Thanks guys! Having a great time so far.
We invited you to the fun layer
Just finished up the movie for this week. Great acting, dialogue-heavy, ended up spacing out here and there.
Welcome Choopy!
Finally looks like we’ll have enough mages. Maybe a couple more, because they’re hard to beat in zerg vs zerg. Where the rogues at, though? A whopping three have signed on to PVE raid.
How on earth a guild with such focus on wPVP is short on rogues is beyond me. I plan on spending a huge chunk of time just protecting those out leveling or farming in the world
This week’s selection was for Sofisticated Film Connoisoors.
Maybe blood, guts, and violence next time.
We like it all.
i like happy movies
Welcome, Tharanis! That’ll about do it for hunters. Four is more than enough, for PvE purposes.
Every day that we make plans to wreck havoc, level as teams, and setup support systems w/in the guild makes me more excited for that launch week to get here. Come say hi before you get sucked into a lesser alternative
This Friday’s movie is Perrier’s Bounty - An Irish action-comedy gangster flick.
Some of us, tortured by the wait, are also amusing themselves with, uh, a sneak preview of Classic.
Movie night should be kicking off in about a half hour, come drop in and say hi, and then maybe we can grind some murlocs after
And welcome, Remix! Always glad to have another mage, for the choke-point massacres that happen in Thrall’s room. PvE raid could use another warrior or two.
Our raid times have been finalized.
7-10 PM CST on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, with additional unscheduled PVP raids on weekends, as interest and availability allows.
We are considering a second PVE raid group at this time. If this happens, it will not be a B-team, as I will be investing as much of my personal time as necessary to ensure it succeeds.
Welcome to our newest members. Looking forward to playing and chatting with you as we countdown the next 56 days, 21 hours
Welcome Greasy, Magellan and HD!
One well liked member had to step aside from a permanent PVE raid slot, after the times were finalized. But they’ll be getting DKP from city raids, and the opportunity to rotate in now and again, for a few choice drops.
I’ve decided to increase the roster size to 45, possibly 50, to compensate for the people who drop on the road to 60, and give us a small bench to work with for when people can’t make it.
Still looking for more good members! Love PvP and only wanna PvE for gear? Great, us too! Don’t want to PvE at all? You’ll find a home here, too. Want to relive the fun organized WPvP you enjoyed when you were younger? We’ll be doing that too. Come join us in Discord and feel free to ask anything!
And, also welcome DrSpotz, Wiredreflexes and Stein!
It’s a good thing I’m getting my recruitment out of the way well before launch, because with RCR confirmed to be back in in Classic, trying to recruit in public channels is going to get people lit up. And I mean that in the shot to pieces sense, not the fam sense, my zooms.
Welcome to all of the new members! Glad to see so many engaged members all coming back for Classic, going to be a great crew