Fated Raid Vault rewards

Why is the fated raids Ilvl the original item level for doing the content? I have done normal Castle Nathria and the ilvl of gear showing as vault rewards is less than the Ilvl gear that drops in lfr?

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Most sane people would think this is about the GV you open based on last week’s keys, but it’s becoming apparent the GV is showing S3 capped item levels regardless til next Tuesday

Maybe they’ll hotfix it tomorrow?

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That was from 8/1, not today. They were talking about last week’s rewards.

I noticed this earlier as well. Normal raid clears are showing 252 as a reward. I can pretty much guarantee that it’s just a tooltip bug/oversight. Think the same thing happened last season. You’ll get the correct ilvl in the vault.


Evidently it’s bugged because normal nathria not fated drops ilvl 200. So it showing 252 doesn’t make sense, fated or no, it’s just taking its level from normal sepulcher somehow.

Like I said, you’d think that’s what it means. But it looks like it’s “stuck” in S3 item levels.

As I said maybe it’s just the UI bugged and they can hotfix it. But I’ve been seeing the same thing on Twitch streams all day, so right now it’s anyones guess why the GV is showing S3 item levels. Their explanation on that blue post fits, whether it’s intended or not.

Hoping it’s just a tooltip error - I really don’t need a vault reward that’s worse than the drops themselves.

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Yup, needs to be hotfixed to 278. Otherwise great vault is useless for raiding.

They said last week would award s3 stuff, this week s4. probably just a tooltip bug, there’s a lot of this right now.