Favorite race(s)?

Orc, Nelf, Draenei, Tauren, Worgen, Humans, in that order.

The rest are okay, I guess. I just don’t particularly care about them.

I know it was bad but at least you did something.

Unlike this Guy who sat in a corner through a whole xpax

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Weird thing is I like my Night Elf, but hate the faction leaders (Tyrande needs to go) and the hippy tree-hugging culture :woman_shrugging:

My all-time favourite race (since Warcraft 2) is still Ogres (especially 2 headed ones), just wish Blizzard would make them playable :frowning:


Forsaken for life! Er, wait…

Seriously though, the way WoW handles playable undead is pretty great. We’re not just pale, angsty humans. We’re rotten, physically and morally. Bones sticking out, chunks missing, my Death Knight has no jaw! And best of all is Cannibalism, the greatest racial ability in the game. Tried to defeat me? You failed! And now, you’re lunch!

Everything’s more interesting when it’s undead! Now just keep the writers away from us before they wreck things even more…

Vulpera :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face: :fox_face:

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Vulpera and Tauren

In the warcraft RTS games my favorite was the Night Elves. Their leadership needs to be gutted and replaced by people who have actually been living the last 10k years instead of pretending nothing has changed and hiding away because the world is different.

Forsaken are my first love of the MMO with their lore being the biggest hurdle to me finding my favorite class, Shaman, as I kept trying to make Forsaken and just not enjoying the classes/playstyles they were limited to.

Blood Elves are my current lore favorites. I just enjoy playing them and find it easy to write for them.

Void elves on the alliance
Vulpera on the horde

I see what you did there and it made me laugh, thank you.

Pandaren. They are my favorite race because I feel like they are unique in WoW and Blizzard did a good job with worldbuilding in Pandaria. MoP was my favorite expansion because of it.

I guess close second would be Worgen, and a third would be Draenei, probably. Otherwise I find something to like about every race, except for Night elves. I have had to thoroughly kill any like I had for Night elves because it just led to constant disappointment. They probably would’ve been my favorite, had the last decade and a half not happened.

Kul’tiran first, I love their look and lore. There are many options for RP and back story within the classes available to them. Once blizzard gets their heads out the elves backsides and shares some customizations around they’ll be even better.

Then orc ladies, both regular and Mag’har.

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:beverage_box: :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

-Dark Spear Trolls
-Zandalari Trolls
-Void Elves

Shadowlands was such a waste of potential. It could have been the ultimate fan service expansion. Reuniting with old heroes no longer with us to fight against a cosmic force and defeating it through our united will across generations. Baine could have had a man to man talk with his father Cairne. The final fight against the Jailer could have been everyone showing up to help us fight.


Blood Elf
Night Elf

I was a fan of the space race. Though I was not alive at the time.

Neil Armstrong is a freaking boss. “There’s still some more fuel in there…”

Night Elf.

This is now a mandatory Night Elf post.


Undead is master race for sure

I like Kul Tirans too cuz they big boneded

Not all of 'em are. Have you seen the skinny ones?? I wish we could play those.

My favorite is Void Elf, have 2.
Race i have the most of is draenei, 3 (1 is LF)
Don’t play any dwarfs, gnomes, panda, or vulpera.

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