Feedback: Dragon Soul PTR testing

Dragon Soul is open for testing on the Cataclysm Classic PTR.

Please see the latest development notes here.

Thank you very much for your feedback!

Why haven’t you said a single word about H++?

Will the new LFR gear be on the Valor Vendor or with H++ items?

Are you putting weapons on H++ vendor from Herioc Rag?

Are you assuming everyone will be farming Firelands the entire t13 phase due to Legendary Staff vs T11 content in which there are a lot of item we cant catch up to with?

When will the Valor Vendor have its basic t13 items?

How comes on the t12 vendor, it’s only teir, trinkets and legendary staff? What about anyone other class or item?

Can we get everything from T11 on the H+ vendor? Come on. Please let us grab every item from it for any alt that will never get into a T11 raid while we’re doing catch up with the other vendors. Just add it. I’m talking Boots, Weapons, EVERYTHING from T11. etc. It’s not like Naxx at all. There is no reason for anyone to go into t11 content. Naxx had titles and other things. Not T11. Hell even T12 has mounts on two bosses outside the legendary staff to get everyone to farm it. So not only gear for easy upgrades in a 25m pug, but mounts. T11 doesnt offer anything. Don’t make us farm one thing to get caught up. firelands is an easy clear for pugging come t13 that t11 doesnt provide



Because they dont want to tell us that they are repeating the infernos.

I doubt they have made a decsion on this as they just announced this change less then 24 hours ago

doubtful even 10man raid groups have 3-4 staffs already 25man groups have more then that.

Framerates on Ultraxion 25 Heroic while in the twilight realm are unplayable

have you tried adjusting your settings?

It’s gonna be +150% health and damage :joy:

So the bosses and mobs will have 250% more health then normal heroic and do 200% more damage? or are you saying blizz is going to increase the hp pool by 50% and the damage by 100% from the first Inferno dungeons?

My guess is that blizz will just double the buff they did for the normal inferno so the bosses will have 200% hp and do 100% more damage. Yay for sponges!!!

FPS drops and horrid performance across the board making this raid not fun. Hopefully just the PTR?

Well, that’s what happens when you let retail players gaslight you into thinking that making things harder by simply cranking up the numbers is good design.

Imagine if blizzard just released each expac without changing anything? Stop releasing the final version of the expac. If they did this for MoP it might retain more players.

Release Phase in its final version of that patch So MV, HoF and ToES
Then phase 2 is final version of ToT patch
Then Phase 3 release the final version of SoO (Mythic difficulty included)

Mythic was them backporting the Warlords system to MoP, and as such was released with 6.0 Warlords pre-patch.

The final version that would appear for classic would be the 5.4.8 version, which was still Flex, 10/25 N/H

That is true but its a difficulty in SoO so adding it would just increase the life span of SoO especially when you consider that the final phase of every expac is over 20 weeks long.

I’m not super sure of this, because the big change in warlords was the re-naming of difficulties.

Heroic got renamed to mythic.
Normal got renamed to heroic.
Flex got renamed to normal.

SoO was also incredibly hugely nerfed when Mythic came out. It was a joke in pre-patch.

It wasn’t just adding the difficulty, it was a stat squish. The game completely changed in WoD pre-patch.

yeah i quit before pre patch got tired of doing SoO didnt come back till WoD launch