Feedback: Death Knights

I’m just starting to get into the hero talents, but one thing I would be interested in seeing is statistics of current live Runeforge use. Right now my guess is Fallen Crusader is pretty much the 95% choice for at least Blood, and probably very high for the other 2 specs.

I’d love to see a rework of some of them to make them more compelling to use. Some of them are just useless like Stoneskin Gargoyle, and others will become less useful as stats scale higher and the value of stats goes down.

Maybe try a little kiss/curse with some of them, making them powerful but have a downside, or try and bring back some old tier set bonus effects in a lesser way.

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Unholy Spec Feedback

The spec is feeling really good to play, one of the BIG issues is that the spec tree has EIGHT 2 point talent nodes where a lot of other classes are having those knocked back to one. Would be fantastic if we could get that happen. Here are some of the other issues I am currently having with the spec.

Festering Scythe
Love the idea of this talent, but its execution feels bad. There will be situations where you will have to stop bursting wounds in order to bank your Festering Scythe for the next AoE situation. This does not feel good to do, it also kind of does the same thing as Vile Contagion, pick one and remove the other IMO.

With the implementation of Festering Scythe and Vile Contagion, I can’t ever see anyone taking this talent. Applying Festering Wounds in AoE is more than taken care of now, so this talent is pretty much dead in the water.

Vile Contagion
I’d ideally remove this in favor of Festering Scythe, we don’t need two abilities doing the same thing. Ideally have Festering Scythe have a fixed cooldown, reduced by bursting wounds. The new Frost Scythe is really nice, just slap that on Festering Scythe.

Death Rot
Please change this, we already have festering wounds that punish us on target swaps, you also throw in a debuff that can take up to 10 GCDs to get up and running. Not to mention if you’re also playing San’layn, its new Incite Terror is a similar ability. Long story short, don’t expect your Unholy DK’s to switch targets, you’ll be losing 10%(15% with San’layn) damage on targets that don’t have Death Rot/Incite Terror on them.

All Will Serve
Any plans on having this be a bit more interesting? The skeletal archer is a bit disappointing. Perhaps have it randomly conjure army of the dead ghouls from spending runes? Would tie in nicely with your new talent Decomposition!


Rider Of The Apocalypse - Mawsworn Meance - Why the 15 second CDR on Unholy Blight ? that leaves a 5 second gap Between Virulent Plague falling off and Unholy Blight coming back up, it feels weird to have to press Outbreak and then 5 seconds later Unholy Blight again.

Edit: When i refer to the 5 second gap it requires you to also have taken “Ebon Fever”


Unholy San’layn Hero Talent Feedback+

Vampiric Strike
Looks cool, but like Scourge Strike, this ability needs some kind of alternating melee animation because it gets old REAL quick. Without damage meters, it feels like this ability would force you into spamming it without wounds so perhaps it could do with some kind Festering Wound interaction whilst active? Perhap it spawns those smaller blood beasts Deathbringer Saurfang has in the ICC fight.

The Essence of the Blood Queen feels really good, unfortunately Death Coil is not procing the random Vampiric Strike from my current testing, but keeping this buff up seems entirely possible. That bonus haste really smooths things out, possibly allowing us to slap some Crit/Mastery where Haste would normally occupy, so that is also nice if that occurs.

Blood-Soaked Ground
I do not like being trapped to the area inside my Death and Decay nor do many players. The tech for a Death and Decay aura already exists with the new Rider of the Apocalypse tree, so why not just give us that also? It would pretty much eliminate every single complaint regarding the need to stand in an immobile patch of stuff.

Infliction of Sorrow
I have not been able to test the first effect of this talent as Death Coil is not activating Vampiric Strike for me currently (have reported the bug in game). The way I read it, if you proc Vampiric Strike, you will need to reapply Virulent Plague in order to maximise the 200% remaining damage portion of the talent, then reapply it immediately after using Vampiric Strike. You could get stuck in an Outbreak->Vamp Strike->Outbreak->Vamp Strike loop if RNG decides to, which would feel very counter-intuitive to the Festering Wounds playstyle the spec revolves around.

I think Infliction of Sorrow when activated outside of Gift of the San’layn should either deal an instant tick of Virulent Plague damage or increase its tick speed temporarily. When under the effects of Gift of the San’layn have it fully consume the disease as it currently does for random Vampiric Strike procs. This would make the Unholy Blight-> Dark Transformation combo really pump as all those reapplied Virulent Plagues from Unholy Blight are going to get detonated each Vampiric Strike.

