Fdk getting hit with more nerfs in PvP is devastating

I understand that fdk is op in pve, but how are you going to nerf it in pvp where it’s weak? That makes no sense!!!


They don’t PvP or even look at the metrics.


Season after season, xpac after xpac, fdk is and will always be trash in pvp. The devs just dont care about how it performs in this part of the game.


I didn’t think anyone played DB in PVP though, so not really sure those nerfs will matter.

They also nerfed glacial by 20%


the only thing u can do is quit playing tbh

after nerfing both dk specs back to back without fail every single tuning cycle, all the while buffing every other class - dk has faded into irrelevance.

before 11.05, dk was already B- B+ tier at best. But now, every other class got buffed while we remained the same, so we are even worse now.

Right now, if feels just like pre rework unholy dk, where you have all this pad dmg but can’t kill unless you have all ur pets and cds out. Nearly impossible to get any pressure rolling unless u have abomb out(AND all your pets magically go the target you want them to hit)

just embarrasing tbh. sub runs out end of the weak and I don’t plan on renewing.


Everything you just said literally happened in DF s1 as well. Definitely bound to happen again. I swear for literally 5+ years pvp in this game has been some sort of sick joke.

As someone who wants pvp to succeed and do well so I can start wanting to play it again, I still don’t see it ever getting better. We have been continuously playing a beta of a game where we pay to be the beta testers.