[Farstrider Dawnguard] The Everdawn in Hot Pursuit of the Dark vessel

Farstrider Dawnguard:
The Everdawn Departs Sunsail Anchorage

The sun shone brightly as the crew of the Everdawn readied her to depart. A formidable Farstrider cruiser, the golden embellishments of her classic yet modern thalassian design glimered, freshly polished during the week-long layover at Sunsail Anchorage.

Ethan’tolas Everdawn, captain of the vessel that bore his family’s name, stepped out onto the main deck and smiled, watching as his crew worked with diligence and pride. He had donned his Farstrider uniform, for the first time since the ship had dropped anchor, in preparation for the return to duty. As he strode across the deck, he ran his fingers aong the railing, satisfied with the smoothness of the surface.

He made his way to the stairs and up to the bridge, elevated and offering a view of his people, hard at work. Bringing his fingers to his lips, he whistled for his crew’s attention. “Status report.”

Having stopped what they were doing, his faithful crew turned to face him. Sunstriker, Everdawn’s first officer, called up to his captain.

“Ship has been resupplied and cargo secured down below. Crew are at stations and ready to depart. Including our new recruits, sir.”

Everdawn looked about, inspecting his crew.

The new recruits, aspiring Farstrider rangers, warriors and scouts, had enlisted to this voyage to see if a life at sea was part of their journey. They looked nervous, anxious, and perhaps a little queasy already. He wondered how many of them would develop their sea legs, and how many would return to the woods after this trip.

Meanwhile, his regular crew stood confident, resolute and eager for another adventure. Most of them had been with him for years, since they had all found each other following the destruction of their kingdom. His family’s vessel had become their home, and as he worked to protect them, they committed to maintaining the vessel and pledging their full loyalty to their leader.

Alleri’ella Dawnchaser, with her flaming hair, strode up to the captain, taking a spot to his left. She looked down at the crew. “I’m not so sure those recruits are going to make it.” She smirked. “Rest assured, though, I will pray for them.”

Ethan’tolas chuckled. " Just keep that Light of yours on our side and they’ll be just fine."

She smiled in return. “I’ve spoken by words of blessing on the ship and crew. And made sure the sickbay is stocked and ready.”

As they spoke, first officer Sunstriker climbed the stairs and joined them. “I think we’re good to go, Captain.”

“And the repairs to the forward sails?”

“Mister Sunforge says that sail is better than new and should be able to survive any storm in the future.”

“Very good.” Ethan’tolas smiled and took a step forward, placing his hands on the railing before him, marking the edge of the bridge overlooking the main deck.

“Attention, all hands. I hope you’ve enjoyed your time here, and you all got to see family, friends and loved ones. But a sailor’s life is out there, not in the safety of a harbor.” He paused, seeing many of his regular crew nod and smile, while one recruit seemed a little green in the face.

“Today, we set sail for the Broken Isles. It should take us about four days to get there with favorable winds. Our ship has been requested to escort some familiar passengers to their destination, and we will make sure they get there safely. Questions?”

“Did we pack the ale?”

Laughter bellowed at the crew member’s joke. Ethan’tolas looked at Sunstriker, who gave him a confident nod. “Ale packed, and ready for consuming, Captain.”

“Well there you have it, crew.” Ethan’tolas raised his chin slightly. “Release mooring hooks and retract the ropes. Raise the anchor. Mister Duskcrusher,” he aid, turning to his navigator and pilot. “Take the wheel and guide us out.”

“Aye, aye, sir!”

As the crew jumped into action and the Everdawn began to turn, Ethan’tolas beamed with pride. He looked out at the horizon and wondered what adventures awaited them on the Great Sea…


The Everdawn, docked at Astravar Habor, Suramar

The journey from Quel’thalas to Suramar had been rather uneventful, save for the few ships they had sailed by along the established trade route that now existed between both nations. After a few days at sea, the vessel glided into Suramar bay and dropped anchor at Astravar Harbor.