The Blood is Life
The proc chance on this seems very low. I routinely am unable to have this proc during the duration of **Gift of the San’layn. In fact I just had as of writing this 3 back to back Dark Transformations fail to spawn a single Blood Beast from pure Vampiric Strike spam during each cooldown.

I’d much rather have this trigger everytime you enter Gift of the San’Layn and tune it around that. It is far to RNG right now, and it reminds me of the old Super Shambler from Legion, it would almost always turn up to AoE explode after the pack in question was already dead.

Visceral Regeneration
This talent is going to undo a lot of the balancing work you did for the specialisation in regards to runic power/rune regeneration. The end result is a hell of a lot of Scourge Strike spam and a crap ton more Vampiric Strike spam, I am not sure if my #4 key will be able to hand this for much longer.

Perhaps a non throughput talent could be placed here, perhaps some kind of Cheat Death as this spec is all about vampires and they’re usually pretty damn hard to nail down or maybe Door of Shadows replacing Wraith Walk or something.

Incite Terror
Target switching as an unholy dk is already a tiresome process. You have Festering Wounds and Death Rot making it a dps loss anytime it happens, and with Incite Terror you’re throwing another 5% more shadow damage in the bin anytime you have to switch targets.

These debuffs would be much better served if they were personal buffs on the unholy dk. It is still punishing anytime you are unable to have uptime on a target though.

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Unholy Rider of the Apocalypse Feedback

On A Paler Horse
This talent is probably one of the coolest talents in War Within and I really hope it lets us just cruise around on horseback anywhere. Unfortunately this talent will become dead as soon as flying mounts are unlocked. Also people are already crying about the balancing of this, but I feel that can be easily fixed.

Simply have this talent have normal mounted movespeed outside of combat and when in combat reduce the mounted combat speed to say +20% normal movement speed. Mounted combat in any movie I’ve ever seen only had the horses at full speed during the initial charge, then it was trotting around stabbing people from the lofty heights of horseback.

Death Charge
This talent is crazy good and if On a Paler Horse exists as it currently does, then this will be hard locked anytime you’re doing any content that isn’t open world, and the moment flying mounts are unlocked it will be a permanent selection.

Hopefully this talent can stay as is and On A Paler Horse is looked at so we can decide what would be better depending on situation.

Mawsworn Menance
The cooldown reduction on Unholy Blight will cause it to be desync’d from the rest of our cooldowns. This isn’t ideal. Perhaps having it increase the duration of Unholy Blight and Death and Decay instead?

Overall this spec is pretty cool on the visual front, although very passive in nature which I guess some people will prefer. My only big complaint is the new Deathcharger mounts are a MASSIVE downgrade from the Legion variants, I would really appreciate some Glyphs to have them swappable, also having On A Paler Horse/Death Charge able to choose the mount that you can ride would be FANTASTIC, especially as some races look quite ridiculous on horseback. Other than that, I am very impressed with both Unholy Hero talents, although a bit more kit interaction with RotA would be welcomed IMO.


just taking the time to highlight this again. Our CD’s are 45 secs, 1.5m, and 3m. Except now for unholy blight which is 30. Increase the duration instead.


I’ve really enjoyed both DPS DK specs on beta so far and am very optimistic about where the specs will end up, but wanted to note some issues and recommendations to help make things even better.


  • The middle tier of the spec tree is still bogged down with several very underpowered and/or redundant talents that either add nothing to the tree or clog up pathing.
  • One example of this is Infected Claws, Pestilence, Festering Scyth, and Vile contagion all trying to do the same thing but none fully fulfilling the role. Of those I think Festering Scyth has the best gameplay, but this area needs to be consolidated in some capacity.
  • One recommendation I would have is rolling the functionality of pestilence into Defile in place of the mastery amp, but have the proc chance grow in the same way up to something around a 40% chance at max.
  • Unholy Pact being so far away from both Goulish Frenzy and the other Aoe talents in general is weird. It’s possible this functionality should just be rolled into Ghoulish Frenzy to help justify the 2 point cost, but at minimum it should be connected to the other Dark Transformation talent.
  • Rotten touch not effecting Epidemic is unintuitive and makes the talent very narrow.
  • Improved Coil makes no sense as a 2 point talent unless you get an additional target with the second point.
  • Army of the Dead and Abom should be a choice node unless Abom is intended to be straight up more Powerful than army.

