Leveling with 3 friends and doing the dungeons with 4 people.
Or my guild’s first C’thun kill. That was the last time I had fun in pve.
Leveling with 3 friends and doing the dungeons with 4 people.
Or my guild’s first C’thun kill. That was the last time I had fun in pve.
Spent a blissful morning on the shore in the Hinterlands I believe skinning turtles that were actually fairly tough for my growing Druid.
Its a list for me, dawg (Get the reference? haha)
-Going against the recommendations of the totally non-bias Prot Paladin guides, and deciding running Prot Paladin would work… if for no one else ever before, than for me now.
-Waiting until level 12 and soloing Hogger + add all by myself, without dying.
-Discovering you can swap weapons during combat; changing my destiny forever to become a 2h + 1h/shield Paladin tank.
-Killing my first Horde, an Undead Priest who killed our overly-friendly Dwarf Priest heals on the way to BFD. Dancing and /ing along until his rabid dog friends showed up and killed him for being a sweetheart.
-Charging said Horde’s level 60 friend, bubbling through his one-shot, then somehow stunning him despite the level disparity, and being the only one to survive that encounter out of our 5-man team… which I then waited 2 more corpse walks for them to arrive.
-Healing my first dungeon in Scarlet Monastery Library. After our healer left, our DPS warrior offered to swap roles with me if i was willing to heal. Despite me having only +STR/+STA gear & being Prot Spec, we were able to down it 4-man. With no deaths or wipes, and the Mage drowning me in H20 after each pull.
-Having Ravager drop in my first Scarlet Monastery Armory run, winning it over the 2 warriors, and then it procing the first swing i ever took with it.
-Waiting until level 38 to get my Consecration instead of rushing it like the guides encourage you to do. Imo improved judgement is the one to rush, because that -2s is life-or-death when judgement is your only snap threat generation… besides manual target swapping and “juggling” auto attacks to hit each mob in each pack.
-Going into Uldaman at level 38 and because of bis gear from dungeon grind-leveling, self-improvised methods of tanking, and the newly acquired consecration AoE… full clearing it P1 even below level range recommended.
-Learning that Retribution Aura , Blessing of Sanctuary dmg, and consecration CANNOT MISS + being the top DPS on Archades (skull-level @ lvl38) only because he ALWAYS hit/crit me which then activated extra blocks (ReDoubt) which then lead him to take more damage himself trying to damage me.
-Downing Princess after 3 HARD wipes as the result of aggro drop + no taunt. (Preset my buffs giving ONLY the healer Salv, and coordinating the spot where casters would stack thus controlling positioning… saving my mana for the preset location and not in a chicken chase trying to regain aggro from fleeing casters)
-Winning Atali gloves of healing in Sunken Temple in Phase 1… while healing for a group, and when those were THE BEST healing hands IN GAME. While being Prot MS, 2h/DPS “gearspec”, and Holy OS, lol living my best life as Paladin-every role.
-Downing Eraknus in ST without a taunt (a right hard experience in phase 1) and after about 5-6 HARD wipes. Begged for just one more chance from the exhausted group and pulling off that last chance my on-the-spot plan worked. =Eraknus has about a seconds warning before he banishes the highest aggro target (which then wiped the group) and so i keyed my divine shield to the 7 key and when that short window of glowing paws presented itself bubbled right as he cast banish… which reset the mechanic. This allowed a precious “extra-phase” of DPS before he took me out, and with that time we downed the bastard.
-Doing my first full BRD at level 52, and holding aggro over the geared guild DPS who had intended to test, and carry me. Instead having the run go better than it did with our WARRIOR MAIN TANK in BRD. (A level 52 Prot Pally having a smoother run than an MC-geared 60 Warrior MT. Felt like my Paladin had a shot at the Azerothian Dream. Spolier: he did.)
-Getting STOMPED by Butcher in Scholo wiping the aforementioned group convincingly twice, then having the Resto druid swap roles and tank him… crushed my pride and all i did that night was theorycraft how i could down him. The next morning i tried a theory out… and it worked. <3
-Downing Baron and Balnazzar in Strat after crashing on both my first attempt. Going to AH to buy consumes, then downing them both after all-or-nothing combat the following day.
-Dinging level 60, only 4 days after i dinged 50 and without doing a single quest those 10 levels.
