FBI and CIA: No Evidence of Systemic Harassment at Blizzard

Hell, I heard the SAS was involved…

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Because one of the people involved in said investigation was also an international terrorist known as “the jackal”

BUM BUM BUM!!! (dramatic music)


bring in all the trust me im from the government agencies :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

and this is why they found nothing. like the 2nd post implies if you don’t look into it you didn’t find anything out.

I need some coffee and doughnuts now.

Everyone may get spied on in one way or another, but that doesn’t mean it’s the CIA doing it. The problem is that most of pop culture only knows of the CIA, the FBI, so the CIA is cast as this omnipotent all seeing spy agency with infinite resources.

Oh wow. The FBI and CIA OP??

Wowwee lmao

Imagine trusting the FBI or CIA.
Couldn’t be me.

Didn’t Bobby have documents destroyed? Hard to prove much when you destroyed evidence :joy:

In this case their heads are firmly ensconced in a warm moist zone devoid of light.
One could say that they are full of themselves. :wink:

Um. Maybe your should stop eating the tin foil and just line your windows with it.

Yeah let’s trust the CIA and FBI. Cause they’ve never lied when they stood to make a profit before

How much has Bobby kotick paid them?

Nothing, because they have nothing to do with it.

we need to get seal team draenei involved on this.

CIA? They don’t investigate domestic issues. This makes no sense, plus they’re not a law enforcement agency; they’re an intelligence gathering agency.

The FBI only investigates if there’s an allegation of criminality. Which to my knowledge there was not.

The Dept. of Labor for Cali did investigate and they control the labor laws governing their state. They said there was wrongdoing. Not sure why we would elevate the FBI and CIA over the Dept. of Labor for a state.

Ya know we’re a constitutional republic with federalism right? The state is the ultimate authority on this matter per the 10th amendment.

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Really? I heard it was the A-Team.

psh more like nasa was involved. this has their fingerprints all over it.

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You’re right. The CIA are the ones that gets the country in to wars. The NSA are the ones spying on Americans. I get the CIA and NSA confused sometimes.

OP not telling the entire story here. The DEA and KGB also investigated this and found nothing as well.

MADD, UNICEF & AT&T are still investigating.

How naive can you be? :rofl:

Did you like the Hunger Games movie: Operation Mockingbird? Oh wait… That wasn’t a movie.