San Layn

  • Vampiric strike feels awesome during Dark Transformation, but the procs outside of that randomly cutting off your diseases does not. (compounded by the proc not currently being visible on beta) Consuming your diseases for a huge burst is not inherently bad, but it would have to happen in a much more controllable way to not be a point of frustration.
  • As fun as it is when everything lines up Blood Beast should probably spawn in a more deterministic way and deal less DMG when it blows up. Right now with Pact of the San Layn the ceiling on what you can do is insane, but it’s wildly inconsistent. Would love to somehow keep the dynamic of storing DMG to blow up later (which is fun) but in a way that won’t 100% have to be nerfed into the ground later


  • Frost Scyth is awesome, but there is currently tension around using it alongside Pillar of Frost specifically with Obliteration. It neither consumes killing machine nor gives you one so it feels bad to use during pillar. Such a high DMG ability should probably feel good to use during cooldowns especially when its dynamic CD means you want to press it immediately whenever it comes up.
  • Small issue, but Obliterate lightning up the same way for Exterminate as it does for Killing Machine can cause a bit of confusion especially during Pillar. Would be cool if the icon changed to exterminate.
  • Long Winter being hard capped at 5 makes it an incredibly boring capstone. Would be vasty more interesting without a cap and lowering the extension to .5 or even .25 seconds
  • Icy Death torrent does incredibly low Damage and also has weird overlap with Arctic Assault. Would love to see this replaced with something more interesting like “your auto attacks now deal 50% of their damage as Frost, this increases to 100% during pillar”

Thanks you for taking the time to read my input and keep up the good work.


Would you change the graphic on Defile so it stops obscuring mechanics ffs. We’ve been complaining about this for nearly a god damn decade


I super do not like playing Sanlayn. It feels like another buff i get to juggle and thatbl is the least fun thing that it could have been. gaming the last gcd of my vamp blood to refresh a buff instead of healing feels terrible. Then the buff stacks fall off bc the damn thing never procs. Its just awful. I would say remake it but I think we are late in the game for that. Undertune it so no one has to play this garbage. Also not fun having vamp blood has a major buff refresher CD instead of a low CD defensive. All in all 0/10 terrible to play counter intuitive trash.


Deathbringer is 9/10 banger hero talent. Feels great to play, love the looks, the scyth, the button press feels good. Only two critisms. I would like more of the whiteblue visuals, mayb dnd? And the choice nodes for defensives are not real choices. The deathpact proc is weak. AMS cast speed reduction is super super weak. Ghoul CD reduction also feels bad. He lives in my limb macro bc i want to think about my summon ghoul as little as possible 30 secs off his cd wont change that.

I don’t understand the logic behind Mawsworn Menace reducing the CD on Unholy Blight.
It effectively functions as a troll node that misaligns Unholy Blight with all your other 45sec CDs.

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For Frost Obliteration, for the health of the spec as a whole, is it possible to move Obliteration back to its own CD and roll Frostreaper/KM rank 2 into that Obliteration CD?

The damage of all abilities that aren’t KM Obliterates currently has to be low due to how much damage the Obliterates inside of Pillar of Frost are doing. If Obliteration were back to being its own CD like it was in Legion, Frost Strike, Howling Blast, etc could all go back to being abilities that deal decent damage and make it so that Obliteration is a damage CD rather than just feeling bad outside of Pillar of Frost.


Reported this bug already, but I’ll list it here. Current bug with unholy allows you to get perma gift of the san’layn by dismissing your pet after you cast dark transformation. Scourge strike stays as vampiric strike until you summon your pet again.

For San’Layn Blood the chance to proc Vamp Strike after Death Strike isn’t working. Has anyone else seen this? Already reported but I wanted to see if I’m missing something.

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The changes are so extreme that it can take an incredibly long time just to get back into a state of participating in basic play. It might be viable to offer players the option of going through a training scenario, assuming such a scenario exists.

Personally; I’ve been sitting around for what feels like close to an hour and I have no idea how to build myself back up or what my rotation will be. I’ve gone from a state of curiosity and excitement to disgust and anger. Reason being; I want to play and I want to play right this instant, but I can’t because I essentially had a massive homework assignment dumped on me with nothing to work from.

And I’m also of the exceedingly strong belief that everything about the game should be taught within the game and that at no point ever, should it be even remotely necessary to even have two brain cells accidently collide and produce the thought of looking up a guide.

I know I’m being ‘extra’ here but I really need to communicate those emotions to drive the point through.

