Farewell, WoW. It's Been Fun, Abusive, Funny, Abusive, and I'm Gone:

That pretty much sums it up. If only the devs were open to critical analysis of their work. Their egos have definitely gotten in the way of their product.


I didn’t buy it either it was a Christmas gift from my brother so it is ok .

I heard thru the grapevine that the devs were completely shocked at the success of Classic WoW. They thought in no world would people want to play it. And they are still in disbelief about it. They are a stubborn band of insular fools. The last people standing in a company of yes men. Degenerates.

Their clueless, rudderless ego’s run amok. I want them to know this. The extent to which you are surprised that Classic WoW is a success, is precisely the extent to which you are out of touch with reality. It’s precisely the extent to which you are an imbecile who doesn’t deserve to work on WoW.

Classic WoW is the only reason people have given you so much support for so long. It’s only ever been their hope to see WoW be designed as a real MMORPG again, and continue that outstanding vison gifted to you by the superior game designers of Classic.


It is why I have prealpha testers for my Ttrpg I am writing. They have played for years and give feedback I listen to.


54 actually because I haven’t relogged.

I’m in the final stretch of AoE grinding and the mob competition is pretty wild despite people saying Classic being “dead”, Usually trying to get 10% xp everyday so I don’t burn myself out between that and playing Overwatch and some other games I grabbed on the Steam Sale; oh and also Old School Runescape.

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Newwwwwp. Not so.


Demonology an BM became viable. Shadow priests. Boom chickens.


Yea I remember specifically parking my mage outside of tempest keep just to buff people. I’ll buff and login to my paladin (this one actually).

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And ret paladins were “auto-attack-judge” until the Wrath pre-patch when they became stupidly OP. I had one for an alt. My resto-geared shaman killed stuff better than the paladin did for most of BC.

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Seal dancing with seal of blood was the top DPS that expac. Add in windfury and great times.

As for mage - my cousin killed it in raiding as fire.


This, so much this. It is the exact “blizzard culture” that exists right now, and I am guessing that it is around this time that Ions reign began (I think he was lead something then became GD.)
He seems to have this elitest /holy than thou /i know what is fun and you don’t mindset. He is not receptive to change feedback or differing opinions.

The game has gone downhill from WoD and the flying fiasco. TBH I am sticking it out through gritted teeth (only barely) hoping and praying they get a new GD soon to breathe fresh life in to the game, and by that I mean listen to what is actually wanted from the community as a whole and not just one elitest mog/pet/mount/fun hating GD.


Sorry to see ya go. I have to agree with a lot of the sentiments you’ve shared though. I feel this dev team are the worst stewards for the digital world we share.

I feel like everything that has been done from the start of Legion until today… it has been an effort to extend the time played metric but doing so as cheaply as possible. They have increased the ways they are trying to extend it using different tricks and they have cut back on the costs to do so. The number of different currencies they’ve applied and the time-gated quests and chores… it’s all adding up. Systemlands was the joke and will be until the next expansion.


This is a spot-on post. Spot. On.

Everyone has their breaking point - it’s unfortunate you’ve gotten to yours, but it’s understandable, considering your reasons jotted down here.

Have fun in your other games and endeavors!


This is the only part I find unbelievable. I didn’t think WRA folks had a sense of humor.


All jokes aside, I can relate. And all I can say is good luck to you in your future endeavors. This is not the WoW I experienced in my 20s.


I like the part where legion gets a pass cause they fixed legendaries in the last patch of the xpac but doing some renown side objectives to catch up is a death sentence of never catching back up in SL


Well then you were a terrible player. Ret did fine dps, was a good tank, and excellent healer.

Whoever said mages buff people, is laughable. A mage we had was top dps on just about every raid we did that xpac, save for glaive rogues/warriors. My guild was a top 5 world guild.

If you think mages were trash tier, you never actually raided in BC.


Thinking about another MMO, Synore?

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Didn’t you hear? Every game is only good if it’s super difficult and has a competitive ladder that allows people to show how special a snowflake they are.

Gaming in 2020. Dark Souls syndrome.

Great game, but it didn’t try to hide what it was.


Yea I actually canceled today. After I saw torghast had missing powers because incomplete work. And how awful new twisting corridors is being so time consuming. Then the awful lag in zones all day. I was like meh that’s the final nail in the coffin for me. Sub done end of Jan.


Lol, splitting your potential customer base because of anything related to how people view the world.

Money is money. People will be paying me for a game, not my political beliefs - and I intend to provide service equally for anyone. I fully intend to do business as my company and keep my own, personal and private beliefs away from the company without listing anything related to myself in it. Sole proprietor and owner and it only costs a little bit extra to do business under your company name without associating your real name with it.

IF any, big if. Ashes of Creation and Pantheon are my last two hopes.