-Going to my first UBRS and being ultimatum’d into being a healer, then agreeing just to get some experience… only to have the Warrior Main Tank to arrive notice my name from previous runs and saying HE WOULD FEEL MORE COMFORTABLE IF I TANKED AND HE WAS DPS. <3 <3 <3 (Validation)
-Killing the Orc Shaman from any of times i did. After some world pvp rough-housing with only 1 of me and 5 or so of them, iStalked the horde of cutthroats from beyond the veil of the shadowlands (in spirit form) so when he got done killing a different Alliance, and was left at half hp with no mana… i res’d and went at him foaming at the mouth. No hks as of yet on the books back in P1 but the most “HELL YES!!!” feeling ive felt in wpvp ever before or since on Classic.
-Phase 2 release day + week when I got earn the moniker “Alliance Actionjckson”
-Finding not 1, but 2 Edgemasters Handguards during my Mara solo runs.
-Leveling myself to Thorium Exalted after one of the guilds I was in said it wasn’t worth it.
-Blacksmithing 4 full of Dark Iron sets, first for myself then for guild main tanks for MC/BWL progression.
-Dropping then relearning Blacksmithing to go axesmith. Later crafting eight Nightfalls for Incendiary server. Keeping my first one for myself.
-Wearing my first self-crafted epic set. (Head, Shoulders, Chest, Wrists, Hands, Belt, Legs, Boots, Nightfall epic quality and )
-Parsing epic quality heals and my sole perfect 100 parse when using Nightfall & Nature Resist set in AQ40 on Huruan Phase 5 launch day.
-Winning Blessed Qiraji Bulwark week 3 in AQ40, before any tank in a guild that tried to force me to respec did. And after every week either not being allowed to roll on Elementium Reinforced Bulwark, or being allowed to roll but it not Dropping.
-Soloing the whelps in suppression room, the first time I was allowed to tank it. My aoe and reflective dps enough to end them in short order.
-Outhealing a Holy Main Spec healer in Prot spec [1]. Outhealing all Holy MS healers in Prot Spec [2]. Outhealing all healers be they Priest, Druid, or Paladin in Protection Spec [3]. (Factoring in overhealing so that the utility is authentic)
-Clearing BWL week 1. Having more fire resistance than the Main Tanks and being able to stand side-by-side with them in front of vael. Then not line-of-sighting flamegor, the sole raid member able to withstand over 15 debuffs (with 19 my highest ever). The usefulness of this being having one healer active at all times, on a fight where healers must swap in and out.
-Ranking as the 2nd highest Paladin healer on Incendius server in BWL for Vael by week 3 of BWL launch until nearly the next phase when ZG released.
-ZG release day when I was tanking and doing the most aoe damage on trash fights, to be number 1 aoe dps period.
the journey of becoming a good healer with no experience and getting benediction in phase one
also my first epic drop was edgemasters we all remember our first epics
and downing rag for the first time
Posting #3 on the dps meter for a guild clear of Molten Core. I played a Fury warrior and had to wear some leather pieces to get the requisite +% to hit.
Thus was on Maelstrom in 2006 with The Thundering Legion.
In the following Razorgore kill I spent my DKP on The Untamed Blade and had fun in PvP.
Logging into my 1st rank 13 seeing that warlord title
Deary Diary…
That sounds like a lot of work. I was able to kill Princess while ignoring her entourage. The won’t follow you much past the pumpkin patch.
That way, even if you have to do a corpse run, you still get quest credit.
The day TBC Classic was announced
Got a lot of favorites really, mostly the folks I met and still hang with today.
Some highlights:
Hordies kiting giants into my low level summoners in Azshara and killing them. I mention this to my guild, and my next set of summons were some grand marshals who flagged up and slaughtered the Hordies.
When I look at my logs: https://classic.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/bloodsail-buccaneers/leialoha
When I got my scarab lord mount.
Turning in ~15,000 fish for the war effort.
Server firsts for everything relevant; Full T3; Soulstring for TBC leveling
5 boxing all 5 man content in Classic with my 5 hunters.
Full T1 on all my hunters
Multibox fishing Azshara
Walking into ZG with my 5 fire-spec’d mages and aoe leaving nothing but a smoking crater.
Hardmode Hakkar
Again - the folks I’ve met since I picked up classic. <3