I consider the class to be unplayable due specifically to how much effort is required to get going again. A delay in being able to play as fast as you can snap your finger at the start of a new expansion is potentially a player who’s going to go with a class that can immediately start playing without a fraction of a thought spared, or they’re going to be disheartened and stop playing.


Feedback for Frost from PvE standpoint (long one sorry not sorry)


  • Let’s talk about DnD. Specifically let’s talk about cleaving strikes. Cleaving strikes needs to go or be modified in some way that is not toxic to the death knight to use.
    I understand that we now have a 4 second leeway (woo!) to go in and out now but simply put it is NOT enough. This change that you did is modeled after windwalker/mistweaver’s faeline stomp. Windwalker has had all its interactions with having to stand in it removed. You fire and forget (unless you want a 20% ms buff). Mistweaver remains as live where you have to be in it if you want to proc a reset but you gain all its perks for 8s while outside of it. It feels like we are just playing an expac behind of all the other classes in terms of QoL. Mages complained about Rune of Power for AGES and got it removed. DKs have complained about DnD for the entirety of Dragonflight and all we’re getting is a BANDAID. In order of what I believe should happen: DnD removed & our cleave retooled, DnD kept and its cooldown (maybe even its rune cost…) are both removed, or finally DnD grace period is increased from 4s.


  • The biggest fault of frost is that frost is designed across the board to be demanding of uptime and not having uptime is a massive drop-off compared to other melee specs. Knowing this, you guys decided to add a capstone row that focuses on… auto attacks…
    and you guys also added MORE stacks of icy talons…

  • Icy talons is going to be an issue both in raid and ESPECIALLY in keys. Stacking up to 5 (7 if deathbringer) is going to be especially miserable as your tank waddles his way from the current pack to the next (yes you can try to extend by saving RP for GA’s as you’re running but this is just bad design). SOLUTION: extend the uptime on Icy talons and/or make it drop off stack by stack maybe.

  • Icecap either needs to be a flat CD reduction to pillar or it just needs to be deleted. This is yet another big reason we are uptime dependent. Also as it stands assuming Icecap gets no changes, Mythic plus currently feels HORRIBLE pressing glacial advance as it does not interact with icecap after 2 years… you’ll often find yourself pressing frost strike at the end of a pack to try to make sure your Pillar is up for the beginning of the next


  • Why are 3 of our most used buttons ALL not baseline? at least make SOME baseline?

  • Horn of winter needs to go. The only purpose it serves is to fuel breath uptime degeneracy. Obliterate builds DO NOT TAKE THIS TALENT EVER. (Baseline it and make it a raid buff PLEASE… %crit? haste? mastery? more execute damage?)

  • This one is probably controversial but delete the Frigid Exec/RotF. All it serves is to just fuel us with resources to make us waste RP during oblit and extend breath uptimes. Can tune RE proc % if removing this is too much.

  • Cold Heart has not seen play in ages. It needs to be tuned. It was also much more fun when it was always the last global of your pillar rather than right now where you send one with pillar and one somewhere in between without. Probably sync up the stack rate and pillar’s usage rate (delete icecap).

  • I love chill streak (except for when it kills a mob and doesn’t bounce out…) but I do feel like this entire node and sub node could be removed and nobody would care. We only played this node because of an entire TIERSET.

  • Inexorable is just yet again another oblit modifier that we haven’t taken all of dragonflight IIRC. Could delete this and nobody would bat an eye.

  • Breath changes are getting there in terms of duration but also take that with a grain of salt as gear/stats is not optimized in beta + it’ll get bad again as the expac goes on + we’re not even using AMS on the dummy tests. Breath needs to come down to 16s again as fighting for your life after bad rune resets (we have a lot of rng rune economy) is not fun. Can tone down RE % to make up for the decrease in cost maybe or maybe a breath specific modifier to RE while in breath?

  • FROSTSCYTHE FEELS REALLY GOOD TO USE. I wish it was hasted so we can press it more. I would also not mind this moving up in the tree making it mandatory to take and use in ST.

  • Soul reaper is still awkward to use as frost (maybe make it a RP spender as frost? no cost? I really don’t know how to make it not as awkward)

This is the most complete hero tree. The only issue is IT going to 7 stacks. Deaths bargain needs to be deleted it is useless. Death’s Messenger + Expelling shield needs to be both redesigned they are both useless. Never have I once asked myself “Damn I really needed lichborne 30seconds earlier”. Perhaps remove this choice node and replace it with a movement speed choice node?


  • I heavily dislike rider as it is just another form of rng introduced to frost dk. RNG horses at rng times.

