Favorite item to use in WPvP?

Honey pot pie food buff, nothing more irritating than a mobile druid with a passive slow debuff applied on hit.


Emotes for da win!

Flag of Ownership.

Best $100 I ever spent on eBay.


You got robbed my buddy bought ours for 40$ bucks a pop, best 36k gold I ever spent (he wanted 2 jc panther mounts).

The rage this one item inspires is beautiful

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I would say you were the recipient of a very good deal, sir!

I am very selective with how I use it. I never drop it anyone that I engage first (which is rare outside of CTA quests). I almost exclusively use it on someone that starts with me first. Particularly in cases where the opponent has friends or otherwise should have won.


I will if they are KoS (cause only people that have jumped me while I was already fighting), they start doing emotes, or that strafe dance.

Oh and arena, will do it there constantly.

Oh yeah my buddy he bought 3 flags, kept one for himself and traded the other 2 to friends. For trade he wanted the 4 jc mounts from us

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Oh, definitely anyone on my KoS list. Which is comprised of people that ganked me in a group and emote spammers.

I’m glad that I’m not the only one that is annoyed by strafe spammers. I don’t know why, but it seems like rogues do it more than other melee specs. Similar to how many druids constantly spam jump while they moonfire or cast HOTs. Maybe those classes attract ADD kids with a higher frequency?

And in case anyone is going to ask, we’re not talking about strafing while kiting, or jumping to spin quickly. Referring to the constant shimmy back and forth, or the non stop jumping that serves no functional purpose.

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Yeah I don’t why it’s always rogues, now I get DHs that do it a lot too.

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Not gonna lie I strafe spam a lot LOL, and I’m a priest. I do it because it looks funny, if spammed fast enough it freezes whatever character animation you were previously in. For instance if I started a run animation and then strafe spammed, itd look like I was running forward in place but strafing.

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But, it has a purpose. It’s purpose is to annoy you.

And now we are no longer friends! :joy:

Reported for ADD strafing!

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Falling flame

when i had it >.<

I have 3 of those heh. Two in my mailbox, one in my bag.

I haven’t been able to get one to drop since mop

Dam lucky I had 1 but just recently used my last charge gotta get another >.<

I had a rogue that constantly spammed his forward and backward keys in PvP

Idk wtf his problem was, but any time he was fighting someone, just back and forth, back and forth

Drove me crazy, it was so obnoxious.

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As for how often to use it, it has a one minute CD so…

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My macro for it is a wee bit obnoxious, hence me using it on those people that truly deserve it. For example, I was doing the Uldum chores today and the horde gank squads were in full effect. I had some DH follow me on my mount for a solid minute or two thinking he found an easy mark (he outgeared me). After I flew far enough away from the other horde and made sure he had no mobs to leech off of, I landed and pooped on him. He got the flag planted in the ole’ 5-hole…

Depending on which faction I’m playing, here is my macro:

#showtooltip The Flag of Ownership
/targetlastenemy [dead]
/use The Flag of Ownership
/use Orgrimmar Hero’s War Banner
/use Echoes of Rezan
/use Horde’s Might Firework

#showtooltip The Flag of Ownership
/targetlastenemy [dead]
/use The Flag of Ownership
/use Stormwind Champion’s War Banner
/use Echoes of Rezan
/use Lion’s Pride Firework

For those that don’t release, I hit them with the Soul Inhaler and Drust Ritual Knife for some added salt.


In that order for me.