Favorite races for DK’s

I gotta say that Trolls ( Jungle to be exact) are the best DK race in the game. I dunno, I just love the idea of them.

Taz’dingo! Ya watch out for da voodoo mon!

What are your favorite race for a DK?


I don’t have AR’s for horde done, but Zandalari look so cool! Upright Trolls who actually look like they can carry their weight and intimidating. Other than that, Dark Iron Dwarf :smiley:


From a lore perspective:

Human, Orc, Undead, with connections to Wc2 and Wc3.

Based on animations and general aesthetic:

Tauren, Pandaren


From an intimidation standpoint, and rocking the plate armor, Draenei and Kul Tiran. That and I like the passive mini regen for Kul Tirans


I’m digging the size of the KTs, plus the rarity.


Can’t go wrong with a Pandaren.

Being an adorable killing machine is the best.


Seeing KT a lot and I agree…been copying this Worgen DK into different races on the PTR to check out other races and i’m set on race changing to KT for SL.

They look really good in the Dreadwyrm armour set and are big and well proportioned. Their animations look great as well…IMO their Frost Strike looks the best.

Tauren for Horde also fits well for the same reasons except they don’t look good in helms.

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Blood Elf. Void Elf. Goblin. Worgen. They all fill holes in the DK kit with their racial abilities.


KT males carry 2h weapons in one hand, I can’t get over it, just looks strange to me.

For Horde, orc, no question, on alliance, dwarf.

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Even though my racials suck and most transmogs look terrible, once you find a transmog that works Nightborne look awesome.

And I even gain another keybind cuz I’m not going waste one on arcane pulse!


I think

Horde: Undead, Z Troll, and both Orcs
Alliance: Worgen, Human, both dwarfs

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from a visual perspective? I like taurne or belves.
Animation wise, tauren/human.

Haha yeah but i kind of like it…like they’re so big they can easily carry a 2H in one hand.

Go Vulpera!

You can’t go wrong.

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I plan on race changing to Zandalari


My answer to any class that can be a night elf is always night elf. I enjoy the lore (minus the burning of my favorite alliance city, Darnassus) and shadowmeld as well. I wish the male night elves were better proportioned, but overall I won’t play anything else unless I have no other choice. I’d race change my draenei pally in a heartbeat if night elves could be paladins.


Homogenized? No way, I like the ladies.


Added bonus if you’re into 40k: KT Males in the Necrolord plate set have that Death Guard Plaguemarine vibe going on.


KT necrolord armor looks amazing imo

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