove them off the class tree and baseline them to restoration druids, and give the other druid specs spells/abilities that are actually useful.


Theirs really nothing left to test on the beta for us. Our class has seen minimal changes and no amount of target dummy beating is going to provide anything that hasn’t already been said. Just boycott the class, it’s about all we can do at this point to show we aren’t happy with this class’s direction (or lack thereof)

Just let the class be a dud for s1 and when we get the rework we need we can pick it back up again in s2.


So just like DF huh?


Or you know, instead of doing three iterations on mages, actually spent development time equally on all classes?

There really is no excuse for them treating druids just the same as they did during DF alpha/beta - that is no reaction to feedback at all.


I think it was nice that they continued to give class updates in Dragonflight past launch. The problem though is there’s a massive decrease in players past season 1 of every modern WoW expansion, so most people miss out on it if your class isn’t in a decent place on release.

I mostly only played any real end-game content in DF in season 1 including maining my resto druid, so I missed out on the class changes that came later for Druid and a lot of big changes for Mistweaver as well it seemed like.

Basically yea, our tier sets really were the only thing that carried us all DF. Pretty good indicator that MAYBE the class needs looked at

I’ve said this before but it’s funny that MW, just like druid this DF season, are highly sought after in m+ because of how good our tier set is. However, unlike druid who are losing their tier set altogether and gaining nothing to reconcile the massive power loss, MW are getting their tier set…as a talent…that they can, you know, keep forever

Change keepers of the grove hero power to our 4 piece from this season and make our final capstone hero talent the nourish cleave from treants cause dream petals are literal garbage kthxbye


The problem is that our current tier set allows us to have improvements to our Grove Guardians and obtain a nourish proc.
These two sets are perfect, to be able to deal with unexpected damage and another to sustain healing in which we quickly heal other mechanics.
The only problem I have noticed… was that almost everyone hates the Grove Guardians and therefore the only part of the tier set that could serve to not bother everyone would be Nourish (4p).
Likewise, I hope people are happy since we were nerfed by the Grove Guardians and we lost the power of the tier that empowered them to obtain… “Nothing” new.
As we all know, if you don’t like something, simply don’t take it or ignore it, don’t try to ask for it to be eliminated or made useless because otherwise it will greatly harm a part of the druids.
The same thing happened with Flourish (In S2 which was powerful but hated for making us dependent on a CD)
as well as now that we lost the power of the Grove Guardians (because in S3/S4 it was powerful, earning the hatred of many for not wanting to have support from the trees).
Now we have to suffer with healing life slowly in the Beta (with a very outdated druid concept that no longer fits the burst or spike damage parameters in both raids and M+).

Well, I’m ready for my weekly disappointment session, Blizz.

But since we’re ignored - I’m gonna at least make a weekly post - in the off chance ya’ll actually do read anything we put on here.

Signal Boosting Kitch’s post : Feedback: Druids - #173 by Paoanii-area-52

I know its probably too late for a full rework but - for probably the 10th time on this thread – can we please if we get 2 changes –

1 ) LunarBeam moved up. You guys made the move for Shockwave for Warriors due to their Hero Spec making use of it – but LB Still remains down at the very bottom for Bears?

2 ) Berserk nodes cut down. Having to spend 4 talent points on ONE CD - is ridiculous and it feels extremely bad to dump that many points into one CD.

Class tree

I know others on here have given better suggestions for the Class tree - (See : Feedback: Druids - #542 by Vcainy-stormrage ) only one off the top of my head I can think of is - please move Convoke over there. Its in all 4 Specs and currently for Bear it will sit there dead and useless.

And please take Mighty Bash and Incap Roar off of choice node.


After going over feral tree im mostly happy with it although i think some things should be changed as they are boring or a bit redundant imo.

Firstly consider changing carnivorous instinct from a 2 point talent to a 1 point talent and re adjusting its power. It feels bad not playing 2/2 of this talent and we already have 2 other talents that buff tigers fury.

Lastly one of our capstone talents unbridled swarm is extremely boring and i dont think i have ever seen anybody play it. Consider changing it entirely or reworking swarm so that this is a baseline feature of adaptive swarm.

To be honest alot of our capstone talents while somewhat useful are kind of boring and feel like they should be higher up in the tree besides frenzy and maybe 1 minute convoke.

With alot of other classes getting pvp talents baked into their spec / class tree maybe its time we bring back leader of the pack and change it back to a critical strike buff? Maybe make the infected wounds talent apply our mortal strike so were not locked into a pvp talent 90% of games?

Overall things are looking better than where we currently are but i feel like theres still a few changes that could be made to improve game play and quality of life. Thank you for reading and sorry for the wall of text.


I wonder when Druids will get Two Handed Sword and One handed sword capability.

Kinda miss the duel-wield cat form thingy from legion. Felt OG cool :stuck_out_tongue:

Completely random I know but we have nothing to test nothing changed for us :frowning:


That base tree I made I foresee as a possible resolution for well-rounded druid choices to optimize builds for all 4 specs <3 I hope blizz sees it

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  • Developer’s note: Please note that the entirety of this change will be applied with next week’s 11.0.2 Beta deploy but will be present in this week’s 11.0.0 PTR build.

Druid next week?



Yep. Might as well call it a wrap and just say druids got nothing of count done during another Beta.
Ggs. Glhf.
At least my other classes and specs are looking ok for the start. The druid will be the LW crafter and breadwinner of my warband. The others will do the killing :rofl:

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Nah, it’s referring to this specific change. Otherwise they’re now in the tuning phase - there won’t be any more changes till at least 11.1 PTR.

Hopefully they get around to replacing the entire class design team for 12.0. Otherwise this will never change.

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