Fastest way to 30 from 24

i dont get why tanks dont use prot spec?
isnt that what prot is for?


Im leveling as dps but i get wisps to tank. Apparently you can tank as arms up to level 58

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There is no magic bullet just keep questing. Dungeons if you want.

The only time dungeon grinding is faster is if you have a group of 5 chain running it without stops in between to find new players and all that.

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Because prot is terrible solo. It’s slow to kill anything and you can tank any dungeon up to level 50-55 with a two hander.

I will say, if you’re just grinding dungeons with a dedicated group prot spec is probably better.


Not that easy to just Dungeon grind, you gotta find a dedicated group first because if you go with just randoms they will leave then youll waste time trying to find someone else

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Not sure if this is a serious question or not. There’s a lot of information about it elsewhere, but just to point out that there are a couple of things to consider.

  1. “Prot spec” doesn’t mean that no talents are chosen in other trees. So, even if someone is going with a deep prot build, they will likely be putting points into both Arms and Fury trees as well. So, whether those points should come first or not becomes an interesting question. For those who are convinced that Tactical Mastery is essential for tanking, then that would mean by at level 24 (as the OP claims to be), you would have 15 talent points. You could very well have 11/4/0 at that point, and still be planning a deep prot build.

  2. It’s perfectly viable to tank instances as Arms or Fury. Possibly even better, but that’s contentious, and at least in my opinion, more of a preference.

SFK is pretty easy to get groups for, and not a bad instance to tank. BFD is a little out of the way, and a little harder to get groups for, but I like it also. I’d go tank for a while. SM instances are going to be available pretty soon for you (sort of - around 30~) and those are a lot of fun, with 4 instances a short walk from Undercity or Brill, and 10 or so levels of fun (I think I ran Cath to 44, before going to ZF).

Here’s a Tanking Guide I put together that you might find useful, since you’re ‘trying to learn arms tanking’ - it might be a good starting point.


Sure can!
(as long as you don’t mind being a drain on the healer’s mana, and not having a suitable way to interrupt casters)

I find myself CONSTANTLY picking up the slack from 2h tanks. Advising unknowing warriors to tank with 2h is akin to telling unknowing mages to simply cleave. It breeds ignorance. Keep a decent 1H skilled up along with a decent shield in your pack.

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My one hand and staff are maxed for my level!

Bro just quest until you start getting quests for a dungeon and just run the dungeon once to do all the quests. Once you get into SM stuff spam it until you get all your snazzy gear and go back to questing.


Look at a talent calculator for protection spec on warriors. Mitigation in that tree is actually really bad…you’ll get more mitigation from +5% parry in t1 Arms than +10 defense skill in t1 prot.

+10% armor is probably the best talent in the tree at t2 for early tanking. The rest seems focused on increased threat. At lower levels though, you’re threat is a joke regardless…its better to just use damage in battle stance for threat and switch to a shield only when you are underleveled for the content.

Arms 2h can still easily pummel > switch back for interrupts. If they’re not doing this, I wouldn’t expect them to shield bash(or slam?) With a shield anyways.

Saddest part is that you’ll have 2 rogues in the group and a fury warrior who don’t even have their kick/pummel bound most of the time.

I tanked naxx as arms in vanilla. I was also guild mt and several server firsts tanking in TBC as arms.

Gear = Skill > Spec for warriors in the first 2 expansions.

I would say get someone to powerlevel you through stockades but you are horde so that might be a problem.

Because prot is gimp as hell. Nobody wants their character to be useless and have to log to an alt to get anything done. The difference in mitigation between a fury or arms tank and a prot tank is like 2 to 3%. 0% if you’re an arms/prot or fury/prot hybrid.

Prot is only for min-maxers, pve players, masochists, people who don’t understand the game, or people who just love the sword and board playstyle and want to get the most out of it.

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Sounds like it’s time for you to head to Tarren Mill - that area will carry you for a few levels.

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ABK - Always be killing.

did a dungeon the other day.
the 3 other team members just afked at the door.
4th guy was a continent away…

I went down the road a bit and ground some mobs…
I got half a level waiting on the 4th guy to make his way from one continent to another and fly down…

3 other guys sat there and waited…
Bro. ABK- Always be killing.


prot is for post 50. arms is fine for tanking at this level. OP just try stuff, find out what works, and what doesn’t. only real way to figure it out, and at that level it won’t screw things up if you make big mistakes.


My point is that advising 2H without going into all that detail is akin to telling mages to simply cleave.

Warrior leveling is very slow compared to other classes. Leveling as Prot is doubly as slow. Simple as that.

But you are correct. You just don’t get it.

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THIS is the part that kills me as a healer in Classic. The interrupters who refuse to interrupt. As a restoration shaman in retail (with arguably the best interrupt in the entire game), I cannot abide people who act like that interrupt button isn’t a priority. Nobody gives a rip about your freaking DPS number if everyone’s dead because you let a heal or an AoE go off.

When that shadow bolt volley goes out three times in a row because nobody bothered to kick it…I see red. I have to burn my cooldown for a party heal that never should have been necessary, and if the tank takes a crit to the face later in the fight, that cooldown–which should be there for me to save him–is down, now.

Use your freaking kicks. Mages figured it out. Mages have been the most reliable interrupters in the game, from my own personal experience. They use that counterspell on cooldown every time. Rogues have like a 9-second cooldown, right? It’s super short compared to everyone else’s interrupt. I really want to be group leader and boot out every single rogue who doesn’t interrupt. IT’S THE REASON YOU’RE HERE! Do it.

ROGUES—your kick is why we bring you. USE IT.

If you have an interrupt and it isn’t one of your most accessible and frequently-used keybinds…get out of my dungeon.