
Hey fellas, I really hope you have a mage spot for raids still open? love your guild’s profile. I quit raiding at the end of vanilla (for the most part) and focused completely on pvp until I quit at the beginning of MoP. Doing both at end game in classic is a must for me. So, is there a mage spot for raiding still available? thanks


Always glad to have more of you little atom bombs. Come pester us on Discord.

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will do. thanks for the reply.

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I have such fond memories of DAOC. The PvP system, huge roster of classes, so much to love about it. If Classic WoW and DAOC had a baby, it would be the most beautiful MMO ever.

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Guilds are really starting to round out their rosters and make firm plans—now is the time to get affiliated and secure your place for launch day. Understand some aren’t ready to commit, but if you’ve seen this bumped and have an interest in what we do, then come drop by the discord and see what you think


I joined a couple days ago. From their discord it is evident they are organized, focused, and most importantly, just a friendly group (if you are rolling Alliance lol). I’m really looking forward to the city raids with these guys…going to be a blast!


We like you too :avocado:


Classic is getting closer!!! We are still looking for pvpers, and still have a lot of space on the bench for raid interested peoples! Guildies are starting to lay out their plans and lvling groups are forming- perfect time to hop in and see what’s up :slight_smile:


Twenty :clap: Five :clap: Days :clap:

Hurricane hype train is running full steam ahead.

le toot :monorail::dash:

…well it’s a short train, but it’s got moxie.


Like most, I’ll be choosing my race/gender based on whoever has the best /train emote


Gnome male, it is.

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Recruitment is wide open! We’ve got a lot, and are hungry for more. Come see.


Hmm, new forum upgrade. We must be getting close to launch or something.

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Thank goodness. Now if they’d give me god damn trust level 3 so I can post my guild emblem and banners, that’d be swell.

Listen, Blizzard CS. I know we’ve had some moments. I know I’ve been temporarily banned for, like, 8 different things. None of them relate to naughty pictures. I’m cool for that. I swear.

Plus, guild master? Hello! Got to man the thread. If you haven’t noticed, I’ve been straight-edge since I started doing this. Can’t afford to be otherwise.


Are you guys full on spots ? Looking to roll mage or warlock, raided and did some pvp from bc to wod. Looking for that sense of friends and community again :slight_smile:

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Come on in! We have room for exactly one more warlock.

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Hello, I like what I’m reading and would like to join. I’m making a gnome lock and took off that whole first week. I enjoy pvp and pve.

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Unbelievable. I step away for 20 minutes and like 5 locks dogpile us on Discord. Hopefully that includes the two of you. If it doesn’t, my apologies. Our raiding group is FULL…

… I will take EXACTLY 1 RESTO DRUID, though. We really should have two in our pool.

As always, any class that wants to join for PVP is welcome.

If you want to join and bench yourself, praying someone gives falls on the road to Molten Core (likely), that’s fine too. Can always jump guilds if you find a better option. I’m not the territorial type until people are geared out, so if you play well, I’ll write you a recommendation.


I did hop on the discord server but didn’t post anything there. I’d like to join anyway and see if I can outperform someone for a raid spot.

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Look at all these new warlocks—summon please.

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