THRALL’S BALLS! They’re everywhere!
“(Insert Failure Here) WAS JUST A SETBACK!”
I unironically like “I AM MY SCARS!”
That quote has been around a lot longer than that. Personally, the first time I ever heard it was in 1988 from Lt. Commander Data in a Season 2 episode of TNG. And it’s probably older than that.
If i m going to die , im taking you all with me !
The best line in the entire game was in “Rage of the Firelands” Trailer and was delivered by Aggra to Thrall.
“Take Heart, Go’el. The end is not upon us yet”
The very best one. Sadly Blizzard is not capable to write something like this anymore. Now we only have generic lines about how the darkness this and the darkness this other thing that is so overused it’s kinda cringe and empty.
I love when Sylvanas says “I will never serve!” I don’t get why people don’t like her character background. She has been through a lot and that was her coming to a bold realization.
it’s stupid, but my favourite quote is also the inspiration for the name of my guild: “Me not that kind of orc.”
Be quick about your business
This will always be my favorite: "I remember you… In the mountains… But you… what is this? Where am–"
Every time I hear this line I think “Go home, Thorim, you’re drunk.”
"You spoiled my grand entrance, rat." The Black Knight one shots some butt elf
"Trifling gnome! Your arrogance will be your undoing!" Lord Jaraxxus one shots some gnome
“My son, the very day you were born, the forests whispered the name, Arthas”
Haven’t gotten excitement from this game before or since the time period following hearing that for the first time.
That song is still one of my favorite pieces of WoW music too, can’t think of another piece that so perfectly encapsulated the emotion of it’s material.
“Blood and thunder, champions of the Horde! We fight on this day for our fallen brothers and sisters! Mourn them not for they all died with honor in their hearts! Though we face great conflict, our might combined shall obliterate those who would oppose us! The grave injustices committed against the Horde will be met by an unstoppable force of reckoning!”