  • Paler Horse is literally a leveling talent and as soon as you can fly it’ll never be used again even for world content for the next 2 years.

  • Horsemen’s aid/pact of the apoc is a node that could not exist and I would not be missing anything.

  • morgrain’s DnD should just bee a reset on DnD/+1 charge no cost in 30s (delete dnd for frost tho thanks). It proccing randomly does not help.

  • mawsworn menace: why is horn getting more CDR? We do not need more resources… Delete this node. Oblit doesn’t use horn and breath abuses this for MORE UPTIME.

  • FWF summoning horsemen is counter intuitive for M+ as you want to press dragon the last global of pillar to do max damage but by then the pack is dead in your typical +10 key. Maybe make this every 90s/180s/300s your next path of frost summons all 4 horses?

Class Tree
I have more thoughts on the class tree but I’ll keep it at this for now:

Abom limb is literally mass grip lite. Firstly, remove the damage on this so we don’t have to take it every single time no matter what. Secondly (this is the one that probably wont happen), if you remove the damage just go the full way and just turn it into mass grip PLEASE.


I didn’t find the gameplay of any of the specs to be that different than what we have on Live. The main changes were freeing up a lot of Talent Points.

after playing with frost and unholy (Rider of the apocalypse, Deathbringer, and San’layn in their respective combinations) there really is some improvement with the cleaving strikes mechanic. Especially with the 10sec cd reduction on d&d, and Morgraine’s d&d. That being said… it is still a trash mechanic, feels clunky and awful. It. Needs. To. Go. Please just trash cleaving strikes, no amount of ‘fixing’ will ever make this dated mechanic feel good.


From what I can see, we have 4 talents that could use spell effects. Having a visual cue when a buff is up or when an attack goes off can be helpful when not overly relying on the buff bar. The following talents are:

Shattering Blade/Shattered Frost: Could use a visual indicating when the shattering happens.

Enduring Strength: This talent could use glow on the character to help indicate when this passive is active.

Festering Scythe: I dont even notice when this attack activates. In the image below, I used the Shadow_LaveLash(1277157) as a potential effect to use.

Commander of the Dead: Since this is a capstone talent, having an aura or a glow on the Monstrosity would be ideal. On the example below, I used the Red(97580) and the PvP_Buff_Rage(111875) effects.

Main feedback I can give in terms of gameplay, [On A Paler Horse] really needs to have a component to it that works in instanced content. Its unneeded effort to switch out of this talent for instanced combat and the times you happen to be indoors. Only thing I can think of is to let the death knight remain mounted indoors at reduced speeds, or allow it to be used in instanced content at reduced run speed while in combat.


Frost Death Knight Feedback

First thing, the two point nodes need to go. Many other class redesigns for War Within are purging the 2 point talent nodes altogether and we should follow suit.

In regards to Hero talents, Deathbringer is bang on point, so much so that I doubt any Frost player would ever touch Rider of the Apocalypse. It is just mechanically and visually impressive whereas Rider of the Apocalypse if you’re not riding the horse (and On A Paler Horse) doesn’t work everywhere then you could be forgiven to even thinking you have a hero tree selected, as all your minions will be on the back end of that boss along with the multitude of minions everyone else has stacked in a big pile.

Killing Machine
Having this convert Obliterate into entirely Frost damage is very problematic, causing it to deal next to nothing when not empowered by Killing Machine.

I’d like to suggest perhaps having Killing Machine cause Obliterate to deal X% of its Physical damage done as Frost damage. Perhaps return the lotto strike feel of Scourge Strike of old where both components could crit independently for chunky damage.

Runic Command
Costing 2 points aside as mentioned above, this talent really needs to do something else it is only useful for Breath of Sindragosa.

Off the top of my head if this made Runic Power spenders either apply some kind of DoT effect based on damage dealt or maybe increasing Runic Power cost and damage by X% it might actually get a look in outside of extending the accursed Breath of Sindragosa playstyle.

Glacial Advance
This ability is very underwhelming, visually and damage wise. The damage can always be fixed, but whenever I press this I feel like I take 10% of my happiness in damage.

In an effort to combat button bloat this should just replace Frost Strike, damage tuned accordingly. We would also love for the animation to be a little more awesome, if you could slap Jaina’s Freezing Blast animation, maybe scaled down a little that would be great.

Pillar of Frost/Icecap
I’ve included both these talents here because they are both problematic.

