Feedback: Death Knights

Honestly i think 2% crit strike would fit better but yeah. If they fixed shaman, they gotta fix dk. Haste or crit strike at a small 2% value would be enough. No-one cares about grips in m+ enough for dk to be legitimately considered. And needing 1-2 raid fights to have grippable adds is scary for dk’s viability.

Crit is definitely an option but most people would choose Haste over Crit as it has a greater effect on more classes and has bigger overall impact on the raid team.


It does for sure, though I am not entirely sure how much it makes a difference on unless pugging. Most teams once you push will have an aug evoker regardless which already has lust. So it really only helps for pugging below max keys imo.

That being said, 0 tanks have a lust currently. Adding a new one to a tank would be nice. The warrior forums are also asking for it for warriors since warrior also has the utility issue in mythic+ (but does have B shout for a raid spot).

I would much rather they just not give any tanks lust and give DKs a raid buff if I had to choose. I am biased though, I tank so I get spots easy regardless for the most part.

Yeah i mean blood dk having lust would be great and all but if we have to pick and choose i feel like its the dps dks turn to get utility over blood dk, seeing as blood dk gets gorefiends grasp and a way stronger amz over the dps. Lust definitely would be a classwide thing though.

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No doubt, but sadly wouldn’t solve the raid issue. It would help a little in mythic+, but I don’t think it would be as good as most people are thinking.

Yeah. Also would have to mean I’d need to learn lust timings lol

They could also do the opposite to hunter and increase damage in execute against a target though that’d be crap for m+

Its an interesting thought, to be fair, maybe they could tie it into soul reaper somehow to make that ability less terrible lol, doesnt resolve how clunky it feels for all spec.

Still think 3% Haste Raid Wide is the best play here, and just give us hero cause they gave everyone displacement and rez :stuck_out_tongue:

If they want to argue that grip is our defining utility it should be different to all other displacement and always work on even immune mobs. Eg mob immune to RoP but Grip still works etc. Can also argue that grip is less valuable now with the removal of Sanguine, it was useful to pull casters out of that but no longer exists…


Without a doubt. And very easy to add AND something all specs of dk/most other classes would also benefit from.

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id be down with 3% haste or crit strike. we’d need that over lust.


Agreed. I am getting a little greedy here, but what about “Death Presence”

Provides 2% Crit/ haste/Leech at all times, representing each spec.

Though that may be too much haha. Guess we will have to wait and see what blizz does.


probably best not to overstep our boundaries here, there’d probs always be a bis version of that which would make everyone pick haste and therefore unholy. it should be a buff applied by all 3 specs.

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I meant 2% of each regardless of spec. But you are right. I am overstepping lol. I would be totally happy with a 3% haste buff.

yeah thats definitely a bit too much lol

Commenting again to please update our animations/visuals. Things like shell, that have had the same visual for 15+Years really hurts.


yeah a visual overhaul would be great


Unholy has grown on me substantially in m+ testing. Particularly loving San’Layn, and how things are starting to click together.

It feels substantially better without having to press the additional swarm CD now that it’s integrated to DT - although I still think it would be nice if we could reduce the opener by 1 GCD in AoE situations.

Right now it’s looking something like…

Abom > FS > Apoc > FS > Unholy Strength > VC > Maybe Spender Proc? > Defile/DnD > DT > Finally Start Pumping

I think some awkwardness can be avoided with VC. Why does it have an associated RP cost still? Can it be folded into another ability as a passive?

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A raid buff seems essential now, not to downplay the value of grips, which can be vital but only situationally.

I don’t think that lust for DKs makes sense, as there are already four classes bringing lust, and DKs are also one of four classes bringing a brez.

A buff that would be awesome, but also again probably too situational, would be kind of the opposite of roar: a raid-wide Death’s Advance movement cancelation ability could be very cool. This is more in line with roar or rallying cry though, which get brought along with pretty static benefits.

Maybe a +3% crit damage done aura? It doesn’t need to be amazing, it just needs to be better than nothing.

no-one would take us just for this. we need a raidwide buff for damage.

this does nearly nothing for a lot of specs, and disproportionatly effects crit specs that already have crit. crit chance itself would be better at the listed value since it would give everyone a solid value increase.

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this is not true since evoker’s raidbuff is technically not required.

but now that 11/13 classes bring a “required” raidbuff, you might as well go the entire way and give one of said buffs to every class.