Favorite BG’s Straw Poll


I picked like 90% of them.

Seething Shore not listed in the favorite BG’s poll. All is as it should be. :upside_down_face:


There like 8 I did not pick.

That’s why I put Other I was thinking I might forget a few.

It’s nobody’s* favorite so it’s a good omission.

*If it is someone’s, they are bad and should feel bad.


No seething shore or cooking brawl??? Hard to take this poll seriously :wink:

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The oldies are leading. :+1:

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Yes, I’m glad to see the old ones are doing good.

The poll is messed up. There’s votes for other BGs than Arathi Basin.



Gl with a strawpoll the fun police got me for the last one I did.

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Which poll was yours? I like voting.

The fun police are always up in my business. Ironically, they are no fun at all.

RIP strand, nothing like a 1v1 on the beach

This is by far my favorite BG.

I have done a few and they all been pretty good so far.

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Arathi and AV are the best BGs and anyone voting otherwise is wrong.

This is the hill I will die on.

Yes, I forgot that one too sorry with a name like that, how can we take it seriously. :watermelon:

Nah man, Bdm has managed to sneak in here and corner the forum poll market. It’s established, now whenever I see a thread with any kind of voting going on, I expect it to be Bdm. lol

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AV hasn’t been good since mid vanilla when they nuked all the NPCs and landmines. It used to be a war, not a joke of a pve race.

@ thread:

Best to worst:

  1. AB… Closest to perfection we get in this game. Slight map imbalance favors horde via lm/bs/farm.

  2. Snow…AB. It’s a fun change of pace and reinforces that people actually *gasp make an effort to communicate with one another.

  3. BfG… This is the less fun version of AB. Less fun because it more often than not devolves into a 2-1 match where everyone sits around for 5 minutes knowing the game is over, but has to sit around waiting on the timer to catch up to that fact.

  4. WSG. In vanilla this actually used to be my favorite overall BG. It has fallen down the list because of the tendency for idiots to just refuse to push offense, and expect the flag to just miracle itself back to the base. You cannot return a flag when you don’t have an offense, morons! (yes I’m bitter).

  5. SotA… Putting this bg this high might look like a ringing endorsement of it. It’s not. The map had a critical design flaw regarding Southern GY actively hurting the offensive team. It was also a BG that alliance (for whatever reason) seemingly just couldn’t figure out and lost the majority of the time. Outside of those issues, honestly SotA was an underrated change of pace map.

  6. EotS… this map SHOULD be a lot higher, but suffers from 2 major faults, like SotA, above it. First, the map design flaws… The RBG tileset with flag capture bases, and knockback prevention spikes in mid would be better. Secondly, like SotA above it (albeit reversed faction wise), Horde seem almost comically inept at this battleground. Without those issues, this honestly has the potential to be the #3 map behind AB/SnowAB

  7. Deepwind: I like this map more than most, but it’s still in the lower sections. The largest issue here is cart runner mobility… and a tendency for absolute blowout games

  8. Twin Peaks: Take WSG… Fill it with the same exact morons who don’t go on offense ever in that BG… and add a bunch of water hazards, and a bunch of cliffs for knockbacks/offs, and move the GY’s to midfield so that people spend way more time ramboing around midfield chasing after HKs. It’s a total downgrade from wsg in nearly every conceivable way.

  9. Temple of Kotmogu: The largest issues with this map is it’s zergy, and the map with the highest number of absolute blowout victories I’ve seen (for either side). I mostly just enjoy it for the ready access to beserker zerging things down on my destro lock with saltwater, because the other team is too worried about orbs to interupt/stop me, resulting in 3-5 of them getting globaled. Beyond that, I groan most of the time this bg pops.

  10. Silver Shard Mines: It’s not bad for a change of pace, but I don’t think I’ve once been happy to see it pop… Maybe it’s primarily because the classes I play have poor root/snare defenses.

  11. At a VERY distant last place, we have Seething Shore… I actually AFK out of this BG now more than I’m willing to play it. It’s just awful, and the game design helps highlight all the stupidest, most tunnel visioned, and out right brain damaged tendencies of the random bg players inside of it.

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Eye of the storm

Bump of the day.