  1. The Strength scaling based on runes spent from Pillar of Frost incentivizes holding off on using other cooldowns until the very last second of Pillar of Frost and this feels terrible in practice.
  2. Icecap desyncs Pillar of Frost from your other cooldowns and this absolutely sucks when it happens. Even in the gear on the beta I can have this generate a 15+sec gap between Pillar of Frost and Frostwyrms Fury and that will only increase as secondary stats increase.

Solutions for these issues:

  • Pillar of Frost: Reduce cooldown to 45 sec baseline, remove rune Strength scaling and buff baseline Strength or add in a secondary modifier such as Critical Strike/Critical Strike Damage Bonus.
  • Icecap: Critical Strikes dealt during Pillar of Frost activate Remorseless Winter for 2 sec. This duration stacks and you can have up to two Remorseless Winter effects active at once.

This ability is absolutely excellent now and hits so hard you’ll still be using it in single target, so I guess that means knowing when to use it will be part of its learning curve in dungeon pulls/bosses etc. So harm in that! Also there’s no additional complaints I have for it, just wanted to put it out there that this ability is excellent as is.

Cold Heart
I don’t like this being tied to a utility spell, it punishes the DK for using said ability for its intended purpose, you could also accidently root an enemy inside a sanguine pool and really annoying your team.

I think Cold Heart could be replaced with the old Crystalline Weapons from Legion. Have Obliterate crits impale your target with said weapons, that would give Obliterate some Mastery scaling outside of Killing Machine without directly modifying Obliterate itself.

Horn of Winter
Not a single soul on this earth or anywhere else enjoys pressing a button that does nothing that grants resources, especially resources that are not even special or unique.

I’d like to suggest having this function as some kind of Battle Shout group buff for us. I am not sure on what buffs aren’t covered currently but if it did that, our group synergy would go up and thats nice.

Chill Streak
This is a great ability, however it is in a terrible location on the tree and its hard to justify points in picking it up, perhaps once the 2 point nodes are knocked down a point we will have the necessary points remaining to pick it up. I would also like to see its visuals knocked up a few style points, its very hard to see what is happening with it.

Murderous Efficiency
The primary instigator of our Obliterate spam. I am not sure what can be done, but I would really like our damage to not just be an overwhelming amount of Obliterate damage.

Inexorable Assault
If you don’t have a damage meter, you wouldn’t even notice this talent working and it is also another ability tacked onto Obliterate. We have other abilities I swear!

I think the ability should be changed to consuming all available charges on use in addition to also applying RAZORICE per charge. This will allow Two-handed users the ability to possibly use Shattering Blade and its capstone much easier.

Cryogenic Chamber
Cool ability, if it could have a stack count so I can know at a glance that it is no longer absorbing any more Frost Fever damage to better time Remorseless Winter that would be great.

Icy Death Torrent
This seems to heavily favor dual wield over Two-handed weapon users unless it is based on the PPM formula, but even then its an RNG damage proc you have no control over, not very exciting for a Row 9 talent IMO.

This would be far better if it activated off Frost Strike critical strikes instead of being a random chance.

Shattering Blade/Shattered Frost
These are cool, but there needs to be a better way for Two-handed users to get Razorice stacks up faster.

If Unholy Bond allowed main hand weapons (one and two handers) to have an additional rune forge applied to them then this talent is suddenly usable for both types of play. Failing that, my suggestion of having Inexorable Assault also apply Razorice would also be a win on that front.

Will this be a good choice for Frost Strike, hard to say at this point although I hope it will be.

The Long Winter
Two-handed players will probably never see the full extension of Pillar of Frost outside of some very large haste numbers. I asked Chatgpt to run the numbers on it with 5 stacks of Icy Talons granting a 30% attack speed increase on your two hander giving you a swing speed of 2.52, you will need around 87% critical strike chance with a two-hander to see a 17 sec Pillar of Frost routinely.

If the math chatgpt put out is accurate this talent has indeed endured the longest winter, because its dead AF. Even the numbers for dual wielding had it at something like 43% crit chance at 0% haste. You won’t be seeing that kind of secondaries until the end of the expansion usually.

Shattered Frost
Seems pretty good, if the Two-hander functionality for Razorice is addressed, this will be a good choice I think.

Breath of Sindragosa
I don’t like this talent, but I think that mostly draws from the fact that it looks completely stupid. If an actual Frostwyrm turned up to blast my targets, I think I could definitely get on board with this talent. It would make the talent work a bit better as you wouldn’t be punished so heavily for having to run out of range if the dragon flew above breathing minty fresh goodness over your target and nearby foes.