Take note, I do understand that this Cross-faction project needs multiple steps to make it the perfect iteration, as Blizzard developers have shared with us, it is about finding where to make the cut. I am still at my current time, sticking with, “A glorified Community”. Of course, it has its PROS and CONS, as well - we are all different. Warriors, Adventurers, Explorers, and more. I have decided to update this post to make it a little easier.
PROS: Currently, the pros are that we can indeed travel around, and fight under the same name, and color. We are able to communicate in guild chat, and officer chats. There is access to the same tools for all with Guild Vendors, which is a big benefit for many, as well as shared access to guild repairs, the Guild Bank, and the calendar. Currently, this serves the best for organized content guilds as you can easier have your roster there.
Too convoluted to invite people making this project unfriendly as social guilds, or towards people wanting not to give out their details to anyone. An issue I experience commonly now, but I circumvent by having an officer on the opposing side to do the invite.
Language should be 1/1 in /s /e /y if you are in the same guild, it is currently not. Communication is key, but it is still not a function in the world.
Unable to commit to cooperative world gameplay due to restrictions. We should be at least able to assist each other in World Content as a guild, other than just doing damage and watching some of our members drop due to not being able to heal or protect them. And when they fall, you may not even bring them up again.
You may not do queued content with guild members if they are not the same faction. We have seen this function with the Mercenary queue system for PvP where a player opts to represent the other faction, and this being able to join their PvP queue - should be doable for PvE too, no?
You may not trade with a guild member in the open world, if they are the opposite faction.
Guild Recruitment tool is now completely seperated according to who is looking, no cross-faction.
You may not become a passenger of another member’s mount if they aren’t same faction.
Unable to view opposite faction guild member’s quest progression.
Unable to share content relevant consumeables (Cauldrons, feasts, etc).
Unable to promote a member of the opposite faction to become Guild Leader.
You cannot invite your alts from the other faction due to lack of recruitment tool. You are currently not able to recruit yourself even with two accounts as, I am guessing here, it might be due to the fact that we cannot have ourselves on Real ID?
Unable to see other’s Garrisons - this is in connection with events for Roleplay.
You cannot add a note or officer’s note on members from the opposing faction.
You cannot see the opposing faction’s note on a member.
You cannot see the opposing faction’s officer note on a member.
((I have updated this post, some points have been merged, and put into a priority list of my opinion. 11th of June, 2023))