They remained docked for just under two full days, the Everdawn’s crew working with the Sunreavers of Dalaran to load the cargo that was to be delivered to an outpost in Pandaria. This would be the second time in as many years that the ship and crew would ferry the Sunreavers to their destination.

While there was a lot of work to be done, the crew managed to find time to explore the city and visit its markets and taverns. Yet they did not longer, as they seemed to be greeted with mistrust and rudeness by more than one individual.

“Its the Horde,” one shald’orei barman had said. “A lot of folks around here seem to be distrustful of the Horde, and of our leaders for joining it.”

“Since when?” Sunstriker had mingled with shald’orei on more than one occasion over the last few years, since their nation had formed a strong relationship with his own kingdom, influenced by the mariage between the Regent-Lord and their First Arcanist.

“It’s been growing for a bit, now. Not quite sure if anything happened to precipitate it or even cause it, but its become a hot topic and has led to more than one brawl in this very tavern.”

Sunstriker and Sunforge exchanged looks, the former raising his glass. “'Maybe we best finish our wines and head back to the ship.”

Sunstriker nodded, downing his own glass. “Might be best that we’re raising anchor in the morning. Come on, let’s go.”

The two returned to the ship. It seemed most had had experiences like they had, as most of the crew seemed to be lingering onboard instead of enjoying the hospitality of the port and its city. Even the captain seemed to be in, as indicated by the light coming through his cabin window, though his door was shut, and remained that way all evening.

To check out what the Sunreavers are up to, click here: [The Sunreavers] Shadows of Pandaria: Prologue - #250 by Allerièlla-wyrmrest-accord

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The Everdawn in Hot Pursuit of the Dark vessel…

Several leagues off the northern shores of Pandaria, the Farstrider ship Everdawn was in hot pursuit of the enemy’s dark vessel after several days of attacks and evasive maneuvers.

It was not lost on Captain Ethan’tolas Everdawn or his crew that The Sunreavers had been left behind on the Isle of Thunder. They had disembarked when the enemy shadow-casters had both attacked the shore and boarded the Everdawn. It had happened so quickly that they had transported themselves off the ship without their supplies, mounts or even some of their armor. Ethan’tolas remained hopeful the skilled KirinTor unit had not only survived their battle but had vanquished the enemy and were either waiting to be picked up or had opened a portal back to Dalaran.

The situation at sea, however, had not been won. Not yet.

Over the last several days, the shadow-casters had employed cunning tactics to evade their pursuers. At first, they conjured thick blankets of fog, summoned by their dark magic, to cloak their movements and slip away into the mist. The Everdawn, relying on keen Farstrider senses and enchanted navigational tools, struggled to navigate the treacherous waters obscured by the impenetrable veil.

Undeterred, Ethan’tolas instructed his crew to deploy magical wards to dispel the fog and reveal the enemy ship’s position. But the shadow-casters were resourceful, employing illusions to create decoy images of their vessel, leading the Farstriders on wild goose chases through the swirling mist.

As the chase continued, the shadow-casters unleashed elemental forces upon the elven ship, conjuring fierce storms and powerful currents to disrupt their pursuit. Through each tempest, the elven crew fought valiantly to keep their ship afloat and maintain their course, but the relentless onslaught of nature’s fury threatened to dash their hopes of capturing their elusive quarry.

Yet, despite the numerous obstacles and challenges they faced, the elven military ship pressed on, fuelled by their unwavering determination to bring the assailants to justice.

With each passing day, they drew closer to their elusive prey, their resolve unshaken by the trials they endured. And as the sun dipped below the horizon on the fifth day of the pursuit, the elven crew spotted a glimmer of hope on the distant horizon—the shadow-casters’ vessel, cornered and outmaneuvered at last, its dark sails silhouetted against the fading light of day, nestled between treacherous rocks off the coastline of Kun Lai Summit.

To be continued…

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