Feedback: Colossus Warrior in The War Within

I dont think that will happen. You cant move during it. You will have to have another cancel keybind to cancel it im assuming

Are y’all for real? If it’s shorter and hasted, it won’t feel like “demolish”. It’ll just be a crappier rampage. Like seriously.


If Arms Warriors are going to complain about Colossus this much, can you please swap it with Mountain Thane so Fury can have it?

From a PvP perspective, Fury would really benefit from Demolish’s anti-CC mechanics because we already don’t have access to Bladestorm or Warbanner :pray:

It’s really disappointing to find out that both of Fury’s hero talent trees will feature Thunderclap and Execute - spells we don’t currently value because they don’t mesh with our kit. (We don’t spread Rend, we don’t even want to drop a talent on Thunderclap, Execute doesn’t interact with Enrage/Battle Trance/Slaughterhouse.)

But Demolish just has Fury spec fantasy written all over it :muscle:

Mountain Thane I get, but where is the Blademaster instead of Colossus? The Hero class from WC3.
Instead of Slayer, how about Soldier or Barbarian or Berserker?

Shockwave seems like an odd choice to build a few new talents around. Slam on the other hand. Theres a wasted opportunity.

You could have this tree buff slam, having it end with the capstone turning it into a finishing move that does mad damage. Maybe a multi part attack animation that feels awesome.


I respect the hell out of this.


Or maybe it should work in a similar fashion to Fist of fury where you can move.

Or is this prohibitive to not being able to be pushed/knocked away?

Is this another one of those things where you put a “fake” tradeoff because of fear of this making PVP harder to balance?

Because I don’t see why anyone would care about Colossus warrior being able to move when they use it.
I’m all for them to have fun.

All things aside, thank you for giving some replies on things Kaivax


The best class fantasy for Protection Colossus would be to allow using 2h + shield. This is an ability that we have already had in the game in the form of Gladiator Stance, and ever since the idea of Warriors using a 2h + shield has been a massively popular idea.

I think the Protection/Arms Hero spec would be the perfect way to reintroduce the ability. As a Colossus you’re huge and unstoppable. You can wield the most powerful weapons and still defend against attacks. Your strength and size slow you down, so you have to choose when you want to lash out and start swinging your heavy weapon and when you want to raise your shield and hold a defensive stance.

The chef’s kiss: Have the Colossus sheath their weapon on their shoulder.


I love this idea.

Prot gains the ability to weild 2h+shield and Arms gains increased range on their abilities to go alongside with their increased size.

It really helps players like me that both play prot and arms, prot gains increased stats from 2h weapon, arms gains increased range (to what a rogue can get).


That brings up a good question on what range Demolish will be

I’m fine with it if the payoff is worth it

If only we had CC as a warrior, like some aoe wave that shook peeps or something we could play immediately beforehand

Where was tclap mentioned for slayer? I night have missed it

Honestly if they’re intent on making the rooted portion work Demolish should also have the following instead added to it.

Give it some magical flare, nature damage if you will (hear me out).

3 hits, 2 diagonal slashes that produce a shockwave of air slashes then a vertical overhead slash that creates a shockwave on the ground.
Give it a nice 15~20y range on it and target locks based on your primary target so it’s less likely to whiff.

That or make it also hold your target in place if they’re CCable for the duration of the cast.

P.S. make it hasted.

Give us a hefty damage reduction during the channel or look to the Killing Spree ability for some inspiration.

All the damage a rogue would take while using the Killing Spree ability is instead distributed over 8 seconds after it ends. Taking damage over a period of time is pretty colossus-y imo if we’re concerned about flavor.

There’s even a node that gives us a chance to gain second wind when taking damage.

I mean the Global means we are already losing out on a good chunk of value from our stun damage window, 1.5 secs or less depending on haste, so if this ability is on the GCD it is another L for Demolish.

Talk about how unintuitive a new ability has to be if the only time it can be used in PVP is with another ability on the GCD. That is just the hallmark of a bad ability imo.

Eye beam on the other hand has about a 12 yard range and puts the DH into Metamorphosis for a short while, so even if you have to cut it short you still get a massive benefit AND you dont need to waste your CC to use it.

Post on a main you coward

my main on retail btw for TWCK-benediction


It’s called setup, and you don’t HAVE to use that combo, it just flows nicely.


Would far rather Demolish act as multi-stage (Templar Strike), mobile channel, charge-up, locked-in series of blink-strikes/dash-strikes, or a combination of those…

  • Bladestorm already feels ‘bleh’ at best, and it still allows movement, at least. As this is being sold presently, it may be the main factor deterring people from playing Colossus, no matter the appeal of its motif.

If it must be immobile, then it should at least more granular both in bankability and in allowing for movement, such as by building up to 5 charges (each 20-40% it current suggested eCD) and ideally spending up to all 5 at a time but with little loss for spending 4 at a time and some use cases for optimally spending less for CD-sync, movement, quickly applying flat bonuses, etc. Could even wrap the other stack mechanic into it.

Inb4 Eyebeam comparisons…

  • Eyebeam has range. I can typically pop it from just outside of danger and still hit all I need to hit. Demolish is hard-targeted and, so far as we can tell, melee range.
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taps chin Would a Wake of Ashes style cone be more acceptable (if it isn’t already like that)?

Is it also going to have range like eye beam? As a tank are you going to fix mobs so they stop randomly walking behind me during the channel?

Being rooted in place while I swing my sword doesn’t really sound like something a battle hardened veteran would ever do…

Eye Beam and Fel Devastation are some of my least favorite abilities solely because they root you in place. They look cool and thematic but are functionally pretty disappointing.

At least Mountain Thane looks promising for prot as an alternative.


Demolish talent wrote

Unleash a series of precise and powerful strikes against your target and enemies within 8 yards of it.